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Yes, but the Truth is so restrictive...!

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You may have heard this phrase from younger ones.. even older ones!  Yes the scriptures do say - live a simple life Preferring to be content than striving for the wind.


Heb 13:5 Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. For he has said: “I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.. 


Younger ones especially, without much experience in life coupled with peer pressure,  see a list of things that their school friends do but they can't... or younger ones, now at work, seeing what their workmates are buying 'all the time'  However when you do the door to door ministry what do you find.?  Many people without these so-called restrictions or anything to govern their behaviour, get into all sorts of troubles.


I was watching a program, about high debt, last night of two sets of young people (early 20s in one and late 20s in the second one)  the older couple had three children and the man just buys the kids whatever they want and as she said about it; 'always goes overboard' He takes medication now, so that he can sleep without worrying, about this debt, all night. She had cancer treatment and wondered if she'd be around to see the children grow up.  What kind of debt I wondered? The experts who were helping them to find a solution to their debt of £65,000 said none of the options were going to be without pain. Two options; file for bankruptcy or pay of the debt, which will take 17 years of not spending in that period. The bankruptcy sounded an easy solution but it would mean they could not get loans or get credit cards.. this may take years to resolve.


The other couple were so subject to the peer pressure on their friends spending ways that they just felt that they 'had to'  keep trying to mimic them.. She was asked if they wanted to go on holiday with these friends and the girl just gave them their credit card to order for them! (the experts said  'but you didn't even know 'how much' the holiday was going to be?. .Err No she said.) 


This couple could get rid of their debt in 13 months 'if' they didn't waste their money. Then the expert says she had noticed one expenses.. a personal trainer.. between £125 -250 per month!  'But you have to keep fit don't you?' she said. He felt that not keeping up with them would make them feel a failure in comparison. Their 'need to fit in' rather than be content with what they could afford was making their life miserable!


I felt for them.  I have often found though that many people who 'seem' to have everything are in just as much debt as these two couples.. they just don't let anyone know about it. They don't know that they are in the clutches of Satan's system; 'the world'


1 John 2: 16 because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world.


In one way it was depressing to watch but on the other hand it made my so called 'dull life' seem fabulous compared to the total anxiety of living without any self imposed restraints or not trying to keep up with other people's spending habits. 


Yes I am happy to sleep of a night.😴

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 I hear the phrase so many times; The truth is boring or restrictive." There are so many things to learn from the Bible. The new Bible aid we going to get next year is a glimpse of the surroundings of Jesus time. How about the time of Genesis 4th and 5th Chpt? There are many things to learn from these in the future. 



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2 hours ago, Tryin'SoHardToBeSpiritual said:

Truth is restrictive only in the world designed by Satan who deliberately created it to feel like restrictive. 

We all need to have boundaries and we will need this forever. Jehovah knows what we need.  I know this one girl told her mother that our religion is boring. If she knew what about the modern day organization from 1870's until now, she would not says this. What is so sad, she ended up pregnant.

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I am 67 years old and am frequently told that I do not "look that old".
I was raised in the Truth .. I have never smoked, I am not a "drinker", I was never sexually active outside of marriage, I am not a workaholic. Do we have some debt, yes ... but only the kind that is "normal" - we do not spend beyond our means just to "keep up" with others.
Over the years I have been able to 
  • pioneer
  • play in the orchestra when we had one
  • travel to other US States when I was single
  • Build more KH's than I can remember
  • Help build two Assembly Halls
  • Work as Warwick during the construction
  • Be on the "ground floor" of bringing the video to the Conventions
  • Install the video walls at the Convention
  • Married a faithful sister and raised 4 daughters ... all still in the Truth - my married daughter is a Reg Pio
  • Have a 5 year old granddaughter that "pioneers" with her mother
  • and many more things
Does this sound "restrictive" ?
I have not
  • Been arrested or served time in jail
  • used drugs or been addicted
  • gotten cancer from tobacco
  • had debt collectors hounding me
  • had any gambling debts
  • been in any fights
Seems to me that my time in the Truth has been filled with all sorts of things that have been neither restrictive nor boring.
I'm also 67. I look at women my age, sitting at the till at Pak and Save ( a local supermarket) trying to save for retirement or whatever, or doing endless childcare for ungrateful children. I, on the other hand, while helping with my grandchildren when needed, pioneer, work for the best boss, sit by the lake with the cart on a beautiful morning appreciating Jehovah's creation, have genuine friends, peace of mind, and a real purpose to my life. I know which lifestyle I prefer!

Sent from my SM-T290 using Tapatalk

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eBrother John,  your picture certainly tells a story.


As alien residents on the earth at the moment we are given insight into what your picture relates.


We are on an earth that is surrounded by Satan's negative spirit and his Seed.  We know they are there but where should our focus be?


