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JW Broadcast - November 2023

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2 hours ago, Luisabola said:

I feel like the ministry has been completely overhauled.


I don't know. That's more or less the way we always have (or should have) done service. We had a suggested theme and scripture, but we have always been encouraged to adapt our presentation depending on the person.


I remember when I first went to pioneer school, like thirty years ago, we prepared several subjects, each one with a different scripture: one for young people, one for women, one for men, one for the elderly and so on. We had excellent results using those, rather than the same question and scripture for everyone.


Maybe it could be said that all publishers will be receiving now the training that pioneers received until now. :)

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Jehovah knows how we are created. We are creatures happier in routines and some panic at changes more than others.

He kindly and gradually introduces us to the changes subtly over time.Jehovah only expects what we can give not what we cannot give, so we do our best with what abilities we have.


I remember  it was announced for our midweek meeting demonstrations that we didn't need to stick rigidly to the presentation outline, it was even saying we need not use the suggested scripture or 'toolbox tool' if we felt that it was not as relevant as another for those in our territory. The words 'having a conversation' were starting to replace 'presentation', especially by the Circuit Overseers.


Then we have been prepared with small step by step Watchtower study articles - that now visually more resemble the lessons in the ELF  book to get us to realise more and more to try to apply what we are learning, just like we expect new bIble students to do with their ELF lessons. These articles have so much practical advice and good appreciative reasoning to get us moving onwards - even articles  about being patient with ourselves with the moving forwards.


Also, more emphasis on doing everything we do out of love for Jehovah rather than comparing ourselves to average hourly requirements and then there was a step onwards by making the hourly requirements ever more flexible, so many more could share and feel part of the organisation's work - whatever they could do. Letters were blended with ministry and other forms of witnessing and using our different media/videos, to be more inclusive with the less abled and less abled to express themselves. 


It is a wonderful thing we are doing, unlike any other organisation in the World. It may seem like a big overhaul, but it will continue to be brought to us with little steps and lots of support over many months and we won't be just starting it all in January. We will get more talks and information to think on and practice with as we go on improving, just flow the best you can with it - you will blend old with new until 'new' is easier and support each other verbally in pairs on the ministry more as well.

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2 hours ago, TheKid23 said:

Je ne me soucie pas trop de ce que je dois dire, tout comme le changement d'une personne autiste peut être très difficile pour moi. 

il me faut souvent plus de temps pour traiter et m'adapter aux changements, et nous avons eu beaucoup de changements récemment, donc j'ai beaucoup de choses auxquelles m'habituer. 

le changement dans ma routine est généralement le pire et maintenant les réunions en milieu de semaine changent, c'est quelque chose de nouveau auquel je dois m'habituer - ce qui prendra probablement un certain temps. 

Je sais que beaucoup de personnes neurotypiques ont également du mal à faire face au changement, mais pour une personne autiste (ou toute personne neurodivergente), cela peut être vraiment déstabilisant et stressant. 

@TheKid23Don't worry, little Sister. You are apprehensive, this is normal given what you say about your personal situation, I am convinced that everything will be fine. I remembered a sentence in the program, which crossed my heart through the four cardinal points. We know  Jehovah loves us, we can measure it, even imperfectly, when we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. But I don't know why, when Brother Fleegle explained 'how' Jehovah loved us, 'with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, with all his strength,' as he asks us to love him , it turned my heart's brain upside down, but in the most beautiful way. This being said, to each particular case that we are, Jehovah will adapt, and so will we, while following the instructions. What a wonderful change in our ministry! It is a real challenge but with his strength, his love, his thoughts, his heart Jehovah will accompany us ❤️♥️❤️

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3 minutes ago, retroHelen said:

Jéhovah sait comment nous sommes créés. Nous sommes des créatures plus heureuses dans les routines et certains paniquent plus que d’autres face aux changements.

Il nous présente gentiment et progressivement les changements subtils au fil du temps. Jéhovah attend seulement ce que nous pouvons donner, pas ce que nous ne pouvons pas donner, nous faisons donc de notre mieux avec les capacités dont nous disposons.


Je me souviens qu'il avait été annoncé lors de nos démonstrations lors de nos réunions de milieu de semaine que nous n'avions pas besoin de nous en tenir strictement au plan de la présentation, il était même dit que nous n'avions pas besoin d'utiliser l'Écriture suggérée ou la « boîte à outils » si nous estimions que ce n'était pas aussi pertinent que un autre pour ceux de notre territoire. Les mots « avoir une conversation » commençaient à remplacer « présentation », en particulier par les surveillants de circonscription.


