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Court Ordered to Free Dennis Christensen

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Is anything wrong with home land or home country? :shrugs:


2 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

His wife and her family are Russian. He has lived in Russia for many years. It is not certain he considers any other place ‘home.’


...absolute rubbish...

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49 minutes ago, campanula said:

I hope so too, but then Russian authorities will count that as just another confirmation that we really are foreign extremist organization. 🙈

I was wondering about that. I assume there will be political implications if a foreign organization paid the fine. I hope it can be arranged by the Danish government. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I doubt the organization will pay the fine. I wish there was a way that all of us from around the world could contribute toward paying that. Wish he had a paypal açcount or something. I suppose if we sent checks into the organization with a stipulation in the memo line to help pay Br. Christensen's fine, they would do that with the money.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I wrote him a letter in Russian after he got sent to the penal colony but now it would be great to pour out my heart to him and his dear wife in English and tell him how much he encouraged and strengthened us through his example (it seems obvious that he speaks and probably reads English).  Does anyone know where or how to get their home address? 

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I know he lives in Oryol, Russia but does anyone have the rest of his address or know where we can get it? I've checked jw-russia.org but can't find any addresses on that site right now, not even in the prisoner biography pages.  

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Is anything wrong with home land or home country? :shrugs:

When you, like brother Christensen, has served for many years in a foreign territory, your definition of ‘home’ might change a bit.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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8 hours ago, shali said:

. . . I suppose if we sent checks into the organization with a stipulation in the memo line to help pay Br. Christensen's fine, they would do that with the money.

There was an article in a Kingdom Ministry a few years ago that asked that we not earmark any donations we send to the organization. It complicates things for the brothers. Any donations simply go to the worldwide work.

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I'm  such a pessimist I hope nobody squashes the decision.  I want to see him walking free into his wife's arms, with the brothers all around him and then I'll be able to relax.  I am smiling though because I have been worried about his state of health. 


What a testimony of faith, it is a privilege to be able to  call him my brother!

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On 6/24/2020 at 4:17 PM, shali said:

I doubt the organization will pay the fine. I wish there was a way that all of us from around the world could contribute toward paying that. Wish he had a paypal açcount or something. I suppose if we sent checks into the organization with a stipulation in the memo line to help pay Br. Christensen's fine, they would do that with the money.

No the organisation is banned so they cant directly pay the fine for him (we are after all a *cough* ..."terrorist"...*cough* ..organisation) but I dont think we need to worry, I'm sure the brothers have got that covered.  I just make my regular contributions knowing the GB will see to it that the money goes where it is needed.  I know the organisation and the Russian brothers in particular, will not leave our brother and his wife with such a heft fine.

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13 hours ago, sunshine said:

No the organisation is banned so they cant directly pay the fine for him (we are after all a *cough* ..."terrorist"...*cough* ..organisation) 

Things are not that bad so far. They don't say we are terrorists otherwise he wouldn't be released so early. They say we are extremists because we believe our religion is the only true one. It is a different law and punishment.

Russia Branch is declared extremist but not Watchtower Society.

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57 minutes ago, christian benelux said:

Nos millions de prières on aboutit a la libération de notre cher frère Christiansen ,tout le mérite revient a Jehovah qui gère tout cela,continuons a prier pour nos autres frères injustement emprisonnés en Russie et dans d'autres pays ,Merci Jehovah!

En effet. Par contre, s'il te plait, il faut participer en Anglais, c'est un forum anglophone.
Indeed. But please communicate in English, this is an English-speaking community.

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4 hours ago, christian benelux said:

Nos millions de prières on aboutit a la libération de notre cher frère Christiansen ,tout le mérite revient a Jehovah qui gère tout cela,continuons a prier pour nos autres frères injustement emprisonnés en Russie et dans d'autres pays ,Merci Jehovah!


Our millions of prayers lead to the release of our dear brother Christiansen, all the credit goes to Jehovah who manages all this, let us continue to pray for our other brothers unjustly imprisoned in Russia and in other countries, Thank you Jehovah!


Merci, brother.

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When I saw this on the app it really made me emotional. Along with the other faithful brothers currently undergoing imprisonment and unjust treatment Bro Christiansen has been in our prayers since his imprisonment. Jehovah will no doubt sustain others still imprisoned as he has supported Bro Christiansen.  

