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Can you sense how people are changing in your countries?

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I've noticed it a lot lately as I got older and started working espescially. Try and talk about God and life in general, and most of them will either shake their heads or laugh. "Do you still believe in God?". I've tried to understand their view on life, and many agree that the way they live their life, is pointless. One said: "Life doesn't make sense. All we do is work, eat and sleep". 


I just feel like people are getting more distracted with everything that is going on. If you go to a big city, you will see ads everywhere, not to mention phones, internet etc... This makes people distracted from seeing Gods creation. They have their minds on getting as much money as possible and getting more items, because they actually believe that it will make them happy. And espescially among young people, I've noticed that they don't care. It's all about having fun and getting most out of life. You just see more of what 2. Timothy 3:1-5 is describing.


It's very clear how loving Jehovah is, by being so patient until he will get into actions. And that motivates me to spend as much time as possible in the field service and preaching to as many as I can. 

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It's like the year before the big election, I started seeing all this SJW stuff come out of nowhere. All of a sudden people were having witch hunts against people with the "wrong" views and college campuses become war zones. I mean things were rather divisive in the past, but I don't recall American politics being this divisive. I mean people were using politics to determine who to date, who to ignore, who to block on social media and even which relatives to disown. Both sides, of the political spectrum became extreme, too. I had never heard of white identitarians, before. People have truly become mad. The clay and iron are falling apart, and interestingly a lot of its happening in the us, the uk and former uk colonies such as Canada and Australia.

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On 8/6/2018 at 1:42 AM, Thomas Walker said:

the last five years, it feels like the war is over; and the bad guys won

You know sometimes I also feel like that. Sometimes everything seems almost too easy in my life here. Too peaceful. That's when I try to remember that I have changed over the years and become calloused to it.


And then sometimes I tell myself "this is just the calm before the storm,"  because I don't want to lose my anticipation.

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10 hours ago, Brandon said:

You know sometimes I also feel like that. Sometimes everything seems almost too easy in my life here. Too peaceful.


I don't mean the difficulty in living expenses. Those are becoming unlivable, but it's not the problem.


In the last five years, many major charities have had embezzlement scandals, all the major banks have had corruption scandals, Peacekeeping forces have been caught pillaging and exploiting the helpless, the world leaders don't even bother trying to do anything but keep themselves in power; major religions have been hit with endless child abuse scandals; even Hollywood's lost any shine it had. And that's not even counting the endless natural disasters and climate change.


All the institutions that the human race turned to for someone to fight the good fight, or offer a little hope; have been exposed as being unequal to the task. That's why the fight feels like it's over.


I don't mean to depress anyone, because we knew it had to go this way; and in the meantime, our part of Matt 24 is ever-increasing, but deep down, everyone's expecting the end of the world at this point.

Edited by Thomas Walker
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Am some what a silent observer in a lot of online forums, i just like going to forums and observe the pattern of response of people to social and political issues. From what i Have found out is that the majority of people are extremely bitter, selfish, angry i find it difficult to find further words to describe the online the online enviroment...... Good i will say acidic 2tim 3:1-5 is really fulfilling. Thankfully i found jwtalk it is the only forum i Have seen that is'nt acidic. Good work mods keep on the work

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On 8/9/2018 at 9:19 AM, Thomas Walker said:

living expenses are becoming unlivable, but it's not the problem.


In the last five years,

1. many major charities have had embezzlement scandals

2. all the major banks have had corruption scandals

3. Peacekeeping forces have been caught pillaging and exploiting the helpless

4. the world leaders don't even bother trying to do anything but keep themselves in power

5. major religions have been hit with endless child abuse scandals

7. even Hollywood's lost any shine it had.

8. And that's not even counting the endless natural disasters and climate change.

[I added numbering to your words, hope you don't mind]


I wasn't really speaking about living expenses either. I've had to make use of food banks, soup kitchens, welfare, government disability, etc.  And these have sometimes come at a cost in terms of energy or having to be around very worldly people (for example, approximately 40-50% of those in line at the soup kitchen would happily talk about their heavy drug use almost proudly, and would smoke cigarettes right beside me, etc).


What I'm trying to point out is that with all the terrible things happening, even all the things you've mentioned (failures of banks, charities, world leaders, the entertainment industry, scandals everywhere the eye can see), none of these things seem to affect me personally or materially (at least, I'm still alive and kicking!)   Even natural disasters have very little impact here in southern ontario; the worst thing I remember are ice storms which can be dangerous, but the last one was several years ago and I only lost power for a few hours;  I bundled up in many layers of clothing for the afternoon to keep warm, and that was that!  Sure it sucked at the time, but I try to brace myself for the 'unknown' things such as these.  To be fair, I am the type to embrace chaos anyway (maybe I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky) and am usually the one whom friends call in a crisis.