Ensuite, nous avons été préparés avec de petits articles d'étude étape par étape sur la Watchtower - qui ressemblent maintenant visuellement davantage aux leçons du livre ELF pour nous amener à réaliser de plus en plus d'essayer d'appliquer ce que nous apprenons, tout comme nous attendons des nouveaux étudiants de la Bible qu'ils le fassent. faire avec leurs cours d'ELF. Ces articles contiennent de nombreux conseils pratiques et de bons raisonnements appréciatifs pour nous faire avancer - même des articles sur la patience envers nous-mêmes pour aller de l'avant.


En outre, nous avons mis davantage l'accent sur tout ce que nous faisons par amour pour Jéhovah plutôt que de nous comparer aux exigences horaires moyennes, puis nous avons fait un pas en avant en rendant les exigences horaires toujours plus flexibles, afin que beaucoup plus puissent partager et se sentir partie prenante du travail de l'organisation. - tout ce qu'ils pouvaient faire. Les lettres ont été mélangées au ministère et à d'autres formes de témoignage et à l'utilisation de nos différents médias/vidéos, pour être plus inclusifs avec les moins capables et les moins capables de s'exprimer. 


C’est une chose merveilleuse que nous faisons, contrairement à toute autre organisation dans le monde. Cela peut sembler une refonte majeure, mais elle continuera à nous être apportée par petites étapes et avec beaucoup de soutien sur plusieurs mois et nous ne commencerons pas tout en janvier. Nous aurons plus de discussions et d'informations sur lesquelles réfléchir et pratiquer au fur et à mesure que nous nous améliorons, faites simplement du mieux que vous pouvez - vous mélangerez l'ancien avec le nouveau jusqu'à ce que le « nouveau » soit plus facile et vous vous soutiendrez verbalement par paires dans le ministère. plus aussi.

One  ❤️ wasn't enough😀Then : x3

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Iʼm a tad concerned. I need to really pray about this. I am hardly ever out and about witout my husband. To be blunt, heʼd not put up with it. My witnsssing when i am with him.

Jehovah will take care of me, I know.

Exciting times. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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2 hours ago, jwhess said:

This is very true.  I am an introvert and less than 30%  (possibly as low as 10-15%) of the world are like me.  Most of them think that I should try harder and "snap out of it".  I have adapted well and have many coping mechanisms that I will bring to bear on the new changes.  I will rise to meet the challenge with Jehovah's help.


The background problem of not being comfortable with personal interactions with strangers is always there.  So a memorized presentation was helpful.  I remember that it is not about me or my deficiencies.  God has been slandered, challenged and even ignored.  I am proud to be a part of the solution in a very small way.


The song we sing says. "We give our all to save just one."  I realized the verse is describing our collective effort but it remains true of us as individuals as well...❤️



Philippians 2:13 comes to my mind ... and I am most definitely an introvert too. Have you ever read "Quiet"? Introverts are underrated!! There is no need for them to change ... life would be dull without them ... and very noisy!!

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3 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

Iʼm a tad concerned. I need to really pray about this. I am hardly ever out and about witout my husband. To be blunt, heʼd not put up with it. My witnsssing when i am with him.

Jehovah will take care of me, I know.

Exciting times. 

Heya Miss Bea. You can still keep to your routine that you had prior, the method is still house to house at this point, the approach has been tweaked. If things do change and we can't do door to door or carts in the future. We still have letterwriting, you could even make cards to have on you. Pray to Jehovah to present opportunities and he will. I've always known you to be brave ... that won't change and your best is good enough. Jehovah knows your circumstances. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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29 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Brother John, 

May I say something please?  What is a very important part of our ministry is supporting those who come into the congregation and our internal ministry.

We had a Yugoslavian brother in our congregation... who used to walk up and down  the aisle doing his duties and would pat ones on the shoulder. He was the Granddad of the congregation. 

That is you. I watch you come into threads and like everyone's post... a gentle pat on each of our shoulders.

You have allowed yourself to be molded by Jehovah to be a very fine vessel indeed. He knows where's he taking you and it's somewhere different to others. Just sit back and ask him to direct you in the direction he's wanting to take you. He will and you will love it. Don't compare yourself with others who don't have your circumstances.

John, you are appreciated and that wont stop ... this new approach is not different in fact we are going back to our grass roots. Memorize the new brochure if that makes you more at home. Let Jehovah’s spirit do the rest.

THANKS so much for sharing this. I couldn't have said it any better. This brother/father/granddaddy @jwhess almost always reacts to everything I post, and I find it very encouraging that I am "noticed" by one of the "Bethel Heavies" here on this forum. 😀 

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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

This is very true.  I am an introvert and less than 30%  (possibly as low as 10-15%) of the world are like me. 

