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Covid-19 Vaccine Research, Development, Ingredients and Reactions

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These opinions are thought provoking. But the scientific /medical field defines this as NOVEL coronavirus. 




Edited by AH173

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Unless we are trained epidemiologists or some other medical researchers we probably are giving our opinions, repeating news stories or simply wishing or guessing.  So guess away and have a good time with it.  The future is truly unknown in this case.There are some previous epidemics that can give some insight but all of them have differences from this outbreak, its speed of transmission, mutating ability, medical resources applied and so on.  I think we will know more by the end of the year when the world will have endured this crisis for a year.


Our organization has already stated that it will go slow in opening up, even if the worldly authorities do it more rapidly.  I would take that to mean that we will be some of the last to re-integrate our lives with society in general.  That is an expression of their love for us.  We need patience and concern for all (especially our brothers).


In the State of Maine, USA, there was a wedding & reception (mostly family members).  They have currently infected 134 people that attended and 3 died.  It seemed safe but could you imagine how we would feel if that was our congregation?  Be safe.

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The GB has not made any "rules" for our personal life in regards to C-19. They have given us "rules" as to the use of the KH and our ministry - these are areas they have authority over.


We do well not to make rules for others outside of our family - follow the lead of the GB and let the head of each family make these decisions for their own family while we make the ones for our own.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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1 hour ago, Qapla said:

The GB has not made any "rules" for our personal life in regards to C-19. They have given us "rules" as to the use of the KH and our ministry - these are areas they have authority over.


We do well not to make rules for others outside of our family - follow the lead of the GB and let the head of each family make these decisions for their own family while we make the ones for our own.

The "rules" are Love of God and Love of Neighbour.


It's up to each one of us as to how to apply those rules, remembering that we represent Jehovah and follow his higher standards.

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2 hours ago, Qapla said:

The GB has not made any "rules" for our personal life in regards to C-19.

The only direction from them that comes close to this is that we mustn't "develop a casual attitude" and that we should observe all relevant safety protocols & checkpoints recommended by the governmental & health authorities.

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Today this BBC News report re covid in the UK -



The UK is entering a "period of particular concern" as the number of coronavirus cases rise across the country, the housing secretary says.


Robert Jenrick said "we all have to be very cautious" after 2,948 new UK cases were recorded on Monday.

The government's scientific advisers have given stark warnings over the increase in Covid-19 cases.





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16 hours ago, AH173 said:

These opinions are thought provoking. But the scientific /medical field defines this as NOVEL coronavirus. 





It was novel because they didn’t have a name for it yet and didn’t know how it acted. The minute they came up with COVID-19/SARS-COV-2, they stopped calling it novel coronavirus. 

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"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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19 hours ago, AH173 said:

These opinions are thought provoking. But the scientific /medical field defines this as NOVEL coronavirus. 





3 hours ago, runner92 said:


It was novel because they didn’t have a name for it yet and didn’t know how it acted. The minute they came up with COVID-19/SARS-COV-2, they stopped calling it novel coronavirus. 








"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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On 9/8/2020 at 12:30 PM, runner92 said:


It was novel because they didn’t have a name for it yet and didn’t know how it acted. The minute they came up with COVID-19/SARS-COV-2, they stopped calling it novel coronavirus. 

Seems it's still considered NOVEL from apnews.com. 




"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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49 minutes ago, AH173 said:

Seems it's still considered NOVEL from apnews.com. 




Well, it is America. 😀


Covid gets worse so many Americans decide it's time to go out and buy a gun.


And of course there are those who think the virus is all a hoax.


From what I've read some pastors were proclaiming that if it be God's will for their congregations to attend church then so be it. Some of those same pastors caught the disease and are no longer alive.


Go figure!

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AstraZeneca Pauses Vaccine Trial for Safety Review

The company halted late-stage trials of its coronavirus vaccine because of a serious suspected adverse reaction in a participant.

"...a volunteer in the U.K. trial had received a diagnosis of transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and is often sparked by viral infections..."