And so this is what is so odd about the constant "chaos" in this world which seems to surround us at times--although I guess I shouldn't speak for everyone, but I can speak for my experience, and I can say that very few of these things have any noticeable impact on my day to day life.  Granted, I am aware of--and at times pained by--the knowledge that every year brothers and sisters die in famines, climate change and natural disasters, brothers and sisters lose their life savings and homes, witnesses living in poverty fall prey to poorly-run social programs or charities, all of these things.  Even some of these things have happened to me in the past, but I try not to dwell on the past. 


But each day that we're still alive, and have food and shelter, let us cherish that day, and thank Jehovah.   No one likes to lose things they have always taken for granted, but Jehovah never promised us a home in this system, nor a car, nor that we'd be debt-free.  So shouldn't we try to find contentment with simple provisions even if they don't seem ideal, and rejoice?  rather than trying to take in all the badness we can handle informing ourselves about, only to discourage and weaken our spirits.  If we did that, we might be too tired to act when the real crisis--the great tribulation--begins!

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You're right. It affects all parts of life. I mentioned before that the media industry is very telling. People make what sells. So if you examine the modern music styles, themes and so on, you will peer into the mind of the masses. Musical style, tone, theme, emotional expression...


More than ever there are songs about depresive topics, cheating, heartbreaks, drugs, sex, alcoholism and self entitlement. You'll rarely find a song now that does not carry those themes. At one time you had many songs and dances just for the sake of the fun it's self, now most people can't dance together in parties unless completely trashed first.


Dance crazes and themes now usually sexualised. You can see from the last 100 years the advancement from dignity, to a bit more lenieant and fun (not a bad thing) to then utter  degradation.


It's not always easy to see "in the moment", but if you take a step back and look at life and it's public media content as a timeline, and see what was generally accepted and what was popular, you'll see the changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Violence is prevalent in every society now. The world has become immune to it to the extent that it's all our children see. Al l  of their video games promote war. My adult grandson was playing Final Fantasy last night and, because I have heard it for many years, I knew that he was in a battle and the background music was so intensely exciting. It added to the thrill of battle. The lesson in the Bible Reading this week surely helps us to understand that this world is doomed and we must keep awake and alert as to the times in which we live. The answer for many people is increased support of their government. I see an increase of patriotism in this country. It seems that this is true of most lands. The end is in sight. We have to increase out spirituality in order to survive. Our faith will save us, as Jehovah has promised.

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I understand that the culture in many Asian countries is to avoid confrontation, which is a lovely attribute to have.  Certainly, that is not the attitude that many Australians have and it causes many problems, specially aggressiveness.  Left uninhibited it just becomes worse and I guess that is one reason why we societies starting to collapse.  Just like the Bible says that the 'Love of many will grow cold"

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4 hours ago, Kimmy said:

I understand that the culture in many Asian countries is to avoid confrontation,

Funny you mention this. I recently come across a few people talking about how China has changed and children are trying to bully and command their own parents, and how years ago, only a generation back, children there greatly respected and even feared their parents and would not dare talk back, now they are becoming entitled.

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After growing up in an environment of instant gratification, more and more people are exhibiting an extreme lack of patience.  


Twice now, in less than 24 hours, I have witnessed impatient motorists passing other, law abiding, drivers in unsafe conditions.  i.e., on a hill or blind curve.  

Their impatience nearly got myself and the drivers of oncoming cars KILLED.


This is happening more and more.  Talk about feeling entitled.  These thoughtless 'road hogs' don't seem to care if they narrowly avoided a head-on collision because they just keep speeding right along.


And this is happening on rural roads.

I hate to think of what city driving must be like.


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...
48 minutes ago, DLM said:

Why are we surprised to see the conditions go from "bad to worse" when "the whole world is lying in power of the wicked one." 1Jo 5:19. The thinking of Satan is totally summed up at Gal. 5:19-21 and isn't this what we are seeing everywhere we look?




People act like the god they worship...

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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On 8/24/2018 at 7:16 AM, EccentricM said:

Funny you mention this. I recently come across a few people talking about how China has changed and children are trying to bully and command their own parents, and how years ago, only a generation back, children there greatly respected and even feared their parents and would not dare talk back, now they are becoming entitled.


