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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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3 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

2. Or do you believe in pandemic, but feel that all reports are exaggerated? (it's a lighter disease then portrayed)




This one. I don't believe it's a hoax. I believe it was an illness comparable to the flu that's been taken and over-politicized by the nations out of fear and control to fit agendas. I still believe it's to be of concern. I just don't believe it's anything passed the concern of flu which is already deadly in its own right...

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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I always think that those people who deny COVID exists or that it’s exaggerated should go and work in the local ICU or Covid ward…..   that way the poor doctors and nurses who are overworked and underpaid could have a much needed rest from watching people gasp their last breath !!


 After all it won’t effect those in denial will it  .

 I met my 80 year old neighbour yesterday, she told me that she’s not getting the vaccine as she doesn’t trust it and feel that Covid isn’t that bad at all…. She spends her days watching YouTube, I have to say my jaw dropped!!   What a stupid, stupid woman.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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1 hour ago, Nirex said:

This one. I don't believe it's a hoax. I believe it was an illness comparable to the flu that's been taken and over-politicized by the nations out of fear and control to fit agendas. I still believe it's to be of concern. I just don't believe it's anything passed the concern of flu which is already deadly in its own right...

What is problematic that new variants are emerging, the latest one is Delta that is so hard to get it under control.

No other disease was able to effectively shut down the whole world. 

Can we compare Covid-19 to flu when it comes to severity and deaths?

Covid-19 so far claimed almost 4.5million deaths ...just in the past 28 days unfortunatly 268.000 people (multiply this by 12...hmm) died  https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


How does this compare to flu?

The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.


If we based our opinion just on statistics then we clearly see that Covid-19 is way dangerous sickness. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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12 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

What is problematic that new variants are emerging, the latest one is Delta that is so hard to get it under control.

No other disease was able to effectively shut down the whole world. 

Can we compare Covid-19 to flu when it comes to severity and deaths?

Covid-19 so far claimed almost 4.5million deaths ...just in the past 28 days unfortunatly 268.000 people (multiply this by 12...hmm) died  https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


How does this compare to flu?

The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.


If we based our opinion just on statistics then we clearly see that Covid-19 is way dangerous sickness. 

My only comparison to the flu is explaining things like the delta variant. Its why people have to get flu vaccines every year. 


Even still the 1918 pandemic killed 50,000,000. That's a flu and it killed way more than covid.


It was h1n1 and its still with us. In its mutations though it became less deadly to the flu we know today. 


We could've had similar numbers to the 1918 pandemic, but they remembered the lessons. And unlike 1918... The nation's aren't shipping off all the young men to fight a war while creating mass infection events at all the transportation facilities and trenches. I'll take the stay at home agenda over the kill yourself in the meat grinder agenda any day.

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6 hours ago, Jonadab said:

the knights of the apocalypse is not fake, and it is not conspiracy theory, it is a reality, it is a fulfillment of prophecy The pandemic exists, the virus exists, and the deaths of several brothers exist! Just one more detail the land is not flat! And vaccines don't kill! Be wary of conspiracy theories! Beware of Satan, he likes to blind people's minds!

👍👍👍👍👍 and also Fullfillment of Habakkuk 3:5

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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3 hours ago, Nirex said:

This one. I don't believe it's a hoax. I believe it was an illness comparable to the flu that's been taken and over-politicized by the nations out of fear and control to fit agendas. I still believe it's to be of concern. I just don't believe it's anything passed the concern of flu which is already deadly in its own right...

Dear Regina 

COVID-19 ruins you inside

its not a theory

its a fact. You don’t see because it’s inside you like slow rust corrupting your system 

Oh no. This is not just another flu.

it’s major worse. Some 50% develop long covid and suffer the consequences For months after being exposed 

this is true. I can prove it.

This is the fullfillment of some prophecies like Luke revelation and Habakkuk 3:5


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Managing COVID-19 through timelines I Dr. Mathew Varghese 




Dr. Mathew Varghese, senior doctor at St. Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi, undertakes a clear, step-by-step, exposition of the timeline of the progress of Covid- 19 and its treatment protocol. This video advises patients, and their caretakers, about what steps to take when, on a day-to-day level, and signposts the different stages at which to look for medical intervention.

