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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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4 hours ago, GraceH said:

So let me get this right all meetings, circuit assemblies, witnessing (door to door and cart) are on hold in all of the UK, America, Italy, Spain, France, Ireland? Is that covering all the countries so far?

And Sweden (I think the whole of Scandinavia)

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6 hours ago, WilliamChew said:

A very vivid description of what's happening in Italy. How the hospitals are overwhelmed. All doctors have to become ER doctors.

Please provide a link to this story.  We ask our members to share links to all news articles.  


Also, do not copy and paste entire news articles (or any articles for that matter). Excerpts only.  This is to comply with copyright legalities. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Please provide a link to this story.  We ask our members to share links to all news articles.  


Also, do not copy and paste entire news articles (or any articles for that matter). Excerpts only.  This is to comply with copyright legalities. 


Sorry. I initially put the link in but accidentally removed it.😁




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I’m in South Australia. Body of elders in each cong in my area are making decisions on how to implement the societies advice that they have received. Some congs are still doing door to door, ours isn’t, but carts are still ok. Memorial campaign on hold. No assemblies. 

Our government here has put some restrictions in place. No public gatherings of more than 500 people - so sporting events, festivals etc all cancelled. Schools remaining open for now.

 Anyone travelling into Aus from overseas as of midnight tonight have to self isolate for 14 days ( no idea how that’s going to be policed or implemented exactly) 


Panic buying in supermarkets. Ugly scenes with brawls breaking out in some places. Almost impossible to buy toilet paper or hand sanitiser. Shelves being stripped of staples like pasta, rice, sugar. It’s crazy. 


All very confusing but just trying to rely on Jehovah, stay close to cong and follow direction. 

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2 minutes ago, shans81 said:

I’m in South Australia. Body of elders in each cong in my area are making decisions on how to implement the societies advice that they have received. Some congs are still doing door to door, ours isn’t, but carts are still ok. Memorial campaign on hold. No assemblies. 

Our government here has put some restrictions in place. No public gatherings of more than 500 people - so sporting events, festivals etc all cancelled. Schools remaining open for now.

 Anyone travelling into Aus from overseas as of midnight tonight have to self isolate for 14 days ( no idea how that’s going to be policed or implemented exactly) 


Panic buying in supermarkets. Ugly scenes with brawls breaking out in some places. Almost impossible to buy toilet paper or hand sanitiser. Shelves being stripped of staples like pasta, rice, sugar. It’s crazy. 


All very confusing but just trying to rely on Jehovah, stay close to cong and follow direction. 

Sounds like the rest of us Shannon.  Isa. 30:15b.  The GB is working with branches all over the world.  They have the pulse on this.  Keep pace with your faith and try to comfort the friends if its in your power to do so.  We are all in this together and, together we will walk into the New World.

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Germany is going nuts. People are getting more and more aggressive at supermarkets, especially when they can't buy as much toilet paper as they want.



I had a similar experience yesterday in the supermarket, a distressed lady went about in the aisles mumbling "Crazy, complete and utter disregard of others...." and I asked her what's up. She responded "EVERYTHING IS SOLD OUT!!! EVERYONE JUST THINKS OF THEMSELVES !!!! ME ! ME ! ME ! ME ! ME !!!!"... funny how most of the shelves were well stocked. But the entire supermarket filled with a palpable aura of fear and nervosity. So I just stood in the aisles looking for things to buy and danced to the music.


The problem with the Germans (including too many brothers) was that for generations, they thought "nothing will ever happen here", so they never had even a normal stock of food and hygiene supplies. Now that Corona has become a serious threat, and nobody ever cared about supplies, even a few people stocking up on 10-20 days are suddenly causing logistics to break down. It's become so bad that people are stealing entire disenfectant dispensers, even from hospitals. You can really tell how evil this world is.


And why are people buying so much toilet paper? Because one person coughs, and a hundred crap their pants!


Crazy times we're living in. I used to cough to hide a fart, now I fart to hide a cough. 🤣


Yesterday evening we were at a wedding and roughly 40% of the guests cancelled due to the announcement that was made: no meetings starting tomorrow and no more field service except by phone or social media or mail. Corona was the main topic. I felt so sorry for the bride and groom, but they took it with a pinch of salt. I said at the end, we were so glad to have had the opportunity to party one last time before things got real.


Today, I'm feeling pretty bad myself. Sore throat, tired, and I coughed earlier and had a huge pain in my diaphragm area. Panic. I am thinking about virusses so much my body might actually be creating them for me by now. . . . . maybe just take a nap now.

