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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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  On 7/27/2021 at 5:50 PM, blue-jay said:

I have a question. If you've been sick with the delta variant, would you be immune to the other variants also?


Yes, because the protein all variants use to attach to cells and invade them is the same. Your antibodies detect that protein and combat the virus. As long as all new variants keep using the same protein, immunization should work.

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  On 7/27/2021 at 12:05 PM, Dustparticle said:

I will not hold back on this one. I'm not heathy , yet door to door is my best part of the ministry. I love it! We do not know what Jehovah has in store for us in the future. If going back door to door, are you not going to do this because it is outdated? How about the Judgement Message?? Some friends will become goats and  die because they will refuse to do this. Regarding door to door, I rather be square now than round later.


Oh for sure, if our organization resumes door-to-door ministry, I will be there. I'm just speculating that this might be the end of the door to door.  Meaning we might be wrapping up the sheep  search w this letter writing.  And if so then we might be sooo close to the end🤗. I don't want the ministry to go on forever. I mean I don't want anyone to be destroyed but I sure would like to be sitting in the new system right about now.

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  On 7/27/2021 at 7:01 PM, rolypoly said:

Exactly.  So how effective is door-to-door ministry anymore? That's why I could see this letter writing as our last sweep. Then BOOM!! GT.


Well, it’s not so obvious in every part of the Earth. Realistically in almost all Europe we can’t send letters or call people (only to those we personally know). We can’t even note down “not-at-homes” to come back later. 

when I think about the end, I figure situation must improve significantly (of coste in people’s minds only) to proclaim P&S. I definitely hope to use that as much as I can to increase my ministry. 

Going back to the original topic :) there is some news I find interesting:


This article shows studies that transmissions of coronavirus is lower by 40-50% by vaccinated people in the same household and even 8 times lower with people who are not living together. 


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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  On 7/27/2021 at 5:14 PM, JW2017 said:

The CDC is losing credibility with this change. 

Ok so you have the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations coming from unvaccinated people and you go after the vaccinated? 




And then the CDC director just today that “breakthrough” infections are STILL rare with the Delta. 

Thirdly, the US has about a 280 seven-day rolling death per day rate. 

I’m sorry.. but this guidance is not based on any science. It’s clearly based on a zero-transmission standard, which is just as realistic as Thor’s hammer. 

And this undermines vaccination as people will see this as a tacit admission that the vaccines aren’t/can’t protect us, only rolling off and on government mandates can.


Tough times for people who are on the fence about vaccines. 

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  On 7/27/2021 at 10:49 PM, Bob said:

The CDC is losing credibility with this change. 

Ok so you have the overwhelming majority of cases and hospitalizations coming from unvaccinated people and you go after the vaccinated? 




And then the CDC director just today that “breakthrough” infections are STILL rare with the Delta. 

Thirdly, the US has about a 280 seven-day rolling death per day rate. 

I’m sorry.. but this guidance is not based on any science. It’s clearly based on a zero-transmission standard, which is just as realistic as Thor’s hammer. 

And this undermines vaccination as people will see this as a tacit admission that the vaccines aren’t/can’t protect us, only rolling off and on government mandates can.


Tough times for people who are on the fence about vaccines. 




They have never been straightforward and have always been flip flopping. I've always found it odd how people were hanging on to their every word. I just have a very strong feeling that we're all being played, and I can't shake it.



The CDC is also getting ready to stop receiving PCR tests too. That goes into affect at the end of the year. I don't understand this one either. 



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  On 7/27/2021 at 10:54 PM, runner92 said:



They have never been straightforward and have always been flip flopping. I've always found it odd how people were hanging on to their every word. 



The CDC is also getting ready to stop receiving PCR tests too. That goes into affect at the end of the year. I don't understand this one either. 




Well, I’m ok with “flip flopping” when the DATA tells them they should switch positions. 

But recommending that vaccinated people wear mask is against the data, as was admitted today by the CDC.


The only reason to ask vaccinated people to wear a mask against the data, is because they want a no transmission standard.


Which is crazy. 

No where do they do this. With anything. 

