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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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I d like to explain a bit about SARS and imunity 

How can the body fight naturally this virus?

1) antibodies. They exist when previous contact existed. Either by vaccine or previous infection. 
the issue is that to be effective these antibodies have to be in high level. High levels of them can hurt the body creating auto imune response against our own parts of body.

to protect it self our body doesn’t allow high levels of antibodies circulating. Months after contact with vaccine or virus the antibody levels drop obviously 


2) since antibodies are not so effective our body fights SARS with T cells. It’s an unfair fight. Soldier xx soldier. If many viral particles exist out body will lose many T cells fighting them away. This fight can last days and we can lose many T cells…

It takes a lot of time to have them back in our “storehouse”. 
low levels of T cells specially CD4+ makes our bodies more vulnerable to other infections namely dorment viruses like herpes or Epstein Barr.

CD4+ cells protect us from cancer.

low levels makes us prone to cancer.

Our comum colds take longer to cure.


so what can really help us fight SARS?

-igA are antibodies in surfaces and mucous membranes 

they can be produced by nasal vaccines 

-some antivirals are proven effective against covid.


we all can ask our doctors for a blood panel to check our white blood cells

we can check our limphocyte population count to check our levels of CD4+ cells.

there are natural and chemist medicin to help us boost our imunity 


hugs to you all here. You are all my family ❤️

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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4 hours ago, Sofia said:

Dear Brother Bliss … I’m afraid to say this out loud: CORONAVIRUSES behave differently.

their reaction to our immune system creates havoc


I was speaking of the proven reliability of vaccines. They are, generally speaking, trustworthy and beneficial. 


Now, there are some caveats. An individual's response may differ from the grand majority of people. Getting repeatedly vaccinated in intervals less than 6 months or a year apart may also not be wise. Some of the vaccines available outside of the ones being used in the United States have had more reported issues.


But generally speaking, for the far majority of people, vaccinations of all sorts have no negative consequences but rather benefit the recipient tremendously.


4 hours ago, Sofia said:

let’s keep trusting Jehovah 

He will guide us out of this till the new system


I agree, and he has, through the Governing Body and their updates, encouraged us to get vaccinated if possible.


22 hours ago, Sofia said:

Im no anti-vaxxer. please. No.


Then why argue with me when I lay down the facts that vaccines are good?




CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Sofia is not arguing that ALL vaccines are bad. But she does raise some significant points about the COVID-19 vaccine.


In my opinion, you have not laid out facts that vaccines are good. There’s a sister in MY congregation who has polio that she continues to battle with, as a result of the polio vaccine as a child. ....


The jury is still out on whether or not the Covid vaccine is working. Obviously, many vaccinated are getting Covid, and Pfizer themselves have admitted that they never tested transmissibility. So even if you are vaccinated you can transmit to others and get it yourself.


In recent articles in the watchtower, it was highlighted that the slave is not infallible. They are just following what the governmental authorities have told them. They are not MEDICAL advisers, only SPIRITUAL ones. They’ve had to correct themselves in the past and issues, and the COVID-19 vaccine may will be one of them in the future. Let’s wait and see. In the meantime it is a personal choice for everyone whether or not they get the COVID-19 vaccine, and they must do their own research on both sides of the issue!

The slave has told us that we are to do our own research regarding the blood issue. It is up to a person’s conscience whether or not to accept blood fractions... So if such a serious issue is left to our own conscience, then why wouldn’t something less serious as COVID-19 also be left to our own conscience?


I personally know many witnesses who got the COVID-19 vaccine, who refused to get anymore boosters.

I also personally know, including someone in my own congregation, who’ve written to the branch themselves, and were specifically told that NOT getting the COVID-19 vaccine IS NO WAY going against the GB, and that it is a PERSONAL CHOICE.




Edited by zoebarry
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51 minutes ago, Brother_Bliss said:

Then why argue with me when I lay down the facts that vaccines are good?

I love you Bob, but please understand that SARS COV 2 Vaccines can lead to consequences. Not because they are mRNA or vaccines, but merely because they carry SARS material on it :).

Vaccines can be super useful! but in this case can carry troubles.

