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Appreciating our members here at JW Talk

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On 3/15/2019 at 1:44 AM, Stormswift said:

I have a very dear friend on JWTalk who has been instrumental in helping us (my husband and myself) to feel worthy in Jehovah's eyes - and he knows who he is - in face of some very severe trials ... these brothers and sisters are pivotal in helping all of us to remain firm and by extension - loved not just by Jehovah but by every one of us in our congregations and the extended brotherhood here on JWTalk.


In addition to our friend has been many more friends who have pmmed us when times has been horrible, some even showing their love in a more tangible way - again they know who they are - our dear sisters whose hearts speak to us through their own trials and the brothers who give such wonderful scriptural advice. THANK YOU.


But, the delight is, is that this is happening to not just Tom and I but everyone on JWTalk are instantly family and friends moreso as they express their love for Jehovah through the threads. 


So, by way of Encouragement and diamonds sharpening diamonds ... I wanted this opportunity to thank all of you who go out of their way to encourage those privately and those who are hurting. As times progress we are going to see more of our brothers and sisters in pain. I want to encourage not only a continuation of what is positive and beautiful happening behind the scenes here and in our congregations but to those who have not yet reached out to brothers and sisters who need to feel loved despite trials - to do so - as there is more happiness in giving than receiving.


I'm so proud of you all on JWTalk from the mods  who work so hard behind the scenes (Bob - thank you for your hard work)  to the members who are moved to help via pms and encouraging and upbuilding posts. 


Thank you each and every one of you for your faith and your intense love to us all. 


PS: I am moved to write this as a very dear friend showed Tom and I how much he cared ... and I think this is a great opportunity for us to express not to me, but to all on this site how much we appreciate the spiritual encouragement we get ... thank you to Jehovah our Soveriegn and your son Jesus -  for providing our brotherhood and giving us skills that can encourage ones we have not yet met in the flesh - we are indeed a privileged people

What a wonderful show of love & appreciation you just expressed here dear sister.

Yes I too have felt so encouraged by so many wonderful posts, as well as having some of my questions answered when I’m not sure of the answers. I’ve even been able to share some points with family & friends to encourage them too! Btw I don’t tell everyone I’m on this site, people can be so narrow minded & judgemental! But I do share some encouraging words....

Of course, I can’t leave without saying a massive thank you to the mods that keep this site safe for all of us. THANK YOU. 😀

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1 hour ago, Jothob said:

What a wonderful show of love & appreciation you just expressed here dear sister.

yes.. heartfelt.

1 hour ago, Jothob said:

Yes I too have felt so encouraged by so many wonderful posts, as well as having some of my questions answered when I’m not sure of the answers. I’ve even been able to share some points with family & friends to encourage them too!

Lovely comments Josie.. 


It has been like an oasis for me personally too.. So I can see  little of what Mandi says in this post.

1 hour ago, Jothob said:

Btw I don’t tell everyone I’m on this site, people can be so narrow minded & judgemental! But I do share some encouraging words....

I feel the same too.. it is a wonderful place but you just know it will not be truly appreciated by some.  You don't want the place trampled upon by argumentative brothers or personal opinions that don't fit the organisation or this place.. It's so sad to say that. I pass on a lot of the brother experiences though. They are nearly always liked.

1 hour ago, Jothob said:

Of course, I can’t leave without saying a massive thank you to the mods that keep this site safe for all of us. THANK YOU. 😀

Yes.. Mandi amongst them.. A safe place. The contributors make it that way too. I have often had second thoughts on things due to the insights of many here, Always in the direction of scriptural principles.. can't go wrong can you


It is so nice to hear That someone has had personal help too. Warms your heart that!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/21/2016 at 7:49 AM, Miss Bea said:

.....So, I putted along. I did not give up, but I was lonely. 


 I have made those friends we all need. But, strange enough, (and the point of this) I do not feel alone anymore. No, I don't get,  those friendly phone calls. I do not get company. Hardly ever. And, to be honest, I fight liking it that way. I could be happy isolated. And I know it's not good. 

But, I was going out the gate the other day, and it dawned on me, I do not feel alone. And, so much of the credit goes to you dear ones. All the aspects of being, ( giving and receiving) a friend is right here. I do not feel needy any more. You all have added so very much to my life. Each and every one of you. We see each other through good and bad times. Laugh a little. Cry a little. I get reminded of so many wonderful things. If I want to dig a little into something theocratic, the opportunity is here. Sometimes, I even get to add a little, here and there. 

You honor me by being in my life.



Thanks Sister Bea for kind expression of appreciation. My sentiments exactly. Although I could not have put it so beautifully 


“Because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, . . . let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” —HEBREWS 12:1


I can feel the full import of this text, the minute I sign into this blessed forum and thanks to everyone here who embraced this international brotherhood. A special shout out to those who lurking in the sidelines but too scared to say a few words. You're all are very much cherished. You may not be sharing much but we can sense your presence and love while we all read together the encouraging words from our spiritually minded brethen who toiled so hard to make sure nobody gets left behind. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but the last stretch is the hardest.

Err, time for me to retreat to the shadows once more. Tortuga, may I borrow your shell? Looks mighty comforting to me.

Errors and omissions accepted? Sure LAH!


Some one from Lah Lah land.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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2 hours ago, MikkiSoo said:

Thanks Sister Bea for kind expression of appreciation. My sentiments exactly. Although I could not have put it so beautifully 


“Because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, . . . let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” —HEBREWS 12:1


I can feel the full import of this text, the minute I sign into this blessed forum and thanks to everyone here who embraced this international brotherhood. A special shout out to those who lurking in the sidelines but too scared to say a few words. You're all are very much cherished. You may not be sharing much but we can sense your presence and love while we all read together the encouraging words from our spiritually minded brethen who toiled so hard to make sure nobody gets left behind. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but the last stretch is the hardest.