We can all be anxious and afraid and that will be compounded if we just look at what that spirit is doing and concentrating on it being there




We can be aware they are there but concentrate on the Spiritual Paradise Jehovah has given us and truly become engrossed on the things he gives to comfort us and guide us through this period.


Not easy when in the back of your mind you are aware of what's going on around you but we can't afford to be like Rahab's rellies who were given protection in her room but concentrated solely on what was happening around them and panicked and lost their lives.


As far as this spiritual paradise my seem restrictive,  for those who have come from the world we are quite happy that we don't have the world's showy way of life dangling before us [been there, done that.  Have the scars to show it.]  For those having grown up in the protection of the truth, appreciate it, scars are just memories of hurtful things and you don't need them.  You have been spared so far from those hurts so don't put yourself at risk.  Satan often projects himself as an Angel of light, but deception is his game.


Too how comforting the knowledge that very soon the lions will be gone and the cage door open and we can enjoy the freedom extended.


Oh yes, that's for a thousand years and then they return, but Jehovah will have covered that scenario too if we faithfully adhere to his direction.


But for now we are alien residents and look forward to Jehovah getting us through this system and appreciate the Spiritual Paradise h has given us.


Loved the pic John.  The one on the sharks is good too Rosanne.


Brother Merv and Sister Chris.

Edited by bushbard
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15 hours ago, Qapla said:

I am 67 years old and am frequently told that I do not "look that old".


I was raised in the Truth .. I have never smoked, I am not a "drinker", I was never sexually active outside of marriage, I am not a workaholic. Do we have some debt, yes ... but only the kind that is "normal" - we do not spend beyond our means just to "keep up" with others.


Over the years I have been able to 

  • pioneer
  • play in the orchestra when we had one
  • travel to other US States when I was single
  • Build more KH's than I can remember
  • Help build two Assembly Halls
  • Work as Warwick during the construction
  • Be on the "ground floor" of bringing the video to the Conventions
  • Install the video walls at the Convention
  • Married a faithful sister and raised 4 daughters ... all still in the Truth - my married daughter is a Reg Pio
  • Have a 5 year old granddaughter that "pioneers" with her mother
  • and many more things

Does this sound "restrictive" ?


I have not

  • Been arrested or served time in jail
  • used drugs or been addicted
  • gotten cancer from tobacco
  • had debt collectors hounding me
  • had any gambling debts
  • been in any fights

Seems to me that my time in the Truth has been filled with all sorts of things that have been neither restrictive nor boring.


It is not important where we serve nor in what capacity but, rather, whom we serve. MARKUS HARTLIEF

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At 15 years of age, I left the "Christian" religion I was raised in. The freedom which my atheist friends seemed to have, was a significant factor. It was so alluring.


Maybe it is just me, but the mid-to-late teens seems to be the most spiritually fragile time. Exploring the unknown is exciting and the slightest nudge can point us in the wrong direction. It's like a haystack with petrol poured over it, just waiting for a spark or even a hot day. My friends were pretty solid from a worldly perspective, but I can't help thinking that if my best friends had been in the Truth, I would have avoided a tonne of pain. The importance of good associations cannot be overstated. Iron sharpens iron, etc.


Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.


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You young'ns, like John and Jennifer, thanks for the slight OT path. I can never resist numerals or numbers in a sentence. 67 is a prime number, so you both are in your prime.  Inching you both out, at 68 (composite number,) I am somewhat surprised and occasionally aghast to see the people in my senior apartment complex, especially the women. They are squeezing their wrinkled overweight selves into lowcut tops, and are sporting tats that have faded and become distorted due to aging stretched skin.  Lifetimes full of cigarette smoking have etched their faces and left them emanating a distinct and unpleasant odor. Adding perfume and powder permeates the air around them with an indescribable but recognizable stench.  Personally, I don't use face makeup, and genetically haven't gone gray. As Witnesses of Jehovah we try to respect the gift of life and take care of whatever measure of health we can enjoy.  It shows when we meet each other and can usually pick out a brother or sister in a setting of strangers, as they stand out from the crowd. Having distinct and understandable boundaries is a good thing. 

Edited by kejedo
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Might have mentioned this before but I work around a woman who looks as if she is 75 years old. I kid you not. We were talking, a conversation we had about a year ago, about age. I reminded her we had had this conversation awhile back and that I'm actually a few years older than her! She had the same reaction as last time, she just stood there and stared. I told her it's clean living. She admitted she has never led a clean life, eats chocolate like crazy and smokes.

Yep, I'll follow Jehovah's boundaries, NP.

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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On 11/26/2019 at 11:10 AM, jwhess said:

I am convinced that it is a matter of perspective.  Are the walls that surround us a protection or a prison.  This old photo is what I think of every time.

How do you think these people feel about their cage?  Too restrictive?