All I write here is for the love and sake of my brothers.

Humans must learn and take the risk of getting vaccinated. Must understand why they get COVID vaccine and shortly after get sick either with Covid or any other weird symptom.

How many people feel bad after vaccination?

But maybe they had their life saved! yes! specially when DELTA variant was around. Now with Omicron, the virus is milder than DELTA.

But some die shortly after getting vaccinated. My childhood sweetheart died 1 hour after his 3rd boost, he was 56.


I wish so much that we had no pandemic with a coronavirus. It could be any other virus. Not a corona.

The ruler of this wicked world must be so happy... :( 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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My brothers and sisters, getting away from the vaccine debate, what has been mentioned here, and is coming out in studies and research, is that COVID is the issue, and repeated bouts of Covid is causing havoc with our immune system. There is not going to be any solution to this pandemic as our immune systems are being battered, which ever way you look at it, and we can’t expect to avoid it unfortunately.


Vaccines have helped reduce mortality. But it’s always been our choice, and nothing is ever foolproof. No one should feel pressured to take or not take the vaccine. However, we can all remain United and leave the vaccine debate behind. Focus on what's coming.


But we have hope, and it’s just a little while longer. 

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The main issue now at this stage is to make sure our imune systems are ok. We can ask our doctor a complete blood count and if necessary some help in that matter. 

Its deeply sad that the so called herd immunity will never be achieved... but in some point soon near 100% humans have been in touch with SARS. It will tend to become milder in infection. But to weaken our immunity.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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We had a mild infection of covid-19 in April. In November, as we were going to holiday in Japan, my wife and I took the 4th Moderna bivalent vaccine shot. (first 3 shots were pfizer)


3 weeks later, my wife developed a rare rash called pityriasis rosea which took around 5 weeks before the symptoms subsided. The rash did not respond to steriod (prednisolone) treatment. The only treatment was to keep applying moisturiser to the rash to prevent the itchiness.😅



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2 hours ago, zoebarry said:

The jury is still out on whether or not the Covid vaccine is working.


No, it's not. The evidence is that Covid vaccines reduced the rates of severe illness and death. There's concrete statistics to prove it. After the initial vaccination program, the majority of patients in the ICUs or the morgues were unvaccinated. This is a fact that's simply uncontestable.


2 hours ago, zoebarry said:

So even if you are vaccinated you can transmit to others and get it yourself.


Which is the same with several other vaccines, including mumps, measles, influenzas, etc. The purpose of vaccines is better equipped you to fight off infection, but you can usually still catch and spread disease. The Covid vaccine is on par with the vast majority of vaccines.


2 hours ago, zoebarry said:

I also personally know, including someone in my own congregation, who’ve written to the branch themselves, and were specifically told that NOT getting the COVID-19 vaccine IS NO WAY going against the GB, and that it is a PERSONAL CHOICE.


Of course it's a personal choice as well as an informed conscience matter. The GB has been clear on that, and nobody has said otherwise.


But we have to protect our members from outright lies and misinformation that has it's roots in conspiracy theories vomited into the public by the anti-vaxx community.



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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2 hours ago, Sofia said:

SARS COV 2 Vaccines can lead to consequences. Not because they are mRNA or vaccines, but merely because they carry SARS material on it


The mRNA vaccines do NOT carry SARS material in it. This is factually untrue. 


From https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/Understanding-COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccines


"Traditional vaccines work by giving a person either viral proteins or an inactivated or weakened version of a virus that triggers an immune response. mRNA vaccines do not contain viral material."


2 hours ago, Sofia said:

But maybe they had their life saved! yes! specially when DELTA variant was around.


Exactly. The data points to the vaccine program having saved millions from severe disease and death during DELTA's reign. There's no "maybe" about it.


2 hours ago, Sofia said:

I wish so much that we had no pandemic with a coronavirus.


We've been subject to coronaviruses all our lives. The common cold is caused by a coronavirus and many people catch it almost annually.


2 hours ago, Sofia said:

The main issue now at this stage is to make sure our imune systems are ok.


I agree with this and live by this statement by keeping up with all sorts of recommended vaccinations. 