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It’s probably the same idea we have in the congregation. We protect others by wearing the mask because we can still get Covid 19 and transmit it, we just won’t end up in the hospital most likely. 
also, if they can’t get some type of control over transmission, it is my understanding it will continue to mutate into other variants. Possibly ones more lethal. Maybe even ones the vaccines we already have won’t work on. 
Transmission levels also affect how many hospitalized which affects all who need the hospital for whatever reason. The situation is more complex than if your vaccinated, you are protected. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:06 PM, BLEmom said:

It’s probably the same idea we have in the congregation. We protect others by wearing the mask because we can still get Covid 19 and transmit it, we just won’t end up in the hospital most likely. 
also, if they can’t get some type of control over transmission, it is my understanding it will continue to mutate into other variants. Possibly ones more lethal. Maybe even ones the vaccines we already have won’t work on. 
Transmission levels also affect how many hospitalized which affects all who need the hospital for whatever reason. The situation is more complex than if your vaccinated, you are protected. 


We will always be at risk of COVID. It’s too widespread to think it will ever disappear. It won’t disappear. When influenza hit humanity, it never left. 

Just like influenza is endemic and we basically live with it. COVID will end up the same way. We don’t wear mask to stop the spread of the flu because deaths are low.


Deaths from covid have fallen dramatically. 

Best you can do is manage it. Just like we do the flu

  On 7/27/2021 at 11:10 PM, Bob said:

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:10 PM, Bob said:

Deaths from covid have fallen dramatically. 


Not among the unvaccinated. They are on the way up again in many lands. CDC just issued a reversal on masks and Now recommend everyone - including vaccinated -to wear masks especially in hot spots.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:36 PM, pnutts said:

Not among the unvaccinated. They are on the way up again in many lands. CDC just issued a reversal on masks and Now recommend everyone - including vaccinated -to wear masks especially in hot spots.


People Unvaccinated against the flu die as well from the flu. 

Sorry to say this, that’s on THEM. If you refuse a solution to a problem, and suffer harm as a direct result of your refusal, that’s YOUR fault. 

It’s one thing to not be able to take the shot, it’s another thing to refuse it. 

At that point, you’re putting yourself at risk. 

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  On 7/27/2021 at 10:54 PM, runner92 said:

The CDC is also getting ready to stop receiving PCR tests too. That goes into affect at the end of the year. I don't understand this one either. 


PCR tests are not reliable. Everybody knows that, so new tests were aproved to detect the nucleocapsid instead of parts of genome, this is very helpful if new variants apear in the World Scenario.

Ever wondered why scientists are so thrilled when they found and isolate a monoclonal antibody effective to neutralize this SARS virus? that´s because more reliable tests can be done from it :) more accuracy, more effective and of course: more money.

Since vaccines are mostly done from spike protein its natural that these antigen tests to diagnose early COVID are targeting a different part of the virus: the Nucleocapsid, the N protein.

Science is developing... lets see how far they can go...

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:45 PM, Sofia said:

Ever wondered why scientists are so thrilled when they found and isolate a monoclonal antibody effective to neutralize this SARS virus? that´s because more reliable tests can be done from it :) more accuracy, more effective and of course: more money.



Thanks for the interesting insight. I wonder if that's what Singapore (population 5.8million) is trying out.


All households here to get DIY antigen rapid test kits

They will go to those near large clusters first; S'pore also rolling out other testing methods


These antigen rapid test (ART) kits, now widely available at retailers, are being distributed by the Government to households and will be rolled out first to those near large Covid-19 clusters, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong in Parliament yesterday.


"We will progressively scale up and distribute to everyone in Singapore," said Mr Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling Covid-19.

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:56 PM, WilliamChew said:

Thanks for the interesting insight. I wonder if that's what Singapore (population 5.8million) is trying out.


All households here to get DIY antigen rapid test kits

They will go to those near large clusters first; S'pore also rolling out other testing methods


These antigen rapid test (ART) kits, now widely available at retailers, are being distributed by the Government to households and will be rolled out first to those near large Covid-19 clusters, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong in Parliament yesterday.


"We will progressively scale up and distribute to everyone in Singapore," said Mr Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling Covid-19.


I agree Will, this can be it. Antigen tests are more specific.

PCR are not and with the new mutations/variants, they can easly become noneffective. 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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  On 7/27/2021 at 11:45 PM, Bob said:

Sorry to say this, that’s on THEM. If you refuse a solution to a problem, and suffer harm as a direct result of your refusal, that’s YOUR fault. 

It’s one thing to not be able to take the shot, it’s another thing to refuse it. 


It’s because there isn’t enough vaccinated people yet to let your guard down. Your country's vaccination rates are among the best in the world, yet still there are only 49% fully vaccinated. Masks will help slooooww transmission of the highly transmissible Delta variant, now coursing its way through the USA, and indeed all countries.


Slowing down transmission is going to make it harder for the virus to continue to mutate and eventually result in our vaccination not being effective. It makes total sense to continue with what we know works to curb the spread - covering up when sneezing or coughing, hand washing, social distancing and masking where you can’t social distance. 

