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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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39 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

Well, I'm already giving  a donation and receiving money through my ss benefits and a pension, why would or should the government give me or anyone else that is still working and receiving a paycheck any extra money? This just seems to me a Trump plan to make him "look great again" like all politicians do, I've always said that maybe staying home from assemblies and viewing ( streaming) at the KH's or from home we could all afford to give the money saved to the " Earthly organization".Now, when I travel to a regional, which we have to do ( 100 miles away) I spend on the average $500 which includes hotel and meals, I'm not donating that kind of money at the regional, but if I stayed home could donate most if not all of that! This may be happening in the near future as things are changing fast.We are already getting  a taste of what it's like not to have meetings, but we can still stream and use things like "Zoom" that Bro Matthew above mentioned. Just my thought. Thoughts and emojis welcomed.

I was thinking of who in my congregation is still in the workforce and will be possibly losing their job either temporarily or permanently and would have no money for food, rent..and those with children who would be more hard pressed. We are fine, so why not give our money from the government to them..also world wide work, LDC, etc.

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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3 hours ago, Lee49 said:

most big chain stores offering a "senior only hour" where seniors only are allowed to shop before non seniors, supposedly allowing those over 60 to get in/out with the things they need before all of the hoarders buy up everything,

I went this morning. Still lots of empty shelves, but stock boys putting stuff out.


Canada US boarder Closed for non-commercial travel. No word when in effect but probably immediately. Those from either country allowed to return home - for now.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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It was just a thought about where the money would go I'm going to be working throughout the coronavirus outbreak and I'll still be getting a paycheck I certainly don't need this worthless money because this worthless system of things is coming to an end I just thought maybe put it to good use .ehem somebody doesn't like Trump let's keep it neutral people

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Lower Michigan now has 80 confirmed cases.


None in the U P...only because no one is being tested.




Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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The Corona virus has been confirmed in Lagos again. It was confirmed today, and apparently, she (the infected person) arrived from the United states with her baby. Both are infected.


I am certain and confident Jehovah's organization will be fine. I called on Jehovah's attention through prayer on the issues his organization is facing. I'm happy the earthly organization is staying alert with regards to spiritual provisions, the heavenly organization is working on something, and the most powerful being in the universe is aware.

Let's see where this goes...

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My state, Michigan USA, reporting its first coronavirus fatality: :( 



WAYNE COUNTY, Mich. (WXYZ) — A man in his 50s who tested positive for COVID-19 passed away at a Beaumont hospital in Wayne County, Beaumont Health announced.


This is the first death of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in Michigan.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Today at our local kind of like drugstore Rossmann, they were only letting in 20 people at a time. You were given an allowance slip while you were shopping, and then gave it back when you exited. It worked out well. At the cashier, people buying items were standing at a distance from one another, so even though there were 6 people waiting in line, it went down into one aisle. Amazing how well it's working out at the one store, and how just everybody is cooperating.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Well, I was having anxiety about going to group therapy and was trying to decide and my mom was panicking. But I found out today that all group therapy at my mental health agency have been cancelled until further notice due to the coronavirus.  It depends on the urgency of the appointment, but therapy and psychiatrist appointments for medication (The therapist does the counseling and the psychiatrist a separate person prescribes the medication) are primarily being done over the phone.  So my therapist will call me on the phone on the day and at the time we already have scheduled.  It's sad because the group therapy is helpful to a lot of people and has been helpful to me also in person therapy for many people is better but at least I can have individual therapy over the phone and others can too.  See my post.  

One of the receptionists told me over the phone to take care of myself.

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News article about what’s going on in the Upper Peninsula.


”Assume it’s here”.



WLUC) - While the coronavirus has not been detected in Upper Michigan as of Wednesday night, experts say U.P. residents should assume it's here already and follow social distancing guidelines.


The Michigan Department of Health Human Services says it does not have a count of how many people have been tested for COVID-19 in Upper Michigan, and there's no accurate count available about the number of tests available. But all U.P. health departments acknowledge that some testing is being done in their counties.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now allows for collection of a single Nasopharyngeal swab for testing. Local health departments do not currently have the capacity to collect samples from patients.


Big concerns continue across the nation about testing access and availability for COVID-19. In Upper Michigan, the reported turnaround time for getting results is generally at least four days.


Each U.P. health department is tracking and reporting information about COVID-19 testing in different ways.


Dr. Kevin Piggott, the medical director of the Marquette County Health Department says his office does not have an accurate total count of samples that have gone out for testing to the state lab and private labs because a variety of health care providers are involved.


Dr. Piggott says he believes it doesn't matter when the first positive case is detected in Upper Michigan, because we should all be acting like COVID-19 is already here and social distancing.



Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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A Louisiana pastor defies a state order and holds a church service with hundreds of people:


"In holding services for so many followers at his Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Spell defied an emergency order by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards banning public or private gatherings with more than 50 people to stop the spread of Covid-19."

 "In Baton Rouge, Spell said a police officer came to Life Tabernacle Church on Tuesday night and told him the next time the church held a service, the National Guard would be sent in to break it up."

He estimated his church hosted about 300 people for Tuesday's service. 🤧

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9 hours ago, EccentricM said:

All our meetings are cancelled now at the hall, and we are holding meetings through groups on "Zoom" (a video call app similar to skype).

we are using zoom too.