From the transcript


A lot of people think the virus has caused the pneumonia and that is the biggest mistake which happened in the early understanding of the disease. The x-ray picture looks like a pneumonia until in Italy, they did a post-mortem and they found that it was not pneumonia it is actually blood clotting in the veins. 

Just received news from a newly baptized sister living 250 km away that her 2 young school going children had tested positive for Covid. She is waiting for the ambulance to pick them up from her house. They have been tagged with pink wristbands. The phone line is not too stable and her phone is a cheap model. She was in such a state that she could not attend the Convention review session this afternoon (Sunday). She has been under great stress these past few days. She and her unbelieving husband had been out of job for a few months and she recently started cleaning people's houses during the weekends. Before this unfortunate turn of events, she has steadfastly refused any handouts from the congregation. But I used the opportunity to top up her phone, something she is not in a position to refuse.


Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Neutralizing response induced by SARS-CoV-2 is heterogeneous in magnitude but stable beyond one year after infection. Severity of primary infection determines higher magnitude but poorer quality of long-term neutralizing responses.


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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5 hours ago, lord-360 said:

Even still the 1918 pandemic killed 50,000,000. That's a flu and it killed way more than covid.


It was h1n1 and its still with us. In its mutations though it became less deadly to the flu we know today. 

This is a good point. The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was just the ordinary H1N1 flu. Even an ordinary flu can become a pandemic if untreated. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 hours ago, Nirex said:

This one. I don't believe it's a hoax. I believe it was an illness comparable to the flu that's been taken and over-politicized by the nations out of fear and control to fit agendas. I still believe it's to be of concern. I just don't believe it's anything passed the concern of flu which is already deadly in its own right...

Which takes us back to a global conspiracy that all the world's medical professionals have colluded together to perpetuate the lie that this is a dangerous pandemic.  So, it's still believing in a hoax. 


Could you imagine the political clout and power a country like China or Russia could gain if they didn't go along with this hoax but, instead, revealed it for the lie that it is? The Western World would possibly never recover from such a devastating exposure. It actually would be in a government's best interest to expose the lie.  Heck, Sweden's initial response of minimal restrictions and not shutting down would have proved the best course of action.  Places like Brazil now or Italy in the early months would not suffer the mass deaths. 


It's interesting to me that the fake news I see that Covid isn't any worse than the flu only focuses on the US and how this country is lying about it. It's like they ignore the rest of the globe is reporting the same thing. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 hours ago, Nirex said:

This one. I don't believe it's a hoax. I believe it was an illness comparable to the flu that's been taken and over-politicized by the nations out of fear and control to fit agendas. I still believe it's to be of concern. I just don't believe it's anything passed the concern of flu which is already deadly in its own right...

Regina, I understand your point. I think part of the problem may be that you were scared to death with this virus and have been living secluded due to it. I have to agree, it's not so deadly as that.


For most healthy people, it's not necessary to be shut-in without ever leaving your home. Most of us have been going to work, using public transportation and going places most of this time. The virus is dangerous, but if you wear a mask, keep some social distance, wash your hands often and, above all, act with some common sense, it's very likely that you will not catch it.


Covid19 admittedly is not comparable to Ebola or Marbug or other very deadly viruses, but it's not a flu either. Most patients who are more or less healthy and receive good medical care will recover (although some suffer sequels for a long time or for life). The problem is the virus spreads so easily, it tends to saturate hospitals and ICUs. When patients can no longer be admitted at hospital or cannot receive the proper treatment due to lack of space or staff or material, their chances of dying are much higher. Here in Spain, in the worst months of the pandemic when we were having over 1000 deaths daily, the government ordered doctors not to admit elderly people at hospitals, to send them home to die because younger people were the priority.


That situation has been more or less controlled in the Western world, but in poor countries as those in Latin America, Brazil or India, where medical facilities were already quite precarious, corpses of covid victims were literally piled up in the streets. That had never happened with the flu (after 1919).