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On 6/26/2020 at 11:46 AM, sunshine said:

I'm  such a pessimist I hope nobody squashes the decision.  I want to see him walking free into his wife's arms, with the brothers all around him and then I'll be able to relax.  I am smiling though because I have been worried about his state of health. 


What a testimony of faith, it is a privilege to be able to  call him my brother!

I tend to feel the same way. Our brother was jailed before being found guilty for over a year and as soon as his verdict came in, he was sent straight to prison but now that he is supposed to be released it's taking them 10 days to let him out?!!!! Makes me think they are going to use that time to find other reasons to not let him out. Even after they release him ( if it actually happens), they will be watching his every move and every word he says (House is probably already bugged) , so I think his chances of staying out of prison are slim. They will continue to make an example out of him I feel. He will still be in my prayers for a very long time, along with his wife.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Sad news .....jw.org 

BREAKING NEWS | Prosecutor Appeals Dennis Christensen’s Early Release

We have just learned that the prosecutor, A. A. Shatunov, of the Kursk Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office has filed an appeal that will prevent the early release of Brother Dennis Christensen. Although his lawyers will file an objection, it will no doubt take weeks before a court hearing is scheduled. The prison has placed Brother Christensen in a punishment cell for ten days. Despite this turn of events, Brother Christensen is doing well. Thank you for your continued prayers in behalf of Brother and Sister Christensen.

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I think a lot of us figured something like this would happen. 

Russia reminds me of Pharoah 

 “Who is Jehovah...”  I do not know Jehovah at all”.


Russia has no  idea that Jehovah is the only true God and they don’t think Jehovah has any authority over them or any nation let alone that he would be able to actually accomplish the things God’s Word  tells us Jehovah will do. But to all the nations detriment Jehovah will show that he can and will carry out everything that needs to be done to accomplish his purpose


and Russia will have to know that I am Jehovah...and hopefully soon that will happen.




Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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6 hours ago, Loopy said:

I think a lot of us figured something like this would happen. 

Russia reminds me of Pharoah 

 “Who is Jehovah...”  I do not know Jehovah at all”.


Russia has no  idea that Jehovah is the only true God and they don’t think Jehovah has any authority over them or any nation let alone that he would be able to actually accomplish the things God’s Word  tells us Jehovah will do. But to all the nations detriment Jehovah will show that he can and will carry out everything that needs to be done to accomplish his purpose


and Russia will have to know that I am Jehovah...and hopefully soon that will happen.






"The prison has placed Brother Christensen in a punishment cell for ten days"


Can you imagine?  Instead of walking free they are further punishing him! Like Pharoah again who doubled down and beat the overseers when Moses dared to tell him Jehovahs message!  Unlike the Israelites though our brother is reported to be doing well.  Inthink he knows enough about the Russian authorities to know them capable of any injustice. 


Didn't Pharoah keep saying he'd let the IIsraelites go and then repeatedly go back on his word?  Still they walked free eventually so will ALL our brothers in Russia one day.  In the meantime we can but pray.  If it be Jehovah's will Br Christensen will be freed despite the desperate efforts of our enemies.


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Looks like I called that one. I hate that I was right, but if I thought it I'm sure Br. Christensen and his wife did too. They probably didn't get their hopes up too much. Br. Christensen may realize that his "territory" (the prison) isn't finished yet. And like I said before, how much freedom will he really have if he gets out? They will be watching every single move and word he utters to put him back in.

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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It has been encouraging to hear that he and his wife are remaining strong and fearless despite their circumstances and we will surely continue to pray that they continue this way with joy mixed in! What a loud and clear answer all the brothers and sisters there are giving to Satan's taunt that humans would only love Jehovah under the most favorable of circumstances!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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2 hours ago, shali said:

And like I said before, how much freedom will he really have if he gets out? They will be watching every single move and word he utters to put him back in.



If they do let him out, even though I'm absolutely certain they will want to stay in the country and support the friends that have supported them, I really can't see how he could stay.  The authorities will just he waiting for an excuse to re-arrest him as a "persistent offender" nd this time they will the throw away the key.  Plus whoever comes in contact with him will be in (more) danger, not that that would scare anyone in the brotherhood.. just saying.  The only answer would be to leave the country which wojld I'm sure be heartbreaking for them.  Brother Christiensen always says how much he loves the Russian people .... 


Anyway, we're  getting ahead of ourselves he still I isnt free and I dont know that if he was it would be unconditional.

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