I was speaking to my Chinese daughterinlaw who moved here from Shenzhen just 18 months ago.  My Granddaughters are mild, playful, and obedient.  She told me she has to work so hard here, 10 x’s Harder, to be a parent here than in China.  I asked her how so to make sure my understanding was correct. She said in China parents in general will correct other parents children’s behavior. No was was angry, threatening about this.  They worked as the ‘it takes a village’  motto.  You appreciated another set of eyes and intervention in correcting your children.  Not so here. She said she would be scared to death to even think about correcting other children due to the parents reaction.  She said she sees her daughters becoming more influenced by their peers (they are 7 and 9 now) and it takes constant readjustment to fight against what they are learning.  She is exhausted and worried about how each day they grow older her will to let it slide is taking over.  



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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I am finding that even when you are trying to help someone, they are rude to you. We took a sister to convention this weekend and she had an attitude all weekend. We shared our room with her and still got attitude. Amazing! 

A brother in our hall is having the same issue. He is helping another brother left and right, my husband also helps. All they get is complaining. They should have done it this way or that way. No thank you at all. It’s sad to see the worlds attitude affecting our brothers and sisters.

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On 8/6/2018 at 2:52 PM, GrumpysWife said:

I am finding that even when you are trying to help someone, they are rude to you. We took a sister to convention this weekend and she had an attitude all weekend. We shared our room with her and still got attitude. Amazing! 

The world's influence has to affect us in some ways... That's why we battle on too. 

I have seen this in the congregation too regarding giving regular lifts to the meetings. One brother expects it and wants to go home when he wants (no physical reason for it) whilst others.. our current passenger, still reacts as if it was their first lift! They are so grateful and appreciative. I know who I'd rather take to the meetings... :)

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a recent program i saw about train fare dodging and police enforcing it...


A person was caught and interviewed... He had no feelings of guilt whatsoever.. He was more than happy to talk to the cameras and have his face shown to all. He said he'd been caught previously but in general only pays one fine in 11 of his journeys and thought it was a 'good deal'. Why pay any more.


Apparently 4 out 10 journeys are fare dodged. Quote:

 between Monday January 19 and Friday 23 - officers issued 522 £20 penalty fines, prosecuted 14 people for travel fraud, reported three people for cannabis possession. This is one midweek trainline station.. The people know that it cannot be policed all of the time, hence.... 


This is just one change of many I have seen. People would have been ashamed in the past but are now brazen.

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But let’s not forgot at one time or another, each of us has probably received a gift and been unthankful for it also. Sometimes someone is under so much more stress than we could ever imagine.


My grandma had a very emotionally manipulative sister who lived near her. Only these two in the whole congregation lived in this area of town, so my grandma would always take her to the meeting. The sister wouldn’t offer gas money, which my grandma didn’t mind, but she would ask her to stop at a grocery store or a fast food place sometimes—sometimes after ordering she would realize she hadn’t brought any money and would even ask others to pay. 😦


To make a long story short, eventually my grandma set hard boundaries (such as, we won't be stopping anywhere after the meeting, or, if she was really in need for food--which was possible since she had no transportation of her own--then my grandma would take her on another day. And paying for the sister's food was out of the question), but continued to take her to the meetings for free whenever she called for a ride. This 'relationship' continued for quite a few years until my grandma moved out of that part of town and closer to me. 😉


Edited by Brandon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep up the good work dear ones. Its not easy living in this last days.. the love of many has grown cold. I echo what you all say. We see awful things happening around but also battle to keep our integrity and keep Jehovah's name untarnished.

I was sobbing on my way home today, hurting from the way my boss had treated me. She had a go at me for something petty and not even my fault. 😔She accused me of not caring, which really hurt cause after all this time, my best is not good enough.It hurts that with all my hard work and dedication, i did not even get a thank you or appreciation. I worked so hard because i know i represent Jehovah and he admonish us for whatever we do, do it with all our might. Its sad how it turned out this way, as today was my last day of working with her(she goes on holiday and my last day notice is on friday.) I was so shocked and upset but all I could do is pray to Jehovah to keep me calm and to help me keep going.

People are unthankful, disloyal, stab you behind your back, selfish- and you work with them everyday. And im sure many of you face the same way i do at workplace. Its a reflection of how deep we are in the last days and indeed fulfillment of the prophecy. Keep going dear ones! Xx

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also a Korean like op, so I feel like I can (and should) add something.


In Korea, I mainly have been noticing people ignoring clear proof of God's existence (2 Peter 3:3-4). People are much more against the good news of the kingdom ever before (Luke 21:12). A lot of people are ruining the Earth and does not care what their action will cause about the environment (Revelation 11:18). Paul said that people will be "lovers of themselves" (2 Timothy 3:1-5), and just around me, I am surrounded by those people—people caring and loving for themselves first and not others.