2 hours ago, Sofia said:

but in some point soon near 100% humans have been in touch with SARS. It will tend to become milder in infection.


Are you saying that as more humans are exposed to SARS it will gradually become milder in infection? If so I agree with this. The vaccination program simply speeds up this process, and saves countless lives in the meantime.




CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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3 hours ago, zoebarry said:

as a result of the polio vaccine as a child

I had a polio shot as a child ( late 1950s ) - was experimental at the time. It can be a factor in me getting M.E./CFS

Post polio squelia ( not sure of spelling ) is one of names for ME/CFS

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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1 hour ago, Brother_Bliss said:

This is factually untrue. 

Yes dear brother. But in the end the SARS material enters our body anyway by rna producing. In the end is the same. Im trying to simplify something that may not be so easy to understand for many.


1 hour ago, Brother_Bliss said:

We've been subject to coronaviruses all our lives

but not SARS. SARS are different coronavirus. they mess up our imune systems 😉 

1 hour ago, Brother_Bliss said:

Are you saying that as more humans are exposed to SARS it will gradually become milder in infection

Yes. That´s what scientists are discovering :)


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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From a medical viewpoint I appreciate all sides of the coin. I am vaccinated with J&J (no after -effects) and had a 1x booster with moderna (felt bad for a couple of days afterwards). My family were all vaccinated, and although my daughter was around her classmates who unknowingly had covid, she, nor any of us caught it up til now. The only thing I can think of is that we regularly take vit.D3/k2 and zinc everyday. However we have caught the common cold, and recently my daughter had a horrible bout with the flu, but again not covid. We tested ourselves regularly while we were sick.


For those of you who caught covid, were you regularly taking vit.d? I am just curious if that has anything to do with us thus far, as far as we know, having not caught it, although being exposed to others with it. I am hoping it stays that way too.

Edited by Woanders

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I found this article interesting.  The problem is too complex for me to grasp. But I  believe that it is a complex issue that each individual may respond to in a unique way.

Not sure where I  got this link from. It might even have been on this thread. Since my episode in hospital some months back, my mind has not been working well...(so sorry if I am re-quoting it back again)



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55 minutes ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:

I found this article interesting.  The problem is too complex for me to grasp. But I  believe that it is a complex issue that each individual may respond to in a unique way.

Not sure where I  got this link from. It might even have been on this thread. Since my episode in hospital some months back, my mind has not been working well...(so sorry if I am re-quoting it back again)




covid is the reaction of our imune system to sars cov 2

since each individual has its own imunity covid looks different from person to person.

you are right


im so sorry

i too got brain fog back in June when I got omicron

i got all back now.

don’t lose hope ❤️😘😘😘

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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12 hours ago, Sofia said:

Yes dear brother. But in the end the SARS material enters our body anyway by rna producing. In the end is the same.


The mRNA vaccines contain instructions that that tell your cells to produce the spike protein that is also found in this particular coronavirus. The body's immune system recognizes it as foreign and mounts an immune response against it, which includes the production of antibodies. This has proven to be harmless for the majority of humans, as proven by the millions upon millions who have opted to take these vaccines and have had no adverse effects.


The mRNA vaccines do not contain the live virus, so they cannot cause the disease.


12 hours ago, Sofia said:

Im trying to simplify something that may not be so easy to understand for many.


But it's not right to "simplify" something when your simplified statement lacks accuracy. You said 'mRNA vaccines carry SARS material on it' but that statement is false information. 


12 hours ago, Sofia said:

SARS are different coronavirus. they mess up our imune systems


All viruses do.



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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10 hours ago, Woanders said:

For those of you who caught covid, were you regularly taking vit.d? I am just curious if that has anything to do with us thus far, as far as we know, having not caught it, although being exposed to others with it.


Probably has nothing to do with it, but they say a combination of D & Zinc helps boost your immune system.


But ironically, when my daughter had Delta, she thought she had a cold for the first few days. I hung around her and was exposed and never caught it. I was being good with my vitamins then.


Then over summer, I slacked off on my vitamins and good dietary habits. I went to a music festival and toured an indoor area that was croweded and I didn't mask up. I caught Covid then. 