Wish I’d seen this a month ago! Would have definitely shown my sister. 

She said those very words & unfortunately she was disfellowshipped....😔


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1 hour ago, bagwell1987 said:

She admitted she has never led a clean life, eats chocolate like crazy and smokes.




:eek: Where is the scripture about eating chocolate? :eek: 


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 11/26/2019 at 2:28 PM, Qapla said:

I am 67 years old and am frequently told that I do not "look that old".


I was raised in the Truth .. I have never smoked, I am not a "drinker", I was never sexually active outside of marriage, I am not a workaholic. Do we have some debt, yes ... but only the kind that is "normal" - we do not spend beyond our means just to "keep up" with others.


Over the years I have been able to 

  • pioneer
  • play in the orchestra when we had one
  • travel to other US States when I was single
  • Build more KH's than I can remember
  • Help build two Assembly Halls
  • Work as Warwick during the construction
  • Be on the "ground floor" of bringing the video to the Conventions
  • Install the video walls at the Convention
  • Married a faithful sister and raised 4 daughters ... all still in the Truth - my married daughter is a Reg Pio
  • Have a 5 year old granddaughter that "pioneers" with her mother
  • and many more things

Does this sound "restrictive" ?


I have not

  • Been arrested or served time in jail
  • used drugs or been addicted
  • gotten cancer from tobacco
  • had debt collectors hounding me
  • had any gambling debts
  • been in any fights

Seems to me that my time in the Truth has been filled with all sorts of things that have been neither restrictive nor boring.


On 11/26/2019 at 2:28 PM, Qapla said:

I am 67 years old and am frequently told that I do not "look that old".


I was raised in the Truth .. I have never smoked, I am not a "drinker", I was never sexually active outside of marriage, I am not a workaholic. Do we have some debt, yes ... but only the kind that is "normal" - we do not spend beyond our means just to "keep up" with others.


Over the years I have been able to 

  • pioneer
  • play in the orchestra when we had one
  • travel to other US States when I was single
  • Build more KH's than I can remember
  • Help build two Assembly Halls
  • Work as Warwick during the construction
  • Be on the "ground floor" of bringing the video to the Conventions
  • Install the video walls at the Convention
  • Married a faithful sister and raised 4 daughters ... all still in the Truth - my married daughter is a Reg Pio
  • Have a 5 year old granddaughter that "pioneers" with her mother
  • and many more things

Does this sound "restrictive" ?


I have not

  • Been arrested or served time in jail
  • used drugs or been addicted
  • gotten cancer from tobacco
  • had debt collectors hounding me
  • had any gambling debts
  • been in any fights

Seems to me that my time in the Truth has been filled with all sorts of things that have been neither restrictive nor boring.

I actually really like all the bullet points there! What a great idea to think about what we’ve accomplished in our lives serving our great God Jehovah. it helps us to focus on the blessings we’ve enjoyed, & can still enjoy...

The truth is far from being boring! 😀

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6 hours ago, Qapla said:

Where is the scripture about eating chocolate? :eek: 

Rev 10:9,10....


Apparently it was a chocolate scroll...:yes:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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3 hours ago, Bro Richard said:

Rev 10:9,10....


Apparently it was a chocolate scroll...:yes:

Where's my "oh dear" button, Oh here it is! 😒        😁

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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On 11/26/2019 at 9:28 AM, Qapla said:

I am 67 years old and am frequently told that I do not "look that old".


I was raised in the Truth .. I have never smoked, I am not a "drinker", I was never sexually active outside of marriage, I am not a workaholic. Do we have some debt, yes ... but only the kind that is "normal" - we do not spend beyond our means just to "keep up" with others.


Over the years I have been able to 

  • pioneer
  • play in the orchestra when we had one
  • travel to other US States when I was single
  • Build more KH's than I can remember
  • Help build two Assembly Halls
  • Work as Warwick during the construction
  • Be on the "ground floor" of bringing the video to the Conventions
  • Install the video walls at the Convention
  • Married a faithful sister and raised 4 daughters ... all still in the Truth - my married daughter is a Reg Pio
  • Have a 5 year old granddaughter that "pioneers" with her mother
  • and many more things

Does this sound "restrictive" ?


I have not

  • Been arrested or served time in jail
  • used drugs or been addicted
  • gotten cancer from tobacco
  • had debt collectors hounding me
  • had any gambling debts
  • been in any fights

Seems to me that my time in the Truth has been filled with all sorts of things that have been neither restrictive nor boring.

That’s sounds first rate! And I agree with your overall assessment.  And very nearly match your hand not list : I have been in a few fights ( not raised in the truth ). I too am pleased to say My wife and I have a 100% success rate in raising children in the truth.  BTW : since you played in the orchestra: Do you know Mike And Donna Kessinger? 

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