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5 hours ago, rolypoly said:

I recently heard about a treatment using blood of recovered victims to harvest their antibodies for transfer to other sick ones.  The article said this is not a new idea and it was actually practiced w some limited success during the Spanish influenza outbreak--but now our science and bloodbanks are vastly improved to the point it is a viable cure.  I wonder if this could become a test of our faith?  I don't really know how it works and whether it would even be considered taking of blood, perhaps antibodies would be comparable to some of the other options that are a conscience thing? But imagine if the world finds the cure and it involves blood Transfusion... The world would rush to the "cure".  Would we be pressured or even forced by authorities to fall in line? 


I didnt save the article, so no link sorry.  I'm sure it wouldnt be hard to research the subject

there was a post about that earlier in this thread, I can't remember where.😉

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One reason why things such as hand sanitizer is so hard to get!


An Amazon merchant, Matt Colvin, with an overflow stock of cleaning and sanitizing supplies in his garage in Hixson, Tenn.

Now he's stuck with 17,700 bottles he can't sell because Amazon shut him down.

Mr. Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more. Amazon said it had recently removed hundreds of thousands of listings and suspended thousands of sellers’ accounts for price gouging related to the coronavirus.

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8 minutes ago, Lee49 said:


One reason why things such as hand sanitizer is so hard to get!


An Amazon merchant, Matt Colvin, with an overflow stock of cleaning and sanitizing supplies in his garage in Hixson, Tenn.

Now he's stuck with 17,700 bottles he can't sell because Amazon shut him down.

Mr. Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more. Amazon said it had recently removed hundreds of thousands of listings and suspended thousands of sellers’ accounts for price gouging related to the coronavirus.

Well it serves them right. No sympathy. Would have been nice if they could confiscate the stuff though. Hehe. Some bottles that were £5 were up around £30 to £40.

Edited by Mykyl
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Anybody tried this?


DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipe
* 2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol
* 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
* 4 drops tea tree oil (optional)
Items Needed:
4-6 two-0unce Squeeze bottles
1. Add the rubbing alcohol, aloe vera gel, and the tea tree oil to a small bowl.
2. Mix well.
3. Use a funnel to divide the hand sanitizer between the bottles.
Leave a little room in the bottle instead of filling it to the top. That way you can shake it up before using the hand sanitizer.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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2 hours ago, shans81 said:

I’m in South Australia. Body of elders in each cong in my area are making decisions on how to implement the societies advice that they have received. Some congs are still doing door to door, ours isn’t, but carts are still ok. Memorial campaign on hold. No assemblies. 

Our government here has put some restrictions in place. No public gatherings of more than 500 people - so sporting events, festivals etc all cancelled. Schools remaining open for now.

 Anyone travelling into Aus from overseas as of midnight tonight have to self isolate for 14 days ( no idea how that’s going to be policed or implemented exactly) 


Panic buying in supermarkets. Ugly scenes with brawls breaking out in some places. Almost impossible to buy toilet paper or hand sanitiser. Shelves being stripped of staples like pasta, rice, sugar. It’s crazy. 


All very confusing but just trying to rely on Jehovah, stay close to cong and follow direction. 

I am sure this has been mentioned, but this is a good preview to how people will react during the GT


Stockpiling can be dangerous. A video emerged today in which a woman was not able to get a single role of tissue. She saw this one lady with a basket load. I mean, it was overflowing. So she asked if she could have a package. She was denied, and a fight ensued in which the desperate lady tried to simply take a package. 


I shook my head. Worldly people love to throw that word love around, and show NO love when times of test hit. 



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https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-51895276 ( click on link to view video)


Europe Battens Down the hatches


Austria bans gatherings of more than five people, and orders schools and most shops to shut

UK over-70s to be asked to self-isolate for an extended period, health secretary says

Voters go to the polls for local elections in France despite widespread coronavirus restrictions

New screening requirements for Americans returning from Europe lead to long queues at airports

Australia orders 14-day quarantine for all new arrivals starting at midnight on Sunday


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39 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

Anybody tried this?


DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipe
* 2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol
* 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
* 4 drops tea tree oil (optional)
Items Needed:
4-6 two-0unce Squeeze bottles
1. Add the rubbing alcohol, aloe vera gel, and the tea tree oil to a small bowl.
2. Mix well.
3. Use a funnel to divide the hand sanitizer between the bottles.
Leave a little room in the bottle instead of filling it to the top. That way you can shake it up before using the hand sanitizer.

I'm using 70% alcohol ( 99% is not available) most 70% is gone, bottle of 1/3 aloe, filling the rest with alcohol nothing else added, Dr's recommend hand sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol Of course washing hands is best, I am doing both.If you are going to use vodka ( in place of rubbing alcohol) 180 proof is 90% alcohol ( proof is 1/2 alcohol) so 80 proof would be only 40% alcohol! 😉

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