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2023 Governing Body Update #1

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I'm glad I watched it first before coming here, I don't know what this need is to pass on the information before people watch it.
Well.. The people who did watch it are discussing it here.
I guess the responsibility lies with the one who didn't watch it yet to not come here or read the messages if he don't wanna know

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ELE-L29 met Tapatalk

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Just now, Sepie93 said:

Bem... As pessoas que assistiram estão discutindo aqui.
Acho que a responsabilidade é de quem ainda não assistiu para não vir aqui ou ler as mensagens se não quiser saber Verstuurd vanaf mijn ELE-L29 com Tapatalkemoji2373.png


That's exactly what I did! This is showing love , this is already asked to let the brothers have the same joy of knowing when to watch 

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8 hours ago, jayrtom said:

I can't describe how happy I am with this announcement 



João... I cryed super lowed for a long time!

A super new!

This is by far the best news ever and it will change my life forever!!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Niel said:

w08 7/15 pp. 3-7 6g The House-to-House Ministry-Why Important Now?

Momentous Events Ahead

15. (a) How did the Israelites intensify their activity as they marched around Jericho on the seventh day? (b) What does this indicate about the preaching work?


15 What developments are yet in store for the preaching work? The siege of Jericho, recorded in the book of Joshua, provides an illustration. Recall that just before God destroyed Jericho, the Israelites were instructed to march around the city once a day for six days. On the seventh day, however, there was to be a marked increase in their activity. Jehovah told Joshua: "You should march round the city seven times and the priests should blow the horns. And it must occur that when they sound with the horn of the ram, ... all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat." (losh. 6:2-5) It is possible that there will be a similar expansion of our preaching activity. No doubt, by the time of the destruction of the present system of things, we will have seen the greatest witness to God's name and Kingdom in the history of this world.


The little one will become a thousand

And the small one a mighty nation.

I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.

- Isaiah 60:22


This is food at proper time. Thank you for reminding ❤️ 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Luisabola said:

Has anyone done the math if more people pioneer on lower hours, will it equal the same, less or more hours overall? My brain can’t deal e with the huge numbers!


I have posted previously about this.  With a reduced hour requirement , the door opens wider to those who want to pioneer.

Yes, the result is more pioneers (at a lower quota) = more total hours.  More joy.  More love shown to those out there who desperately need it.

Because this adjustment is taking effect in March, which is halfway through the service year, we may not clearly see the results until we have a full service year on the books. 

"Many hands make the work joyful and light".

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2 hours ago, Doug said:


I have posted previously about this.  With a reduced hour requirement , the door opens wider to those who want to pioneer.

Yes, the result is more pioneers (at a lower quota) = more total hours.  More joy.  More love shown to those out there who desperately need it.

Because this adjustment is taking effect in March, which is halfway through the service year, we may not clearly see the results until we have a full service year on the books. 

"Many hands make the work joyful and light".


We have long appreciated that our loving God Jehovah is not a hard taskmaster. He will help us fulfill our goals. Dear brothers and sisters, if you ever once said "I'll never be able to pioneer in this system", perhaps now many will now say "at last, I can do it". Reach out for this if you can dear friends while we have the time 😊

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"So... In the old system, were you like a pioneer?" Your grand grand grand gr...and daughter asks with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah, in the very end... I did"

"Wow! Awesome!" 




Jehovah is good

Edited by Dages
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34 minutes ago, Fiona said:

Hey guys, I'm going to sit out the next one. And then in the distance you see the walls fall.

I'm stealing this :lol1:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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16 hours ago, halfspanishlee said:

What i meant was i applied for Auxiliary pio to do the 30hrs sent the form but i got a no and i did well on my zoom minstry 

You don't need to be a pioneer to Preach 30 hour's. You don't  need a title to do it every month. You just need to love Jehovah and want to do his will. 


I know  publisher's who are older and sick and concerned they couldn't keep up as pioneer's who have been regularly doing 70 hour's plus every month through the pandemic. ( letter writing) 


No title Pioneer. But dedicated to do Jehovah’s will. And although sick they made every meeting since we have opened up. They wear face masks because of their health. They trust in Jehovah 100%. 



Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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Just now, Hippo said:

Você não precisa ser um pioneiro para Pregar 30 horas. Você não precisa de um título para fazer isso todo mês. Você só precisa amar a Jeová e querer fazer a vontade dele. 


Conheço publicadores que estão mais velhos, doentes e preocupados por não conseguirem se manter como pioneiros que têm feito regularmente mais de 70 horas todos os meses durante a pandemia. (escrita de carta) 


Sem título de pioneiro. Mas dedicado a fazer a vontade de Jeová. E embora doentes eles fizeram todas as reuniões desde que abrimos. Eles usam máscaras faciais por causa de sua saúde. Eles confiam em Jeová 100%. 



 But there is an incentive for those who can and want to comply with this requirement as a pioneer, they cannot discourage the pioneer privilege is something that exists, it is part of the organization, there are limitations and even those who cannot comply can have the joy of signing the petition and do what you can.

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16 hours ago, halfspanishlee said:

What i meant was i applied for Auxiliary pio to do the 30hrs sent the form but i got a no and i did well on my zoom minstry 

Thank you for the reminder.  It is not just the ability or schedule to accomplish 30 hours that allows a publisher to become an aux or reg pioneer.  We each must meet all of the requirements.  Thank you for pointing this out.  Keep trying.

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And for (some) sisters only - 10 hours less than the brothers: 



What about special pioneers and missionaries? They will now have an hour requirement of 100 hours per month.

Sisters who are serving as special pioneers or missionaries and who are 40 years of age or older have a reduced hour requirement of 90 hours.


Edited by Skye
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3 hours ago, Hippo said:

You don't need to be a pioneer to Preach 30 hour's. You don't  need a title to do it every month. You just need to love Jehovah and want to do his will. 


I know  publisher's who are older and sick and concerned they couldn't keep up as pioneer's who have been regularly doing 70 hour's plus every month through the pandemic. ( letter writing) 


No title Pioneer. But dedicated to do Jehovah’s will. And although sick they made every meeting since we have opened up. They wear face masks because of their health. They trust in Jehovah 100%. 




unfortunately this is too widespread a thing amongst brothers now saying pioneering is a "title", almost makes it sounds impersonal and lacks proper value to our spiritual goals.

Yes, we are dedicated to Jehovah no matter whether we pioneer or not.

No, it isn't just a "title", it's a way of serving Jehovah more fully and opens up other spiritual Goals as well. I want to communicate this to all the brothers, stop calling pioneering a "title". Many of the friends worked for years towards this goal and would be most discouraged if that's all every non-pioneer publisher called this way of service to Jehovah 😊

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2 hours ago, Jay D said:


unfortunately this is too widespread a thing amongst brothers now saying pioneering is a "title", almost makes it sounds impersonal and lacks proper value to our spiritual goals.

Yes, we are dedicated to Jehovah no matter whether we pioneer or not.

No, it isn't just a "title", it's a way of serving Jehovah more fully and opens up other spiritual Goals as well. I want to communicate this to all the brothers, stop calling pioneering a "title". Many of the friends worked for years towards this goal and would be most discouraged if that's all every non-pioneer publisher called this way of service to Jehovah 😊

Maybe widespread where you live. We cherish our pioneers. Some individuals sometimes have distorted views of matters, but definitely I would not call this widespread. Let’s keep focusing on positives. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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