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BREAKING NEWS | Adjustments to Field Service Reporting

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I am also going to miss the urgency to start a conversation in the field service so as to start recording time,


Honesty with this new adjustment it may take some time to keep up with the urgency to start a conversation in field service since I no longer have to worry about recording time.

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12 minutes ago, Ishaya said:

But I am really going to miss my field service time tracking app,it has been a really good motivation for me going for field service.

You can still use it.... :whistling:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 minute ago, Ishaya said:

I am also going to miss the urgency to start a conversation in the field service so as to start recording time,


Honesty with this new adjustment it may take some time to keep up with the urgency to start a conversation in field service since I no longer have to worry about recording time.

I’ve been thinking about the same 

in the end it doesn’t matter 

now what matters is the quality time spent with people instead of taking out or not the time spent on a little coffee break or the travel time between house calls

this way my conscience is more in peace 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 minute ago, Sofia said:

Oh dear brother 

you can still keep doing it ☺️

only you don’t have to share it with the elders at the end of the month 😉


I think I am also going to miss sharing my record using this app.


As simple as it is,reporting field report has not been easy  for me until I found this my lovely companion app.


You know I found this app only recently and it has made both recording and reporting my service report very easy,easier than ever before.

I wish I found this app much earlier to enjoy using it much longer.

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8 minutes ago, Sofia said:

now what matters is the quality time spent with people instead of taking out or not the time spent on a little coffee break or the travel time between house calls

this way my conscience is more in peace 

Same idea... I won't have to think about "Am I really going to count this" ?

Wait... I am an aux pioneer, I will :D 

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23 minutes ago, Ishaya said:

But I am really going to miss my field service time tracking app,it has been a really good motivation for me going for field service.


I'm really going to miss something actually😔


Is there something else i am going to miss with this new adjustment?


You can still use it to stay motivated

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Just now, Dages said:

Same idea... I won't have to think about "Am I really going to count this" ?

Wait... I am an aux pioneer, I will :D 

That's the beautiful thing about Jehovah...if our heart is engaged in his service...he counts it in our favor. Do you think Jehovah took Elijah "off the clock" when the angel told him to eat and sleep? To Jehovah, that precious man was simply his servant, in his service...he was just human and needed a small break...(like all of us)

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12 minutes ago, Sofia said:

now what matters is the quality time spent with people instead of taking out or not the time spent on a little coffee break or the travel time between house calls

this way my conscience is more in peace 

My conscience was never bothered with coffee break.

Here in Melbourne we run on coffee LOL :lol1:

Coffee Fry GIF

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

I’ve been thinking about the same 

in the end it doesn’t matter 

now what matters is the quality time spent with people instead of taking out or not the time spent on a little coffee break or the travel time between house calls

this way my conscience is more in peace 

It never particularly bothered me ONCE I got used to it 

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This  also might have something to do with future circumstances, not just present ones.  There will come a time when reporting our time will be very difficult (during the GT) and only important communication as necessary will be of the utmost importance. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for the secretaries of our congregations to have to continue reporting and keeping track of the time of every single publisher in the congregation during a time when we may not even have or be allowed to be on the internet? We have been warned that it may be difficult just to get the necessities of life during that time.  This simplification will go a long way to helping the elders out in the congregation as well as taking a load of some of the brothers in the branches.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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This, by far, is the biggest change I've seen in the organization (and I've been in the truth over 50 years).  I am very interested to learn the reason(s) behind it.  It will be interesting to see how the elders will decide on what brothers they can use for what priviledges now.  I know my husband has never been used even though he is at all the meetings, helps clean the hall everytime, mows and does whatever else we are asked but because he only has one day a week he can be out in service and much of that time all it takes is one brother to get a return visit and the rest sit in the car the whole morning - there goes any time you could of had (he never felt right counting the time he he wasn't able to take a door).  I recently introduced him to cart witnessing and his time has gone up quite a bit, but now the cold weather is coming. 

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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14 hours ago, Barbara Anne said:

I hope it won't put an even bigger divide, hierarchy, between pioneers and none pioneers. Believe me I am not alone on this line of thought 


I often hear this from non-pioneers unfortunately. Even before I pioneered (and took an in-between break from pioneering from 1993-2007), I never considered pioneers as more spiritual than others, just busier. Sadly, yes, there are some who might give off those vibes, or others who feel that way automatically about pioneers. But that just automatically puts up a wall up between one another, encouraging mistrust, comparing one‘s worth, instead of valuing the qualities in that brother or that sister. If some feel like that, they most likely have personal issues. But the majority of those I know in f/t service are very humble, and want to encourage others in their ministry, despite what others can do.