On 8/9/2018 at 12:08 PM, Brandon said:

You know sometimes I also feel like that. Sometimes everything seems almost too easy in my life here. Too peaceful. That's when I try to remember that I have changed over the years and become calloused to it.


And then sometimes I tell myself "this is just the calm before the storm,"  because I don't want to lose my anticipation.


I am reminded of this Watchtower article from March 1st, 1993 (w93 3/1 pp. 4-7), which you may remember, it states:



Some may argue, though, that all this talk of “the last days” is mere pessimism. ‘What about the recent demise of Communism in Eastern Europe?’ they ask, ‘or the efforts of the superpowers to make peace? Is this not evidence that things are getting better?’ No. Notice that Jesus did not say that the entire world would continuously be engulfed in wars, earthquakes, and famines during the last days. In order for the good news to be preached worldwide, there would have to be at least some periods of relative calm.


[...] This would indicate that while conditions during the last days would be distressing, things would not degenerate to the point where the normal pursuits of life would be impossible. As in Noah’s day, the vast majority of humanity are so preoccupied with day-to-day affairs that they take no note of the seriousness of the times.


Also compare an article from w15 8/15 pp. 14-18.

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7 hours ago, YukitoMatsuzuki said:

I am reminded of this Watchtower article from March 1st, 1993 (w93 3/1 pp. 4-7), which you may remember, it states:


In many ways, all the prophecies referring to the entire Last Days concern the entire period which started in 1914. Some things have gotten better since 1945. But especially many prophecies frm 2 Timothy 3 have progressively gotten worse in the past decade or two alone. Particularly, I have noted this with people being "not open to any agreement" especially when it comes to politics, but also being haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness.

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It’s sad. For years, I took two sisters to the meetings. (I live so to takes me 45 minutes to get to the hall). One sister actually needed the ride, (elderly) and the other...well, to make a long story short, I received some gas money, once. One had a nice rig in her front yard. No, let’s take turns using vehicles. 

It was the way it was. They have both died, and, as I got to know the both of them, are dear, and I’m awaiting that big hug. 

But, to me, it was curious. Probably my greatest expense is gas for the rig to get me to and fro, for Jehovah. I figured Jehovah saw what I was doing. For me,  most part, that was enough. 

But, curious...

This is saw. I was getting groceries. At a store where you get the best prices in town. The gal in front of me was in her 30’s, maybe 40’s. Nothing outstanding. She was chatty, very outgoing to the checker. Got about $30 dollars worth of stuff. The, ”doesn’t cost so much stuff”. Toilet paper, etc. 

Then a checker came from the opposite direction, and told the lady she had groceries under her purse. She told her twice. Out came steaks, and the expensive stuff. That cost her $42. I was shocked. Her whole demeanor changed. Not so perky and outgoing. 

She fully intended to steal it. 

Just makes me sick. I don’t think most are caught! 

She seemed like Mrs. Middle class. Not hurting for money. Just stealing. The good stuff. 

She had a big purse, and it was splayed out to cover $42 worth of food. 



Edited by Miss Bea

Mind, going, going...

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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31 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

It’s sad. For years, I took two sisters to the meetings. (I live so to takes me 45 minutes to get to the hall). One sister actually needed the ride, (elderly) and the other...well, to make a long story short, I received some gas money, once. One had a nice rig in her front yard. No, let’s take turns using vehicles. 

It was the way it was. They have both died, and, as I got to know the both of them, are dear, and I’m awaiting that big hug. 

But, to me, it was curious. Probably my greatest expense is gas for the rig to get me to and fro, for Jehovah. I figured Jehovah saw what I was doing. Fro the most part, that was enough. 

But, curious...

I know how you feel..I often think though that when the extra training kicks in, in the New System (for all of us) they might see that their actions had not been the best. 


I don't want add to this thread with another knock at the brothers (I have already said my piece once)  However one day  I was in the KHall car park and having spent many fruitless hours (as OP comm chairman) waiting for a utility guy to turn up.. and didn't.. I actually relapsed, gave in to my frustration and had a moan about it to a brother who just happened along. He didn't chastise me but listened and agreed it was frustrating and an unseen work. Then he put his hand on my arm and just said 'Do it for Jehovah'. I felt a little embarrassed at my outburst. After a few days thinking about my comment and the brother's to me...  I had one thought that has helped me a lot since.


When these things happen. I actually picture, in my head, my deed for the brothers as an item on a plate and offering it, whilst on my knees and with outstretched arms, as a gift, directly to Jesus. I imagine the look on Jesus face and what the brothers think about it doesn't seem to matter anymore.


I know Jesus and Jehovah are looking at what we do, so my imagination is not just that.. imagination. Helps me :)

Edited by Alan

spelling grammar
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