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JW Broadcasting - May 2021

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56 minutes ago, Sofia said:

The BC for me brought up was really important information.

As we can see on the video, the GB reassured now that the fullfillment of these words was in 1945, and NOT 1919: 

 Dan. 11:31 And arms* will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary,+ the fortress, and remove the constant feature.*+

“And they will put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.


Why? because all the prophecy "advanced a few years".

Besides, in 1919 the disgusting thing created DID NOT CAUSE any desolation. "nations league"

But the UN, created in 1945, will. Will desolate BTG.

This is really important because Daniel 12:11 mentions this again as the begining of the 1290 days counting. Before the understanding was 1919, but now it needs to be reajusted for 1945. I think the whole chapter of Daniel 12 needs readjustments...

We just have to be patient and wait for them 😉

In 1945 the 1290 days period of time starts . This was talked on an older thread here at forum :)


To be clear, we have viewed the events in Daniel 11:31b as referring to the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 for decades now. This is from the Daniel's Prophecy book:


*** dp chap. 15 p. 269 par. 24 The Rival Kings Enter the 20th Century ***
What “disgusting thing” has been “put in place” in modern times? Apparently, it is a “disgusting” counterfeit of God’s Kingdom. This was the League of Nations, the scarlet-colored wild beast that went into the abyss, or ceased to exist as a world-peace organization, when World War II erupted. (Revelation 17:8) “The wild beast,” however, was “to ascend out of the abyss.” This it did when the United Nations, with 50 member nations including the former Soviet Union, was established on October 24, 1945. Thus “the disgusting thing” foretold by the angel—the United Nations—was put in place.


You are correct that according to what was last published on the matter, Daniel 12:11 refers to the establishment of the League of Nations in 1919. The question is this, 'Is that really the time period that was meant? Does this verse perhaps refer to 1945 instead, or maybe even some other time period?' If we were to try and link it to 1945, we would then have to ask, 'What event of significance occurred 1,290 days after the United Nations was established?' That would bring us to around March/April 1949. Can you think of anything significant that happened then? If not, is there another time period in history that fits the prophecy? Or could it even be something future? As it stands currently, the Governing Body have offered no clarification on this verse, and have made no correlation between Daniel 11:31 and 12:11. There would no doubt be good reasons for this.


Given that the book of Daniel has been given significant attention in the past couple of years, I am confident that the prophecy recorded in chapter 12 is something the Governing Body has been considering recently. I'm sure that when it is Jehovah's due time for a clarification to be made, it will come.

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2 hours ago, Doug said:

We know the KOtN "entered into the land of Decoration", but didn't the KOtS also enter into the land of Decoration when the nine brothers from HQ were imprisoned?

"The land of the Decoration" is referenced four times in Daniel, and three of those times in the prophecy about the two rival kings.


Daniel 11:16: "He will stand in the land of the Decoration, and ability to exterminate will be in his hand." Referring to the king of the north, which was at this point in the prophecy was Antiochus III, when he invaded Judah in 198 B.C.E.


Daniel 11:41: "He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble." Refers to the exploits of the king of the north throughout the last days. When the king of the north was Germany, he entered into "the land of the Decoration" by persecuting God's anointed servants during WWII. When the king of the north was the Soviet Union, he did so by exiling God's people to Siberia. And now, as Russia and its allies, he has done so by banning our work, imprisoning our brothers and sisters, and confiscating our branch office etc.


Daniel 11:45: "He will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration, and he will come all the way to his end." Refers to the final attack of the king of the north on God's people. Jesus will step in and destroy him.


So all the references to entering into "the land of the Decoration" are in conjunction with action taken by the king of the north.


The imprisoning of the brothers from headquarters in 1918 fulfilled other Bible prophecies though.

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1 hour ago, jscotchie said:

What event of significance occurred 1,290 days after the United Nations was established?' That would bring us to around March/April 1949. Can you think of anything significant that happened then?