This is a pandemic indeed and covid19 is a dangerous virus. But there is no need to panic. Just follow safety measures, show common sense and try to have a normal life. :)

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The 2017–2018 United States flu season lasted from late 2017 through early 2018.[1] The predominant strain of influenza was H3N2.[2] During the spring months of March–May, influenza B virus became dominant.[3]


In all states except Hawaii and Oregon, the distribution of influenza was indicated as widespread, including 32 states that had high flu activity.[2][4] The flu season was exacerbated by a shortage of IV bags caused by IV bag plant closures in Puerto Rico following Hurricane María.[5] The CDC estimates that 61,000 Americans died due to influenza during the 2017-2018 flu season.[6]


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017–2018_United_States_flu_season#:~:text=The 2017–2018 flu season,since the 2009 flu season.


So, during the 2017-2018 flu season, 61,000 people died in the US. 


In contrast 


The COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020.




What was the 2020-2021 flu season like in the US?  There were between 24,000 to 62,000 deaths.  https://hive.rochesterregional.org/2020/01/flu-season-2020


Now, what does this data tell you about the claim that covid deaths are really flu deaths?  The data reveals that coronavirus killed 5 times as many Americans as the flu did in 2017-2018.  In fact, if you subtract the flu deaths from coronavirus deaths you still have over 300,000 dead Americans.  


If this is just a flu, or if the coronavirus numbers are inflated by flu deaths mislabeled as covid, we are still looking at a horrible death toll. Why lie about the cause of death?  It doesn't make sense to lie when the numbers are still 5x higher than a normal flu season before Covid. 


Now, deniers like to claim that deaths from underlying conditions shouldn't count.  Honestly, though, this reasoning is flawed. A drunk driver, for example, crashes into another car and the other driver dies of a heart attack. Now, is the drunk driver not responsible for this other man's death because that man had a pre-existing heart condition? Does that make sense?  Is the drunk driver not responsible for the man's death because that man would have died of a heart attack anyway at some later time? Did the AIDS patient that died of the flu not count in Influenza deaths because he had AIDS?  Does that sound reasonable? 



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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23 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

In contrast 


The COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020.




And think of how many could have died if the world hadn't taken precautions and lockdowns...  What if they just continued as normal and denied it all?  How many would have died?  

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The problem with the statistics of it vs the flu, is as I said before, the way they're marking their numbers. I don't know if this is just U.S or other cuontries as well. But if you go into the hospital with say a heart attack, but you test positive for covid while you're there? It's marked as a Covid death, whether or not the Covid was actually the cause of the heart attack or not. So some cases could have been mild, and just had the wrong timing or compounded.  There's even been bizarre cases reported with photos attached where someones relative got in a motorcycle accident an was marked Covid, because they tested positive at death. How can numbers be trusted when you had that type of inflation of them going on?


And the nurse videos, I just... that's kinda what broke the straw of belief for me. I see it non-stop said on the news even now that there's hospital bed shortages, and staff shortages. But 1. Despite staff shortages they still find it easy to fire groups of people over not getting vaccinated, despite them being front line workers throughout the entire pandemic that probably have natural antibodies at this point. 2. Dancing videos. All over tiktok made by nurses and hospitals where they somehow found the time to choreograph a dance, in very empty looking hospitals. Along with people going to their local hospitals and them being empty.


When I didn't know what to believe for a while someone told me the best way to get away from all the media and news is to look at your own area. Not ignore the others, but look at your own area as well, your hospitals, your neighborhood, your town, and see how they doing.


For here in Columbus GA...  I've spoken to two paramedics in unrelated incidents last year. One told me it was the biggest hoax on the planet when I told him I was worried of catching it after he asked me what hospital I wanted to go to (which is dangerous advice, and I would have reported the guy had I gotten his name) another told me I had nothing to worry about. On the flip side, a nurse said her mother got it and almost died, but also said her mother had underlying health issues. I took the news's numbers, and ran them against the stats on Google where you look up a county and it shows you the daily cases or deaths you can set it to 'all time' or 'last 30 days.' The numbers reported, are lower than what's shown on the news, and here, at least, the deaths are stagnant, to maybe 1 or 2 every 2 weeks, like what would be the normal of dying anyway.


