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BREAKING NEWS: 2023 conventions.

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6 hours ago, Doug said:

The expression 'During the pandemic'  has the connotation of past tense.   Not that the pandemic is fully over, but that we will not continue to be held hostage by it.  IMHO.

No, the grammar does not support this conclusion.  He was not saying the pandemic was in the past.  We are having a conversation about this comment here: https://jwtalk.net/topic/40090-what-convinces-you-personally-that-the-great-tribulation-gt-is-about-to-happen/?do=findComment&comment=888807




Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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14 hours ago, Adam! said:

It does make me wonder, will mask wearing be encouraged for 3 full whole days?



This is my concern. I don't think I can wear a mask that long 3 days in a row. I also don't feel comfortable around people without it on. Someone mentioned eating. I've determined that I'll eat in my car. 

Edited by runner92
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Personally, I will wear a mask all day, every day- no problem. A brother mentioned better attention and fewer distractions in person? 🤔 Not for me- my home has no distractions.. and no 30 minute waits for the bathroom. But if I can beg a floor seat near the Elderly/ Infirm like I usually do and restrict water intake, I'll be okay. I do already eat on my own and often either outside or in my car, so that's normal. 


I just really, really hope the assemblies & conventions will continue to be available online like they are, rather than only JW Stream, where you need permission to view. I think it will help so many - even if they *are* able to attend in person.

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25 minutes ago, Hope said:

I just really, really hope the assemblies & conventions will continue to be available online like they are,

I do too but if they are available on JW.org, I wonder if it would be after the in-person conventions are over.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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5 hours ago, Shannie said:

Seems things are getting back to basics/normal far as our brotherhood  and the way we do things….

Jehovah is saying let’s shake it up

 will this be open to the public? ( I’m sure it will) What if the ones we invite have Covid?

Will there be social distancing? 
The large crowd of people ? And still living during a pandemic ? 
Touching things  behind others like bathroom stall doors and door knobs were germs 🦠 live ? 

I’m sure mask 😷 will be encouraged .

And I do agree that with the way things are going now it will definitely be more expensive in all things.


Who knows  what other hardships we will  have to endure at that time…


But with eyes of faith we must keep moving forward !

Great comment.   Can you imagine the planning that will go into these gatherings??   AND, local guidelines must be factored in.   Which are subject to change as circumstances determine.


This seems like 'getting back to normal',  but this is really planning in the face of the unknown.  I suppose it can be compared to Abraham :  "By faith Abraham , when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place  .   .   he went out, although not knowing where he was going." 

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These points are from pre pandemic experiences as we were provided the recorded convention program on stream.jw.org, we then put it on a USB stick to be played back via a Roku on a big screen TV. However it was recorded at one of the first conventions being held with a combination of local speakers and Bethel members who attended that first conventions in May. I am sure that this availability on stream.jw.org will not change. We put a group of elderly ones and others who could not make the trip to the convention venue in a brother's home together, assigned a tech savvy brother to arrange the playback since he planned to attend a 2nd convention. So while we attended the convention in person at the venue those who couldn't make it watched it in a brothers home at the same time.


To be honest going back to in person conventions will require a herculean effort on everyone's part to make it happen. Finding venues, then in some cases cleaning up the venue so that we can be sure that the holy spirit will be present. Arranging accommodations, setting up departments with volunteers to ensure a smooth convention operation. Trucking large video displays with replacement panels from venue to venue with trained operators. The demand on the brothers times will be huge.


For this reason I expect more and more of the conventions to take place in the assembly halls rather then rented venues. The flip side of this is we will not have the absolute supreme presentations of the GB members and their helpers. Also at present my family watches the online program in 45 min to 1 hour chunks, we take extensive notes in the JW library, discuss the program parts afterwards which usually doubles the time of watching it. To say the least as far as meditating, digesting any spiritual food, the online convention has definitely got the edge in this. It is for this reason that in the past we went to the in person as well as watched the stream.jw.org program.