You are right

1290 days ahead means nothing

unless you use other clues given in the book of Daniel even in the next verse.


I study this verse for 39 years and in my life time I have seen 4 different explanation updates

im sure I will see the more accurate one when Jehovah wants to 😊😊😊

1 hour ago, jscotchie said:

and have made no correlation between Daniel 11:31 and 12:11. There would no doubt be good reasons for this.

I’m sure

from the latest I have seen even at the book of pure worship, when the GB doesn’t do an seemingly obvious update on some verse, they publish again the last explanation given previously without any more words


either they are expecting things to happen to confirm ... some new lights or expecting the right time to explain to us.

there s no point verse 12:11 getting back to 1919 :nope:

even because that league didn’t cause any desolation 


more than ever I’m keeping on the watch! :ph34r:

thank you for your comments 

I appreciate all of them 😉

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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14 hours ago, Dages said:

At the 14:12-17 min mark, I think we have another picture from the Daniel movie


That's an angel discussing with Daniel (maybe 8:2 ?)

I love that part. That was so beautiful.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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On 5/4/2021 at 12:04 AM, The German said:

The sky above your head
Is darkening.
A deep and wide abyss
Is yawning at your feet.
Your enemy is finding ways
To take you down.
You see no escape
From binding chains or prison now.
But then you bow your head
To say a prayer.
At once, you feel
Jehovah draws near.
And in your heart,
The love for him is burning bright.
And can you hear the millions
Who are supplicating to him?
We’re with you.
Keep your faith alive!
Keep your head up high!
Don’t give in to fear.
Jehovah’s with you
In your darkest days,
Guarding all your ways.
He’s near.
Be strong and see the blessings up ahead.
And all along hold on to his firm hand.
No need to fear,
Your Father’s always by your side.
The end is near;
It all will be behind soon.
Now, look!
Can you see them with your eyes of faith?
Celestial troops are waiting for Jehovah.
The trumpet sounds and myriads of angels strike.
And prison bonds and binding chains
Are gone forever!
We’re with you.
Keep your faith alive!
Keep your head up high!
Don’t give in to fear.
Jehovah’s with you
In your darkest days,
Guarding all your ways.
He’s near.
We’re with you.
Keep your faith alive!
Keep your head up high!
Don’t give in to fear.
Jehovah’s with you.
Soon the day will dawn,
Former things are gone.
It’s near.
Soon his day will dawn.
It’s near.



PM me for the english subtitled russian video.

I wrote the lyrics for the chorus out phonetically (english) so I can sing along. .. I know I am probably mispronouncing every Word, but HEY. .. I speak RUSSIAN now (and it only took me one evening to learn PS I did check in the mirror but I saw no tongue of fire on my head)    😉...



Edited by sunshine
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For a moment I thought the word 'Audacity' was meant to be a noun. I had to reread the sentence to get the correct meaning. 😁




Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems.
Developed by a group of volunteers as open source.

Thanks Br. David.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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On 5/4/2021 at 3:13 AM, Tbs77 said:

. . ..Makes one wonder how many officers are struggling with rounding up the brothers and sisters.... . 

We do well to ask Jehovah to be merciful to any of our persecutors who may have something good in their heart, and to give them a personal opportunity to get to know him.  

Luke 23:34: 

But Jesus was saying: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

On 5/5/2021 at 1:23 AM, jwhess said:

After BTG is gone, the coalition of nations (Gog) gathers as a group to attack Jehovah’s people.

 During this period the anointed are taken to heaven.


I have thought of this from time to time.  Will our brothers on the Governing Body be killed during this attack?  If we see or hear of it, that would be distressing and possibly a test of our faith. 

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1 hour ago, LRJW said:

Will our brothers on the Governing Body be killed during this attack?  If we see or hear of it, that would be distressing and possibly a test of our faith. 

I think it may happen, that would be a kind of Eli Eli lama sabaqtani moment for us.