But brother Carlos may have had a point. When I said I was paranoid. I mean, for a year and a half I did not go out, except maybe once. I ordered grocery from Wal Mart to my doorstep, I collected unemployment, I ordered fast food, I somewhat sabotaged my husbands car (basically refused to pay for repairs when it needed it) as a 'necessary sacrifice' to avoid the temptation for him to go out and catch the virus... I did not set foot past the outside front steps for most the duration till like April this year when things seemed to have started to calm down before Delta. I took the 'lock down' to extremes and became a shut-in.


So to then get out, and see how it's not so easy to catch it as I thought, compared to the doom playing on the news constantly, it felt somewhat disillusioning.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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18 hours ago, Nirex said:

This entire pandemic has taught me to be more skeptic and self-reflective at listening to the media and news, and the leaders of our countries.


If they're not going to have my well being in mind then, why should I believe they have it now?

Edited 17 hours ago by Nirex

I’m curious to know why you think the governments are encouraging vaccination at all if they don’t have anyone’s well-being in mind? Of course no government in this system is trustworthy, except God’s kingdom, but by mass vaccination, are the leaders of this world in reality really intending to kill off their citizens? I am just trying to understand what you mean when you say the government’s don’t have the well being of their citizens through vaccination roll outs. Or are you just making a general statement about leaders or the news in general?

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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18 minutes ago, Nirex said:

But if you go into the hospital with say a heart attack, but you test positive for covid while you're there? It's marked as a Covid death, whether or not the Covid was actually the cause of the heart attack or not.

Or maybe the heart attack was caused by the stress that the Covid infection was putting on the body?


19 minutes ago, Nirex said:

There's even been bizarre cases reported with photos attached where someones relative got in a motorcycle accident an was marked Covid, because they tested positive at death. How can numbers be trusted when you had that type of inflation of them going on?

^ Stories like this are usually conspiracy theory rubbish. But even if it did happen once in a while, how many of the 4.5 million deaths do you think happened on a motorcycle?


14 minutes ago, Nirex said:

1. Despite staff shortages they still find it easy to fire groups of people over not getting vaccinated, despite them being front line workers throughout the entire pandemic that probably have natural antibodies at this point.

These "get vaccinated or get fired" situations were taking place before the current surge, after the vaccines were proven safe, made widely available, and the previous surge had abated thanks to them.


16 minutes ago, Nirex said:

2. Dancing videos. All over tiktok made by nurses and hospitals where they somehow found the time to choreograph a dance, in very empty looking hospitals. Along with people going to their local hospitals and them being empty.

Not every hospital on earth is dealing with a short staff, overcrowding, and a lack of ICU beds. Only hospitals in Covid hotspots are struggling with this. And just like above, these videos could have been made between when the last surge abated and before the current surge began to rise. There were a few months where this actually looked like it could have been coming to an end.


21 minutes ago, Nirex said:

When I didn't know what to believe for a while someone told me the best way to get away from all the media and news is to look at your own area. Not ignore the others, but look at your own area as well, your hospitals, your neighborhood, your town, and see how they doing.

Unplugging from the news is a good thing. Where I live, things are pretty normal. While my county is up in the "Red" as it were, the hospitals are not at capacity yet. However, if I drive 40 minutes north the next county and it's even larger major city is maxxed out. It varies from area to area, and it's worse in areas where there are larger concentrations of people, naturally.


24 minutes ago, Nirex said:

another told me I had nothing to worry about.

Which is true if you follow the common sense precautions.


25 minutes ago, Nirex said:

On the flip side, a nurse said her mother got it and almost died, but also said her mother had underlying health issues.

People in old age or with underlying health issues are the ones at risk of severe sickness and death. This has been the same message from the beginning.