Again for me the upside of in person meetings is a witness to people where the convention takes place. This would not be the case if the venue is the assembly hall. The in person association with brothers in a large crowd is uplifting, but it also is what some at present do not feel comfortable with because of the pandemic. Bottom line we will not be starving for lack of spiritual food, it may just be prepared differently (spicy) and not on your regular reserved table.

No effort = No bananas
More efforts = More bananas

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Well whatever the future holds … we know that Jehovah’s hand is not short.. ❤️

I just hope we don’t have another test in the wilderness scenario were we have to put up with another 40 years of wandering in this desert of a system of things .. due to a grumbling spirit or the present or the future is too scary …no going back to Egypt in mind or heart please..❤️😇

Edited by Lance

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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The Governing Body has decided that, Jehovah willing, we will resume in-person regional conventions in 2023. Branches will now begin scheduling dates and selecting venues. We pray for Jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all those involved in the planning.

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4 hours ago, runner92 said:



This is my concern. I don't think I can wear a mask that long 3 days in a row. 

We don't know what the mask instructions will be in 2023.  Let's worry about next year, well, next year. 


(Matthew 6:34) 34 So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles.




Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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14 hours ago, Doug said:

Very intriguing thought.  Conventions are carefully planned with attendance forecast.  We are always reminded to attend the convention we have been assigned if at all possible.  This is because attendance is anticipated and any shift in attendance could lead to complications (parking, bathroom lines, legal capacity limits).


How on earth can they forecast in-person attendance if there is a convenient and economical option?

Maybe look at Zoom vs. in-person attendance? (My answer is not meant to be taken seriously)

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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I have been speaking to other brothers and sisters about this news, which is indeed great news. I have been honest and stated that the Convention and Regional Assemblies are not easy for me both physically and mentally. I panic in a crowd and feel overwhelmed and physically I am so very tired because of the stress, preparation, travel and travel to and from the Assembly or Convention and after sitting for so long I hurt all over. To my surprise all those I talked to felt exactly the same, we are the same age group mid to late 60's. I was so relieved because I always feel that something in me is lacking because of these feelings.


Thank you

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15 hours ago, Doug said:

How on earth can they forecast in-person attendance if there is a convenient and economical option?

Easy. It's a no-brainer. Just do the same as they already do for the car parking - do it by issuing tickets for each day.


In fact they could go one-step further, and issue allocated tickets... that way the audience can be spaced out using the available space and perhaps provide a seat or two between family/friend groups. I mean allocated seating is what the stadiums do already for 60,000+ sports events and pop concerts....




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We will resume in-person conventions in 2023. 


How many days will the convention be? Will we stay at 3 or will this be adjusted?  


Where will we assemble for these conventions? The announcement says the branches will begin making arrangements, but we are not told what instructions the branches will be given. Will they look to use only outdoor venues? Will they use only assembly halls? Will they decide to have several small conventions and stay away from larger venues? 


Will these in-person assemblies be streamed to Kingdom Halls and we will meet together at the Hall with another congregation for a three day event? 


There are options. Maybe we will return to pre-pandemic convention arrangements or maybe there will be changes. 


Stay tuned 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I have a "handicapped" tag on my truck and a "handicapped placard" I can use if I am riding in someone else's car. This allows me to legally park in the marked handicapped parking spaces - usually they are closer to the door.


However, before I leave the house, I do not worry about which space will be available or even if any spaces will be available - I just head to the store and look for a space when I get there. 




Snl Season 47 GIF by Saturday Night Live


Right now, we are enjoying the 2022 RC series. Next year we will enjoy the 2023 RC series.


That is a year from now!


Many things can happen in a year. If we start worrying now about all the details of next year's RC arrangements, we may lose sight of this year's RC.


It's just like when I leave the house to head to the store - if I worry about the parking spaces before I even leave the house

  • worry about how many spaces will be available
  • worry about who might park next to me
  • worry about where I will park if no handicapped spaces are available
  • worry about getting back into my car because someone else parked too close to my side of their space

I may never leave the house. 


Somehow, I really don't expect that the GB intended for us to all start worrying about the dynamics of an in-person RC in 2023 when they made the announcement. Instead of us coming up with every scenario of how things could go wrong and/or how all can possibly attend - I think they thought we would be happy.