But I probably still would have caught it even if I was taking my D & Zinc like I should have been. My bout was pretty nasty too, so maybe I would have fought it off better and faster if I had been minding my health a little more.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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1 hour ago, Brother_Bliss said:

Then over summer, I slacked off on my vitamins and good dietary habits. I went to a music festival and toured an indoor area that was croweded and I didn't mask up. I caught Covid then. 



Interesting. Last summer another family and our family attended an outdoor (also over-crowded) music and kids festival. I didn't mask up either. But a few days later my corona warn app told me that we were exposed to someone or some people who were registered positive on the app.  Granted it was outdoors.


Otherwise, I have occasionally been to indoor events with people shoving side-to-side almost, or barely room to get by. Sometimes I mask, sometimes I don't which this season I will be more vigilant about. But vitamins and "clean eating" are regular habits for us, though occasionally will allow for some cheat days if I am not intolerant to something.

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Here's an article about the covid-19 situation in Shanghai, China one of China's largest cities with a population of 26 million.


As far as I can tell, the sentiment on the ground is not one of doom and gloom. Chinese social media is not filled with stories of death and despair. What I see are mostly people joking about feeling FOMO (fear of missing out) because they haven’t gotten infected.


I genuinely think that many locals are just glad that China is moving on. The rest of the world should also feel relieved and happy about this new development.



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On 1/2/2023 at 12:48 AM, Woanders said:

For those of you who caught covid, were you regularly taking vit.d? I am just curious if that has anything to do with us thus far, as far as we know, having not caught it, although being exposed to others with it. I am hoping it stays that way too.


I think Zinc is one of the biggest factors to reducing the symptoms or even preventing COVID altogether.  And what we need to realize is there are many sources of Zinc....if you take Tums or many other antacids, you're getting Zinc.


In previous infections, when I was taking Tums, my symptoms were all very mild, whereas my wife's was much greater.


Recently, however, I have not taken Tums for the past few months, and previously, I had so much Zinc in my system, I was showing toxicity from it.  Now, my Zinc levels are normal, and I am suffering much more with this round of COVID.  Today makes day 11 of fighting it.  <_<


I take Vitamin D3 & K2 supplements, and my Vitamin D levels are optimal.  Know that for a fact from recent testing.  So Vitamin D doesn't seem to do much for preventing COVID.  I also took Airborne, Apex Water, even bought some NAC to try to ease my symptoms.  Everything seems to be ineffective against it.  I deliberately didn't take any Zinc so I could test the other things I had to see effectiveness...

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NEW YORK - A new Omicron variant is sweeping across the New York City area and the nation to kick off 2023, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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An unusual, and possibly not-so-bad, side effect of Covid:


When lockdowns first began, and people found themselves at home, many turned to the TV for information and diversion. One of those forms of diversion propelled an old PBS series to the top of Netflix's "Most Watched" list. That show was




Seems that popularity has not waned too much. Samsung TV+ now has a "Bob Ross Channel" that is on 24 hours a day and is free for those with Samsung TV's.


It is also available on these formats:




So, if you find yourself wanting to watch something relaxing and clean - give it a try.


I can only imagine what Bob Ross will be able to paint if/when he is resurrected.





Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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10 minutes ago, Qapla said:

An unusual, and possibly not-so-bad, side effect of Covid:

  Hide contents

When lockdowns first began, and people found themselves at home, many turned to the TV for information and diversion. One of those forms of diversion propelled an old PBS series to the top of Netflix's "Most Watched" list. That show was




Seems that popularity has not waned too much. Samsung TV+ now has a "Bob Ross Channel" that is on 24 hours a day and is free for those with Samsung TV's.


It is also available on these formats:




So, if you find yourself wanting to watch something relaxing and clean - give it a try.


I can only imagine what Bob Ross will be able to paint if/when he is resurrected.





He was a bit to calm for me, I turned to football, basketball and golf on the Sling channel!    

Ava Gardner Painter GIF

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40 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

He was a bit to calm for me


That was the whole reason he got so popular ...

he brought calm to people

... not to mention his speed and talent was incredible



Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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