Having a quantifying process for those who make a f/t vow helps. But who knows, maybe in the future, this will also be changed. But for now, it is helpful.

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I used to feel bad when I was out in Field Service and people would start making return visits at the end of the day.  I couldn't understand how I could count the time when I sat in the car for over an hour and never spoke to anyone during that time.  I also wondered how accurate some of my records were.  I certainly don't want to accidentally count more time than I should.  I am a regular pioneer, but I am 74 years old and can't go door-to-door due to health problems.  Sometimes I feel so bad I can't even make phone calls, just do letter-writing on bad days.


I started to get off the pioneer roles at one time, but since there were no hour requirements during the pandemic and I actually was getting 70 hours per month, the elders encouraged me to stay on the roles and see how things went.

Edited by Witness1970

added last paragraph
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1 minute ago, Landon1285 said:

So pioneers don't have to count placements anymore? Only hours and Bible studies? 


Yes, that's what we are told


Missionaries, circuit overseers and their wives, special pioneers, regular pioneers, and auxiliary pioneers will continue to report the number of hours they spend in the ministry, along with the number of different Bible studies they conduct.

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3 hours ago, Ishaya said:

But I am really going to miss my field service time tracking app,it has been a really good motivation for me going for field service.


I'm really going to miss something actually😔

Is there something else i am going to miss with this new adjustment?

The Yearly Report will no longer give totals of Hours Spent in the ministry.




Edited by jwhess
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10 hours ago, Hippo said:

Now dear brother, you are going to be able to find out. 😁

In a personal note, I was told in April/May that I had one year to live. My wife decided to stop pioneering to see me through this time. But neither of us stopped our daily letter writing. I was too weak to go door to door.

I had treatment (immunotherapy) and at the end of last month the the consultant said that the treatment had extended my life.

The service committee accepted me as a RP from October. My wife is AP October and November and yesterday evening filled out the form for RP from December. We are thankful to Jehovah that the immunotherapy worked so quickly and we will continue to pioneer into the New World. (When someone stops RP they cannot rejoin until 6 months has passed)


Dear brother, I´m so sorry to hear about this :crying: In this situation, many would use the time they have left for all their personal desires. But you are not focusing on "the here and now", you are looking at the big picture, you have adopted Jehovah's view. I'm sure he's very proud of you and your wife for putting his work first under these difficult circumstances. Such an attitude is always blessed by him. At the same time, you are giving us all an excellent example to imitate. Especially when we are in good health, we can ask ourselves "how much am I committing myself, now that I am still well?".

I wish you and your wife all the best, much strength and blessings from Jehovah! :flowers:

Chrissy :wave:

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About coffee breaks! It is amusing at how my ministry in the past has affected my conscience now that I am in my recliner doing Zoom letter writing. If I need to go down the hallway to the 'little girl's room' i don't stop my time..but if I need to make a pot of coffee and maybe a bite to eat, it is like stopping at the donut shop in the past..I would stop my time! Haha!🤪 Some sisters on Zoom have these huge insuated coffee mugs! So they never leave their chair to get more coffee! 😊

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Data of those participating in the ministry and Bible studies is still needed so the GB can accurately respond to the needs of the field. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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18 hours ago, humble bumble bee said:

It certainly is a relief!

For months I felt embarrassed bcs of health issues, to just report that I was active as a witness, (did get used to it) now I don't have to anymore.

A complete relief.  No longer feeling guilty because you didn’t do enough and what are the elders going to think.  (How we humans think). Now it’s between you and Jehovah.  Remember in the end Jehovah decides if you get life, not the elders.  Beautiful announcement.  But then, why are we surprise. Jehovah always knows what we need and when we need it.

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5 hours ago, Ishaya said:

am also going to miss the urgency to start a conversation in the field service so as to start recording time

I am thrilled with the new arrangement. I never liked the idea of someone doing something just to get their time started. Their motive was to count time instead of reaching hearts. It made me feel like they were punching a time clock instead of helping people.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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