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DISCUSS COURT CASE HERE JW.org - Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

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I wonder if he is in contact with someone in he courtroom and the official website hasn't been updated yet. If so it means that our brothers can for sure have the Memorial in peace!


it updated, hooray! So happy for our Russian brotherhood!

Edited by UpstateKate

And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

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April 12th Local time, which, hopefully, is the day after the Memorial.


I've been following the Live Coverage, and trying to remind myself that logic and common sense have never been part of this whole trial. But that's another five days, and in the meantime, the letters pour in.


Jah is the God of the Impossible.

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13 minutes ago, And_Ray said:

Anton Chivchalov on Twitter posted that the hearing will continue on April 12th. Any confirmation?

Moderator Please delete! Got excited!!!!!
Please 13:25

The court announces a break until 12 April 2017 10:00.

thumb_img_0840.jpg thumb_img_0899.jpg thumb_img_0904.jpg thumb_img_0977.jpg

Audio recordings of speeches:

Vasily Kalin
Sergey Cherepanov

Edited by Gi-Gi
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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11"15 Our Lawyer Zehenkova speaks:  He repeats that if in 100 years the MoJ cannot provide any proof that we are extremists, why are we here?


Our Lawyer point out that our literature was declared  8 years ago, wo why can you not prove that in that period (when supposely our members had read the "extremist" literature) we haven committed as single act of terrorism, vandalism or violance?


Our Lawyer points out that our books were included on the extremist list BEFORE an adjustment in the law that that said that criticizing other religion will not be regarded as "extremist" 


11"25 Our Lawyer contintues:  If we are so "extremist" why are only a few of our books on the extremist list?  Most are considered perfectly ok.  AND the few that are on the list got there because of a few so called "experts" that were not even qualified.  We were not even allowed to present our side of the argument.  For example they banned  one of our broshures that is mostly  pictures because of the sentence "avoid bad acts".  


(laughter) Our Lawyer continues ... ok that seems funny but really its not, so funny when it will effect thousands of faithful.  You (MoJ) are even including books without telling us WHY they are on the list of extremists.  If this you can just put books on a banned list without explanation Russia will soon have no books left!  He points out that they even tried to put the BIBLE on their banned list - even though that was illegal since the law says the bible and bible texts cannot be viewed as "extremist"


Their lawyer:   Yeah well in that case we  classified the bible not as the bible but as a book (more laughter)



11"39 Our Lawyer points out that the European High Court (Highest court in Europe) has already decided that our literature contains no calls to violence  Our Lawyer points out that up til now you have always said that the ban on the literature should not effect the individual brothers and sisters yet what you are saying  here in this case proves that you have done an about turn on that.


11"55 Our Lawyer provides evidence we have not imported any banned literature after the ban.  All these problems come from you declaring literature "extremist" AFTER they were legally imported.  You (the MoJ) have not respected the law, you can't prosecute people for breaking a law that didn't exist at the time!  In the end you say we are extremists but you have not produced any victims of our so called extremist activities.


12"12 Anther of our Lawyers Master Axe (?) points out on the 2nd charge of "financing extremist groups" (ie the Congregations) this charge cannot stand since the HQ Bethel doesn't finance them at all they are financially independent groups that use their money to pay their utility bills and donate to charity.


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1 minute ago, Adelin said:

It could be April 10 or 11, but it is 12. Our first wish is fulfilled. They can have the memorial in peace. :)

I'm so happy, I could cry! ^_^

Praise Jah!!!:D


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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SIMPLIFIED (For anyone interested)


12"17 Our Lawyer Axes (?) points out:  The court is being asked to apply a double standard:  At first it was said we don't need to hear from the 395 congregations because they will not be affected by what we decide about the HQ Bethel, and now you turn around and say the opposite, that whatever happens to Bethel will happen to everyone one of the congregations!


Our Lawyer continues:  There is not legal connection between the congregations and the HQ hey are not "branches" of the Bethel.  Any connection between the congregations and the Bethel HQ is religious and spiritual.  Financially and legally they are completely seperate.  Plus since the majority of these congregations  (380) have never received any notification of doing anything illegal, how can we decide in this court to ban them ALL?!   There have been hundreds of raids and examination of our Kingdom halls  and they found nothing illegal, so why are we even here talking about banning all these congregations?!


12"52:   Our Lawyer continues:  You (MoJ) say we are here because you found "new evidence of extremism" but that amounts to a few fines given to some local congregations because you recently "found" (read: planted) banned literature in their hall.  But we were not invited attend these cases, we were not told that these cases would be used in this case here to close the Bethel and ban our religion.  And when we look at this "new evidence" that bought us here today, we see there is documented evidence of the authorities planting the banned literature in the halls, throwing our brothers to the ground, not allowing them even to see what is being done around them...  Oh and by the way one of the books "discovred" by the authorities on our premises someone had written "property of an Othodox anti sect group" 


In closing Our Lawyer notes that you want to ban the congregations as well as the Bethel HeadQuarters  because you call them "structural units" (branches) of the HQ, but the term doesn't even exit for churches (it only applies to political parties)



COURT ENDS:  Back on 12th April.  

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Phew!  That was quite a morning!


I agree with everyone about the Memorial - there is no reason that they don't resume on Monday (other than their Lawyers need a rest after being knocked out today).  I am personally convinced Jehovah is behind what is going on and he wanted his people to enjoy the encouragement a memorial together will be.  I am very moved by the privilege of witnessing our brave and eloquent modern-day "Paul's"  fighting for the truth before the highest courts in the land, with such grace and courage.


May Jehovah bless them all including any non-witness lawyers and experts that have had the courage to come to our aid.


Peace out!





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The date is good for our brothers to have a good Memorial (I always wonder, will it be the last?). 

In the meantime, much political trouble is brewing in Russia, what with the St Petersburg bombing, civil unrests last week, and now the US strikes on Syria.  Russia is going to be like a bear with a sore head.  Really, only Jehovah can keep our brothers safe from that.

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