How about we finish watching this year's RC before we devise all the dire ways 2023 RC's won't work.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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50 minutes ago, Parale said:

 I mean allocated seating is what the stadiums do already for 60,000+ sports events and pop concerts....


I guess what you're saying is they don't sell (allocate) more tickets than they can accommodate ?   Which makes sense, of course.


However,  those events , sports in particular, are televised.  So, a 60K stadium will probably have a television audience of 30 million.  That's 30 million who either could not go in-person or preferred to watch in the comfort of their air-conditioned living room and benefit from instant replay   (tu) .


Is that how you see the 2023 conventions ?

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14 minutes ago, Doug said:

Is that how you see the 2023 conventions ?

No. I would atleast hope for the same in-person/zoom percentage as the hybrid meeting would be getting in the months leading up to the Convention?


But your comments also raises the 'elephant-in-the-room'. I have been directly told, unprompted, by publishers that they are benefiting far more from the spiritual food provided by the Convention via the videos than they got previously from in-person Conventions. Some may point out that the Convention talks often eventually turn up as Watchtower Study articles, or are recycled for Circuit Overseer talks etc., but still 🤷‍♂️


Of course the Conventions are more that just spiritual food: "Annual regional conventions provide Jehovah’s Witnesses with spiritual refreshment and encouragement along with joyful Christian association."





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On 7/15/2022 at 12:32 AM, Adam! said:

It does make me wonder, will mask wearing be encouraged for 3 full whole days?

I hardly can imagine. You can’t eat or drink anything while wearing a mask. And I really don’t think that we will be encouraged to leave for the lunch break. 

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I like that the brothers who organise our conventions have been given a year (or just under) to start booking halls etc.  That is what keeping busy in the Lord means - always planning, cooperating together, teamwork and looking ahead.  We don't stand still as an organisation.  Hasn't the chariot been gaining pace lately, pivoting here, then there?


It is our responsibility to keep up with the Jehovah and his directions as the GB outline.  If we do what is asked, we don't have to worry about the "what ifs".  It doesn't matter.  Why don't we trust the slave and just be obedient?  We did it before without zoom, we can do it again.  Zoom is a nice crutch, but it's time we started using our spiritual muscles of faith and walk on those legs again.  Something will always be provided for ones who genuinely can't make the meetings, or assemblies.  Jehovah never leaves anyone behind.


"Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding" - Prov 3:5

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56 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I like that the brothers who organise our conventions have been given a year (or just under) to start booking halls etc.  That is what keeping busy in the Lord means - always planning, cooperating together, teamwork and looking ahead.  We don't stand still as an organisation.  Hasn't the chariot been gaining pace lately, pivoting here, then there?


It is our responsibility to keep up with the Jehovah and his directions as the GB outline.  If we do what is asked, we don't have to worry about the "what ifs".  It doesn't matter.  Why don't we trust the slave and just be obedient?  We did it before without zoom, we can do it again.  Zoom is a nice crutch, but it's time we started using our spiritual muscles of faith and walk on those legs again.  Something will always be provided for ones who genuinely can't make the meetings, or assemblies.  Jehovah never leaves anyone behind.


"Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding" - Prov 3:5

The hard part will be figuring out how large of a place will be needed. Will there be only 50% in attendance- maybe rent the usual size and if there is only 50% then that leaves room for ones to sit spaced out more.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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27 minutes ago, trottigy said:

The hard part will be figuring out how large of a place will be needed. Will there be only 50% in attendance- maybe rent the usual size and if there is only 50% then that leaves room for ones to sit spaced out more.


I wouldn’t mind if some adequate number of rooms were to be left for sitting. The biggest problem I’ve had with in-person conventions were always the lack of good place to sit.


(1 Corinthians 9:24) 24 Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it.


(I thought that scripture was fitting … 😂)


Edited by Hinata
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On 7/14/2022 at 11:20 PM, Thomas Walker said:

Is there something terribly wrong with me, that everyone's glad to hear this except me? 😅

Im not excited neither... so you are not alone

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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