Bro John I would never had of guessed.  I too so appreciate your “likes”.  Without meeting/knowing you in person your spiritual/physical maturity shines through your comments.  Of all the comments yours I always read and digest.  Thanks

Me personally I am the opposite, an extrovert.  No problem conversing with strangers.  However I have always memorised the suggested presentations and followed them faithfully each month, with a big dose of my own personality thrown in.  When I’ve worked with newer ones I’ve encouraged them to do the same but most importantly to just relax and be themselves.  If it came out “wrong”, only they and not the hh would know.  People sense when you are just doing something by rote.   I love your expression, “its not about me and my deficiencies”.  That is the key.  

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14 minutes ago, MullumMiss said:

too so appreciate your “likes

I second this. Your wisdom and discernment is highly apreciated 👍☺️🙏💖

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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I plan to still use one of my memorized presentations. All I say is "Are you a Bible reader?"

Everything before and after that presentation depends on the situation...:D

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I plan to still use one of my memorized presentations. All I say is "Are you a Bible reader?"

Everything before and after that presentation depends on the situation...:D

Your idea gives me ideas as well… I might ask “where do you think world is heading?” Their response will determine what I say, or what I do not say. Australia is less Bible oriented, therefore I need to think 🤔 more what to say to open discussion, and also at what point to introduce the Bible. 

Edited by New World Explorer

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Just now, New World Explorer said:

Your idea gives me ideas as well… I might ask “where do you think world is heading?” Their response will determine what I say, or what I do not say. 

I honestly don't use it as much as I should but I like to ask that question when I am talking to someone. No matter what their answer is I can usually inject a thought from the Bible into the conversation.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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17 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I honestly don't use it as much as I should but I like to ask that question when I am talking to someone. No matter what their answer is I can usually inject a thought from the Bible into the conversation.

It would be good idea to start new topic based on our fresh approach to the ministry, I am off to work so I can't do it. 

Perhaps someone can start new topic? 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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7 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

Iʼm a tad concerned. I need to really pray about this. I am hardly ever out and about witout my husband. To be blunt, heʼd not put up with it. My witnsssing when i am with him.

Jehovah will take care of me, I know.

Exciting times


Whenever I read your posts, I often get a warm, down-to-earth, fuzzy feeling. I am sure anyone who meets you will feel the same. You have a gift. :hugs:

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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On 11/7/2023 at 12:42 PM, TheKid23 said:

I’m autistic too and all this change is A LOT to deal with. 

I’m an Aspi so I can appreciate your situation. One thing I have in my favour is that, before becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses I worked in security/enforcement. I did a lot of work serving court documents, debit collecting, and repossessing cars. So, going door to door wasn’t really an issue. Having to be “nice” to people was what concerned me, as well as having a conversation. My previous role was just me needing to get a job done, not be likeable. 

I’ll share an experience that I’m sure I e shared here before, but it’s one that helped me relax a bit. 

I had recently moved to a new city and was in the ministry with the group. We didn’t have enough for everyone to work in pairs so I volunteered to work in my own. My approach was simple. I carried the small Bible in my pocket with some brochures. I would simply introduce myself as a Witness and explain I was new to the area and wanted to meet my neighbours. Every single person was happy to chat. If the conversation lead to a topic that I could offer a brocure, I would. But I didn’t push it. It was the best/easiest morning I ever had. I found that people actually want to chat if there is no pressure. 

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22 minutes ago, niall said:

I had recently moved to a new city and was in the ministry with the group. We didn’t have enough for everyone to work in pairs so I volunteered to work in my own. My approach was simple. I carried the small Bible in my pocket with some brochures. I would simply introduce myself as a Witness and explain I was new to the area and wanted to meet my neighbours. Every single person was happy to chat. If the conversation lead to a topic that I could offer a brocure, I would. But I didn’t push it. It was the best/easiest morning I ever had. I found that people actually want to chat if there is no pressure. 


I love this! I've always felt so uncomfortable pushing a presentation or pivoting to a Bible topic right away, especially now that I work in a territory that is soooo secular. A friend in my hall recently had a nice conversation with a householder she didn't expect to be especially receptive (huge pride flag in the front yard, Halloween decorations) by saying, "We're Jehovah's Witnesses from the local kingdom hall. With everything going on in the world, we're just checking on our neighbors to see how they're doing." The person said in a sincere way, "That is so nice of you guys!" And they had a good chat.


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