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  On 7/28/2021 at 12:53 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

It’s because there isn’t enough vaccinated people yet to let your guard down. Your country's vaccination rates are among the best in the world, yet still there are only 49% fully vaccinated. Masks will help slooooww transmission of the highly transmissible Delta variant, now coursing its way through the USA, and indeed all countries.


Slowing down transmission is going to make it harder for the virus to continue to mutate and eventually result in our vaccination not being effective. It makes total sense to continue with what we know works to curb the spread - covering up when sneezing or coughing, hand washing, social distancing and masking where you can’t social distance. 


Sure but remember: they dropped the mandates en masse in May, when vaccination rates were LOWER than they are now, which means the reversal is not data driven, because vaccination rates are higher.


So the question is. Why get rid of the mandates with lower vaccination rates, then reinstate them when rates are HIGHER now?


That tells me one or two things though. That they were ignoring the data then, or they’re ignoring it now.


One or both is true. And either means neither decision is data driven. 

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And I can totally see what you’re saying. But the science hasn’t changed: vaccinations are only a part of the solution. Social distancing, mask wearing etc is still very valid until the majority have vaccinations and can thereby slooow down transmission.


You know that vaccinations themselves are not the magic bullet. Which is why, as always, we follow the recommendations of the local authorities and also Bible principles as directed by the branch. Each one needs to be thinking about what they themselves can do to stop the spread showing love of neighbour.

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  On 7/28/2021 at 1:41 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

And I can totally see what you’re saying. But the science hasn’t changed: vaccinations are only a part of the solution. Social distancing, mask wearing etc is still very valid until the majority have vaccinations and can thereby slooow down transmission.


You know that vaccinations themselves are not the magic bullet. Which is why, as always, we follow the recommendations of the local authorities and also Bible principles as directed by the branch. Each one needs to be thinking about what they themselves can do to stop the spread showing love of neighbour.


What about natural immunity? People who were infected and recovered and now have anti-bodies?


Natural immunity has been ignored. They’ve been overlooked. You combine them with the vaccinated and you have more immunity than you realize. 

I showed loved for my neighbor when I got vaccinated.

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Thé CDC has changed course on mask wearing, but why?


“Citing new information about the variant's ability to spread among vaccinated people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommended indoor masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors at schools nationwide, regardless of their vaccination status.”


The scientists and health authorities are learning all the time. Public policy is following these changes. So why is it surprising? That’s actually a good thing. They are following what the data is showing them.

Going against the authorities, unless it violated Gods laws, is not scriptural so we shouldn’t get so hung up about changes. We just have to try our best to stay informed, and just do it.



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  On 7/28/2021 at 1:50 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

Thé CDC has changed course on mask wearing, but why?


“Citing new information about the variant's ability to spread among vaccinated people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommended indoor masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors at schools nationwide, regardless of their vaccination status.”


The scientists and health authorities are learning all the time. Public policy is following these changes. So why is it surprising? That’s actually a good thing. They are following what the data is showing them.

Going against the authorities, unless it violated Gods laws, is not scriptural so we shouldn’t get so hung up about changes. We just have to try our best to stay informed, and just do it.




Well, the CDC isn’t mandating it. They’re recommending masking in specific areas in the US for vaccinated people. 

So it’s an option. Which means I can chose to not mask, which I have, because I’m vaccinated. So I don’t believe that I’m going against the authorities. 

Now if my state mandated it, I follow the mandates. 

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  On 7/28/2021 at 1:50 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

Citing new information about the variant's ability to spread among vaccinated people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommended indoor masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors at schools nationwide, regardless of their vaccination status.”



From the article I posted above:


When earlier strains of the virus predominated, infected vaccinated people were found to have low levels of virus and were deemed unlikely to spread the virus much, CDC director Rochelle Walensky said.

But with the Delta variant, the level of virus in infected vaccinated people was "indistinguishable" from the level of virus in the noses and throats of unvaccinated people, Dr Walensky added.

The data emerged over the last couple of days from over 100 samples from several states and one other country.

It is unpublished, and the CDC has not released it.

But "it is concerning enough that we feel like we have to act," Dr Walensky said.

Vaccinated people "have the potential to spread that virus to others", she said.


For anyone who wants to help stop transmission, follow the recommendations of health officials.  Numbers of delta cases are rising.  The goal really is to slow transmission so no new variants emerge capable of undoing all the good of vaccinations, lockdowns, social distancing etc. Otherwise we are at square one again..


Stay safe friends!

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