26 minutes ago, Nirex said:

But brother Carlos may have had a point. When I said I was paranoid. I mean, for a year and a half I did not go out, except maybe once. I ordered grocery from Wal Mart to my doorstep, I collected unemployment, I ordered fast food, I somewhat sabotaged my husbands car (basically refused to pay for repairs when it needed it) as a 'necessary sacrifice' to avoid the temptation for him to go out and catch the virus... I did not set foot past the outside front steps for most the duration till like April this year when things seemed to have started to calm down before Delta. I took the 'lock down' to extremes and became a shut-in.


So to then get out, and see how it's not so easy to catch it as I thought, compared to the doom playing on the news constantly, it felt somewhat disillusioning.

This makes a lot of sense then with you having shared your experience.


I run my own construction business, and it got even busier since the pandemic began. My wife works at the grocery store. We both have gone about our daily lives with the only changes being that we wore masks (which we've slacked off on after getting vaccinated), stopped eating out, and avoided crowds, especially indoors. 


But at the same time, I have has people I know die and have seen it devastate communities around me.



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40 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

I’m curious to know why you think the governments are encouraging vaccination at all if they don’t have anyone’s well-being in mind?

That reason would be for the government to respond to.  However, I can tell you  whenever there’s a life or death medical emergency in the USA the government has never given it to its citizens for free.  


Vaccines from infancy till the age of 5 are required by our government to enroll in schools (parents paid for them)


diabetics who need insulin to survive (must pay for life sustaining insulin)


If you are pregnant and need to deliver (you must pay the cost for delivery in the hospital)


surgery (payment necessary) 


So to sum up the mediative thinking…..WHY all of a sudden is THIS treatment FREE of charge?  (That’s a question that the government can answer not any of us)





My personal opinion is there was a tremendous amount of pressure on the global governments with worldwide protesting, violence, etc.  I think they wanted to come up with a solution fast to give the masses some hope and calm them down.  It’s as if they are afraid to go back to lockdown again for fear of the reaction of the people.  No matter which variant keeps waving around the globe there aren’t any shutdowns.  


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7 minutes ago, comtemplate said:


So to sum up the mediative thinking…..WHY all of a sudden is THIS treatment FREE of charge?  (That’s a question that the government can answer not any of us)

Perhaps because we are in the middle of a global pandemic the likes of which nobody alive (with very few exceptions) has ever seen?  Because none of those other diseases people get vaccinated for killed 4.3 million people in the last 2 years?  These are just 2 possibilities. 


7 minutes ago, comtemplate said:

My personal opinion is there was a tremendous amount of pressure on the global governments with worldwide protesting, violence, etc.  I think they wanted to come up with a solution fast to give the masses some hope and calm them down.  It’s as if they are afraid to go back to lockdown again for fear of the reaction of the people.  No matter which variant keeps waving around the globe there aren’t any shutdowns.  

Granted. You can't put toothpaste back into the tube or the genie back in the bottle.  I agree we are not going to see the extreme lockdown we saw last year. Too many people won't stand for it. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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10 minutes ago, comtemplate said:

So to sum up the mediative thinking…..WHY all of a sudden is THIS treatment FREE of charge?  (That’s a question that the government can answer not any of us)

From more than 18 months now one could be infected with covid-19 and be either symptomatic or asymptomatic and be within a few feet of a person (especially indoor setting) and pass the virus on to another person.


The comorbidity level is a factor.


The use of limited medical resources to deal with after one's get infected-medical personnel used, money for that personnel, the infected ones livelihood being damaged  are some of the many and many reasons why the local government will absorb the cost per person (through taxes) why its "free".

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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The pandemic is over in the UK.


Or that is the impression you will get when see hundreds, even thousands, crowds of people going about like it is over.  I know it is the summer holiday, and people want to get away and relax.  I've noticed coastal resorts crowded more than usual this year.  Its not nice.  I liked it during lockdown.  It was much quieter and peaceful!

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For any who think COVID is just a big conspiracy, over-rated, over-exaggerated, and feel isolated enough not to worry about it, a good reminder is sister Louisa Slender from the Navajo Land, starting from 9:52 seconds:



Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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38 minutes ago, Nirex said:

The problem with the statistics of it vs the flu, is as I said before, the way they're marking their numbers. I don't know if this is just U.S or other cuontries as well. But if you go into the hospital with say a heart attack, but you test positive for covid while you're there? It's marked as a Covid death, whether or not the Covid was actually the cause of the heart attack or not. So some cases could have been mild, and just had the wrong timing or compounded. 