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13 hours ago, LRJW said:

I have thought of this from time to time.  Will our brothers on the Governing Body be killed during this attack?  If we see or hear of it, that would be distressing and possibly a test of our faith. 


I thought about that and I personally think there doesn’t seem to be a Scriptural indication that the Governing Body will receive a divine protection at that time. Jehovah also allowed some of his anointed people to die during the World Wars and in the 1st century.


So if some anointed do get killed by human attacks during Gog’s attack, it may not be a thing to be surprise. Of course, anyone who dies would be taken up to heaven in order to participate in the Battle of Armageddon, along with those who survived, too.


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On 5/4/2021 at 4:13 AM, Tbs77 said:

Makes one wonder how many officers are struggling with rounding up the brothers and sisters...how many may now be our brothers?


Sooo many things to talk about... I hope I’m not getting too far off the rails here. 

Are not the brothers in Russia not under the same Covid restrictions that the rest of us are? How do they get targeted or chosen to be arrested?

It’s one thing to get picked up while attending a Kingdom Hall or discreetly going door to door. 

Counterfeit friends? Work associates? 

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19 minutes ago, undeserved said:

Sooo many things to talk about... I hope I’m not getting too far off the rails here. 

Are not the brothers in Russia not under the same Covid restrictions that the rest of us are? How do they get targeted or chosen to be arrested?

It’s one thing to get picked up while attending a Kingdom Hall or discreetly going door to door. 

Counterfeit friends? Work associates? 

I don't know how it works in other countries but if the government had legal access to my Google or Whatsapp account, nearly everyone of my contacts are Witnesses. It wouldn't take long for the government to correlate the data from several accounts and know the name and address of every witness.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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46 minutes ago, undeserved said:

How do they get targeted or chosen to be arrested?

They get taped. Ilegal bugs are placed in strategic points and also moles inside that can tell them to authorities. :( Some reports say that literature is illegally placed in their homes, so fake searches sometimes take place to frame them. Moderators please correct me if Im wrong...

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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53 minutes ago, undeserved said:

Sooo many things to talk about... I hope I’m not getting too far off the rails here. 

Are not the brothers in Russia not under the same Covid restrictions that the rest of us are? How do they get targeted or chosen to be arrested?

It’s one thing to get picked up while attending a Kingdom Hall or discreetly going door to door. 

Counterfeit friends? Work associates? 

It's probably very easy to track them down.  As Jehovah's people, we are public with our beliefs on purpose.   I'm sure a simple search of the term "Jehovah" on Twitter, etc., will give them a whole list of things brothers posted, even years ago.  Then a simple track of IP addresses will give them a lot of information. 


Checking with companies and threatening them to be truthful about who in their employ are Jehovah's Witnesses (we're "extremists" over there, remember<_<), can yield many results as well.  And since we are always very open with workmates and classmates about our beliefs, it would be pretty easy to get a list of names quickly. 


But we needn't be afraid.  I long for the time when we are openly persecuted everywhere.  That will mean that the end is imminent!  

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41 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I don't know how it works in other countries but if the government had legal access to my Google or Whatsapp account, nearly everyone of my contacts are Witnesses. It wouldn't take long for the government to correlate the data from several accounts and know the name and address of every witness.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the "weird" thing the Slave will ask us during the GT is : get rid of your connected electronics.

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Just now, Dages said:

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the "weird" thing the Slave will ask us during the GT is : get rid of your connected electronics.

Its probably too late for that to make a difference. My Contacts sync with my Google account so all the government needs is legal access to my stored information and cross-check it with a few names on the list. 

How are your Contacts organized? Do you use the word "Elder" in any of your Contacts, texts or emails? 🤣

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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35 minutes ago, undeserved said:

Sounds like an ENORMOUS amount of effort to catch one or two, and then hoping to maybe get them to turn in others, (which they  must quickly learn doesn’t happen very often.)

How unreasonably impractical must it appear from even the police perspective?

Our kingdom song says "We give our all to save just one".  We should credit the opposition with the same enthusiasm

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