9 hours ago, Todd komaniak said:

Right now because of the coronavirus and the economic portion that is going downhill United States Congress is trying to pass a bill to give each person $1,000. Now I don't want any likes or any kind of emojis on this but all give a think of donating your check to the worldwide work or whichever because I think this is the last hurrah would give a big boost to the Earthly organization

we dont receive anything... some daily worker are already complaining.. pleading the president to go to work

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9 hours ago, Mykyl said:

No idea how they will get new apps installed when most have no clue about tech

I agree.  My husband was trying to help a dear 94 year old sister in an assisted living facility this weekend.  Poor thing could hardly hear and couldn’t seem to figure out what to click on to play the streaming meeting. We have quite a few older ones in our group.  It’s a real challenge. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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"Monday night, angry crowds stormed the courtyards of the Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad and the Fatima Masumeh shrine in Qom. Many people visit the shrine in Qom 24 hours a day, seven days a week, touching and kissing the shrine.That has worried health officials, who for weeks wanted Iran's Shiite clergy to close them."

"Police later dispersed the crowds and made arrests. Religious authorities and a prominent Qom seminary called the demonstration an “insult” to the shrine.

Iran's shrines draw Shiite pilgrims from all over, likely contributing to the virus' regional spread. Saudi Arabia has closed off Islam’s holiest sites and on Tuesday said it would halt communal Friday prayers in the kingdom"


They have a huge holiday next month. This should be interesting. 


As an aside, I am pretty certain that I have this virus (been exposed to known case). Symptoms are pretty mild and have been there for weeks now. Seems like a mild flu or a bad cold, but with some shortness of breath. For perspective, I used to be able to run up and down a couple of flights of stairs with no problem. Now I'm a bit short of breath walking down one flight. 


Exact symptoms if anyone is interested: Nonstop headache, low grade fever, increased mucus production, mild cough, body pains, fatigue, then the shortness of breath. I'm pretty sure my school age daughter had it too, but her symptoms were even more mild than mine. She had a headache and what seemed like a cold with the same low grade fever and cough, but she recovered within days.


I'm recovering slowly but surely. Bright side is there is lots of down time to rewatch encouraging talks from past few annual meetings. It feels like the grand finale to this whole thing is really close now. 


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4 hours ago, JW2017 said:

Well, I was having anxiety about going to group therapy and was trying to decide and my mom was panicking. But I found out today that all group therapy at my mental health agency have been cancelled until further notice due to the coronavirus.  It depends on the urgency of the appointment, but therapy and psychiatrist appointments for medication (The therapist does the counseling and the psychiatrist a separate person prescribes the medication) are primarily being done over the phone.  So my therapist will call me on the phone on the day and at the time we already have scheduled.  It's sad because the group therapy is helpful to a lot of people and has been helpful to me also in person therapy for many people is better but at least I can have individual therapy over the phone and others can too.  See my post.  

One of the receptionists told me over the phone to take care of myself.

Also, I forgot to mention that my psychiatrist appointment in April for medication is set up to be over the phone now.

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When I was at the VA in Iron Mountain MI. today, I asked one of the clerks if I could have a mask. She said no because they’re only giving them to people that have symptoms.... I said, say what?  Isn’t that a little too late, I’m trying to not get the virus. Whatever... she did let me have a slug of the hand sanitizer, but kept the bottle close to her because she said people were stealing them.  And they wonder why the virus is spreading. 

Preach The Word....Be At It Urgently. 2 Tim. 4:2

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12 minutes ago, paulc said:

When I was at the VA in Iron Mountain MI. today, I asked one of the clerks if I could have a mask. She said no because they’re only giving them to people that have symptoms.... I said, say what?  Isn’t that a little too late, I’m trying to not get the virus. Whatever... she did let me have a slug of the hand sanitizer, but kept the bottle close to her because she said people were stealing them.  And they wonder why the virus is spreading. 

In the Asian countries they wear masks..Sometimes a drone follows people with a message to wear a mask!! I was wearing a mask to the stores until the government said not to wear a mask unless sick!! So I quit going inside stores and now order all our food online and being elderly, we are staying home ro help prevent the spread of the virus!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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1 hour ago, SUNRAY said:

In the Asian countries they wear masks..Sometimes a drone follows people with a message to wear a mask!! I was wearing a mask to the stores until the government said not to wear a mask unless sick!! So I quit going inside stores and now order all our food online and being elderly, we are staying home ro help prevent the spread of the virus!

Just a little side thought dear sis, whenever I read one of your posts or see your name do you know what my mind conjures up? Someone in her mid 30's, kinda red haired and full of energy. So when you speak of being elderly I struggle with that. You'll always be a young Auburn haired lass to me.😘


Back to the real topic.......

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be checked on their forehead and that nobody can enter a place to buy or sell except a person having the check on their forehead, This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number for it is a man’s temperature, and its number is 98.6 - Revelationish 13:16-18



CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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The only place I found was Antarctica, there is no corona virus there.  Not unless some penguin decides to migrate north. 

He heard the commotion up north, west, east and figured it was safer to stay south.  He was so happy his feet even showed on the picture! 
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