According to this factcheck.org, they site the cdc stating that -

"The CDC specifically advises that “COVID-19 should not be reported on the death certificate if it did not cause or contribute to the death.”" - https://www.factcheck.org/2021/05/scicheck-viral-post-misleads-on-covid-19-death-reporting-vaccine-monitoring/ 

So the CDC advises on proper reporting when it comes to mortality. Also Covid itself doesn't necessarily kill people, but rather its what it causes that kills people. For example many died from pneumonia, but it was caused by the coronavirus. Alternatively they could have had risk factors such as obesity and had been overweight. Then when they contracted covid they had trouble breathing and their heart overworked which caused them to die from a heart attack. So yes, while they died from a heart attack I think its fair to say that Covid was an underlying cause of their death.

"Signs of respiratory failure were most prevalent with 88.5%, while in 57.7% patients had clinical signs of bacterial pneumonia." - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-82862-5

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/02/16/fact-check-cdc-not-inflating-covid-19-deaths/6764078002/ - additional reading.

38 minutes ago, Nirex said:

There's even been bizarre cases reported with photos attached where someone's relative got in a motorcycle accident an was marked Covid, because they tested positive at death. How can numbers be trusted when you had that type of inflation of them going on?

This is true! This person lived in Florida and were incorrectly reported of having died from covid, despite dying in a motorcycle accident. However "They told us the death was initially recorded as a COVID-19 death after the victim tested positive. After the medical examiner and epidemiologist reviewed the death, they say they removed it from the COVID fatality list." -https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/covid-deaths-car-crash-comorbidities-coronavirus-death-total-counts-john-hopkins-study/65-e3842ed2-f753-4a15-8b97-c2ae75c2b2ce


So they weren't just padding the stats of covid, but It was identified by the health department, Investigated, and once found to be incorrect they promptly corrected the certificate. I find it more convenient that Facebook groups, and different communities like to bring up the account of the motorcycle accident, but either didn't follow up on the story or are willfully spreading half truths that follow a narrative that they want to promote. I'm not saying that you are doing this at all, just that sourcing is very important.


38 minutes ago, Nirex said:

And the nurse videos, I just... that's kinda what broke the straw of belief for me. I see it non-stop said on the news even now that there's hospital bed shortages, and staff shortages. But 1. Despite staff shortages they still find it easy to fire groups of people over not getting vaccinated, despite them being front line workers throughout the entire pandemic that probably have natural antibodies at this point. 2. Dancing videos. All over tiktok made by nurses and hospitals where they somehow found the time to choreograph a dance, in very empty looking hospitals. Along with people going to their local hospitals and them being empty.

They actually have a mandated policy that staff need to be vaccinated and all of them have done so with other vaccines. So they were fired for a mandate that they knew was in place. It was only 153 workers in a hospital that staffs 25,000 employees. I doubt it was impactful. What would be impactful though is your unvaccinated nurse not yet showing symptoms coming in to treat you for something not covid related and giving you covid. Sadly this happened to a brother in my area that lead to his death. He go covid in the hospital. - https://news.yahoo.com/nurses-fired-for-not-getting-covid-19-vaccine-explain-their-rationale-202817653.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHelt6cHwALgygUr4fW6RU8NYThydzyzlbYKf9PYQvnhK5kiYMSy_Lz2eKjJ4-zNXWI02GsxqWY6CYyCu81F_noMSp8WGjc4AnpQq-YonhGvRzFY2XBiSrkKG1ldMbqqGhobQuAqoFnhGf3X1vpMx_IKMTA7TkRacil4g2RPvfwk


Its important to note too that some hospitals firing staff is not equal to all hospitals. There is 6,090 hospitals in the united states - https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals There would have to be a lot of firings to affect the health care system. 


Not everywhere is having the same amount of cases either. In my smaller county for instance we have had a relatively small number of cases in comparison to the other counties of my state. If you were to take photos of the hospital here you would think nothing was going on.