Err, time for me to retreat to the shadows once more. Tortuga, may I borrow your shell? Looks mighty comforting to me.

Errors and omissions accepted? Sure LAH!


Some one from Lah Lah land.

Those are very kind thoughts, Anne! 


Nice of you to include non posters in there, too. 

Ps. I think @Tortuga could do very well with a line in shells! Esp with GT looming! 

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5 hours ago, Alan said:

Ps. I think @Tortuga could do very well with a line in shells! Esp with GT looming! 



Where has @Tortugagone? MIA, I see. Must be busy in his garage, mass producing shells for JWs in case of an air raid. Please furnish him with your vital statistics. He will custom made one for everyone down here. Mastercard acceptable. I want mine 5' 4 " in length ( a little extra for legroom, please) I will pm my width. 



Edited by MikkiSoo

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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I think you guys have a good idea.

I should start making people sized shells to hide in.


What should I call my new business?

"Hide and Peek" ?

"What the shell?" ?

"Tuck and Cover"  ?



CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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9 minutes ago, Tortuga said:


What should I call my new business?


"Tuck and Cover"  ?




That's a tough question. I may have to pray over it.

Edited by MikkiSoo

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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34 minutes ago, MikkiSoo said:

Where has @Tortugagone? MIA, I see. Must be busy in his garage, mass producing shells for JWs in case of an air raid. Please furnish him with your vital statistics. He will custom made one for everyone down here. Mastercard acceptable. I want mine 5' 4 " in length ( a little extra for legroom, please) I will pm my width. 



That's soooo funny. I like your humour! >:D<

30 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I think you guys have a good idea.

I should start making people sized shells to hide in.


What should I call my new business?

"Hide and Peek" ?

"What the shell?" ?

"Tuck and Cover"  ?



His any Tortuga Insurance Services.. Motto: we'll 'cover' you. 😁 

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4 minutes ago, Alan said:

That's soooo funny. I like your humour! 



Brother Alan, you blew off your own cover. Americans don't spell humour with an extra u. :lol1:

It was an open secret anyway. 

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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18 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

They're all good.  But, my vote goes to:  "What the shell?" ?    LOLOLOL

Or how about ' Wanna shell?' metamorphizing to Wonder Shell. Not a very theocratic name is it? Racking the brains for nothing at all. 

I will have to agree wholeheartedly with Sister Rosanne. Case closed. We should start thinking about why we should be appreciative of our brothers and not thinking about cashing in on the GT. Harumph! or it will soon be :offtopic: . Heads will roll. Off to the dungeons.

Edited by MikkiSoo

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Question : How to know if you're graduated from rookie (cat herder) to the next level (juvenile) on the forum?


Answer : When you get to have a dig at Tortuga. 


Any chance of further advancement : None at all. Only after AA (after Armageddon). Permanently grounded for premature delinquency.


Present state of mind : shell shocked.


Thanks all for helping to keep my armour in shipshape. No turtles were hurt in the process, I hope. 

Edited by MikkiSoo

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Group photo. That capybara reminds me of Brother Alan. All fuzzy and warm. capybara.thumb.jpg.4f57de9adcb0f039355a0871cc407b65.jpg

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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On 12/13/2016 at 8:11 PM, dilip kumar said:
Moderator note:  We have decided this topic is a wonderful idea and wish to expand it to include all our members.  If you would like to show your appreciation for a certain member and want everyone to know, please feel free to post it here.
Dilp Kumar started off with his appreciation for our friend Neil - Beggar for the Spirit.
This thread is a small token of love and appreciation for you dear brother.
I am grateful to each brother and sister on this forum but especially to you for all your Christian efforts to encourage us and read our post very very carefully and take time to mediate and take time to research and take time to highlight and post according to our needs.
A great privilege to be with persons like you dear brother who love because they imitate jah a little more and are full of love and humbleness.
Though I am miles apart from you ,
your posts have brought smiles to many all over.
I sometimes do what I feel is right and my conscious says that to post my personal feelings for you is justified.
Pls keep up the goodwork of loving and encouraging us.
Our prayers for you. 402342ab2a3825797a9e7aa81802d430.jpg&key=94da4e31a6a9bb37c248b3784cee0e8d5088323534dcad95fde56cc820243f86
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk

You don't know how much I love this site and how encouraging it is and how much I would like to stay on it I'm sorry that I'm having so much trouble I wish there's a would to wait then I could just use some of you gurus with electronics to tell me how to connect really easy somehow I got connected with this I don't know how so I probably won't be able to get back but I love you and I appreciate all you do

Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk


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4 hours ago, Yentle said:

You don't know how much I love this site 



Yes, darlink, I can see how much you love it, seeing that you posted the same comments two times. Yabba dabba do.

Seriously, dear Sister I'm amazed at how at your age, you seemed to embrace this online community with so much vigor and vim. Getting on like a house on fire.  (Brother Tuntun would love that remark)

And I thought at my age, I'm already a fossil. Well, I'm a fossil when it comes to anything technology. Still stuck in the stone age.

Come to think of it, if I were to reach your age in a couple of years, I'll probably be comatose by then. Not that I'm not already senile (and silly for my age). Put it down to 2nd childhood.

So hope to see more comments (barring the snafus) coming from you. Let it come fast and furious. We don't have much shelf life left. 

Edited by MikkiSoo

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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