I caution from this logic though. Someone could easily say that Witnesses aren't being persecuted or arrested showing us being relaxed in our homes here in the United States, but we all know sadly the trials our brothers and sisters our going through in lands like Russia. Just because something is one way in one area does not make it the same in others.

I found one article mentioning these "empty hospitals" and the video was filmed at night in a hallway. Not in the ICU ward where patients are. https://www.bbc.com/news/55560714 

there is plenty of footage of filled hospitals so why is one more valid that the other? 

38 minutes ago, Nirex said:


When I didn't know what to believe for a while someone told me the best way to get away from all the media and news is to look at your own area. Not ignore the others, but look at your own area as well, your hospitals, your neighborhood, your town, and see how they doing.


For here in Columbus GA...  I've spoken to two paramedics in unrelated incidents last year. One told me it was the biggest hoax on the planet when I told him I was worried of catching it after he asked me what hospital I wanted to go to (which is dangerous advice, and I would have reported the guy had I gotten his name) another told me I had nothing to worry about. On the flip side, a nurse said her mother got it and almost died, but also said her mother had underlying health issues. I took the news's numbers, and ran them against the stats on Google where you look up a county and it shows you the daily cases or deaths you can set it to 'all time' or 'last 30 days.' The numbers reported, are lower than what's shown on the news, and here, at least, the deaths are stagnant, to maybe 1 or 2 every 2 weeks, like what would be the normal of dying anyway.


But brother Carlos may have had a point. When I said I was paranoid. I mean, for a year and a half I did not go out, except maybe once. I ordered grocery from Wal Mart to my doorstep, I collected unemployment, I ordered fast food, I somewhat sabotaged my husbands car (basically refused to pay for repairs when it needed it) as a 'necessary sacrifice' to avoid the temptation for him to go out and catch the virus... I did not set foot past the outside front steps for most the duration till like April this year when things seemed to have started to calm down before Delta. I took the 'lock down' to extremes and became a shut-in.


So to then get out, and see how it's not so easy to catch it as I thought, compared to the doom playing on the news constantly, it felt somewhat disillusioning.

I sympathize with you, I really struggled not being able to see family and friends during lockdown and many could not fathom why we were being so strict. It sounds like you had anxiety from lockdown and i'm sorry to here that. I would caution from going from paranoid to doubting the virus or the severity. If I misunderstood what you mean I apologize.

I would like to mention that you can still go out taking care of necessities while still being careful and "quarantined".

Social distancing and masking has been effective for my family. Despite going into stores and work, me and my family have not contracted covid. Like taking a drive, we buckle our seatbelts and look both ways at a stop sign. We don't just sit in our driveway, rather we are responsible.


https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/peace-happiness/physical-mental-health/- some good articles that I have personally enjoyed. 

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4 hours ago, comtemplate said:

So to sum up the mediative thinking…..WHY all of a sudden is THIS treatment FREE of charge?  (That’s a question that the government can answer not any of us)

This is a very good question and I think the answer is quite clear. While it's be arguable whether the government cares about people's health or not, there is no question that the government is interested in money. Lockdowns and restrictions are terrible for economy. Every day that people don't go to work it's millions lost in taxes. Every time a business closes because they have no customers it's taxes the government doesn't receive and unemployment subsidies they have to pay.


The government is the first one interested in commercial activity going back to normal. Vaccines costs $20 per person and they allow people to go back to normal in a few weeks. Everybody wins.

Edited by carlos
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22 hours ago, Nirex said:

But if you go into the hospital with say a heart attack, but you test positive for covid while you're there? It's marked as a Covid death, whether or not the Covid was actually the cause of the heart attack or not.

I know that is not being done in Australia. A young 15 yr old boy who died yesterday had covid but that was not counted as the cause of death and he was not included in the death numbers. 

A 15-year-old boy who contracted pneumococcal meningitis and COVID-19 also died but Sydney's Children Hospital confirmed the virus was not the cause of Osama Subuh's death. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-16/boy-15-years-old-dies-with-covid-19-osama-subuh/100379396

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