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6 hours ago, blue-jay said:

AstraZeneca Pauses Vaccine Trial for Safety Review

Thanks, Jay! I commented on this news somewhere in some other topic. Actually this is good news, although it may not seem so at first sight. This vaccine is being tested on 30,000 volunteers, and only one of them has had an adverse reaction (which is not life-threatening). That is quite a good ratio. And it's not even known yet if the reaction was caused by the vaccine.


Half of those volunteers were given the vaccine, the other half were given a placebo. Now an independent committee will study the case. If this volunteer was of the placebo group, then obviously the vaccine didn't have anything to do with it and the trials can go on. If he belongs to the vaccine group, they have to research what caused the reaction. If it was something in the vaccine, it will have to be corrected. If not, trials can go on.


Ultimately this proves that pharma companies are taking safety very seriously to make sure their vaccine dose not pose a risk for people. :)

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On 9/8/2020 at 10:03 AM, jwhess said:

Unless we are trained epidemiologists or some other medical researchers we probably are giving our opinions, repeating news stories or simply wishing or guessing.  So guess away and have a good time with it.  The future is truly unknown in this case.There are some previous epidemics that can give some insight but all of them have differences from this outbreak, its speed of transmission, mutating ability, medical resources applied and so on.  I think we will know more by the end of the year when the world will have endured this crisis for a year.


Our organization has already stated that it will go slow in opening up, even if the worldly authorities do it more rapidly.  I would take that to mean that we will be some of the last to re-integrate our lives with society in general.  That is an expression of their love for us.  We need patience and concern for all (especially our brothers).


In the State of Maine, USA, there was a wedding & reception (mostly family members).  They have currently infected 134 people that attended and 3 died.  It seemed safe but could you imagine how we would feel if that was our congregation?  Be safe.

Totally agree.. It's hard to believe what's on the news these days.. As carlos said, most of the media are politically and or for dishonest reason. 

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On 9/10/2020 at 6:34 PM, carlos said:

Thanks, Jay! I commented on this news somewhere in some other topic. Actually this is good news, although it may not seem so at first sight. This vaccine is being tested on 30,000 volunteers, and only one of them has had an adverse reaction (which is not life-threatening). That is quite a good ratio. And it's not even known yet if the reaction was caused by the vaccine.


Half of those volunteers were given the vaccine, the other half were given a placebo. Now an independent committee will study the case. If this volunteer was of the placebo group, then obviously the vaccine didn't have anything to do with it and the trials can go on. If he belongs to the vaccine group, they have to research what caused the reaction. If it was something in the vaccine, it will have to be corrected. If not, trials can go on.


Ultimately this proves that pharma companies are taking safety very seriously to make sure their vaccine dose not pose a risk for people. :)

Yeah, and some idiot pundits immediately jumped all over this and attempted to claim that the "rushed" vaccine is the cause of the reaction. But this is typical in vaccine development. I hate alarmists. 

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On 9/10/2020 at 11:36 AM, blue-jay said:


"...a volunteer in the U.K. trial had received a diagnosis of transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and is often sparked by viral infections..."

My husband and I acquired Coxsackie A and B virus from kitchen workers in a "nice" restaurant in Florida. He ate a BLT containing virus either from someone coughing on the sandwich or unwashed hands! Many in our RV community got sick. The workers were staying at a motel on the Indian River near a Russian ship that was docked nearby. Some of the crew was staying at the same motel..possibly sick with Coxsackie? Maybe..anyway, when we got sick, we thought we were going to die! My husband got sick first, and I got it from his coughing! Coughed for 5 weeks..all symptoms match Corinavirus!! Coxsackie is an enterovirus like polio. Under stress the virus lashes out..it is 22 years later, and sometimes when my husband arises early in the morning, he gets vertigo and his legs want to give out..(Transverse Mylitis)! We look forward to the REAL LIFE, shortly ahead...Naturally, the vaccination initiative is very scary to ones like us with a serious retrovirus as well as chemical sensitivities..thus the concern about other ingredients in these vaccines..Squalene is part of out nerve sheaths..also a potent aduvent in vaccines..Want to have your myleine sheaths eroded away? Just get injected with squalene, and your immune system will do the rest!!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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On 9/10/2020 at 4:36 PM, blue-jay said:

AstraZeneca Pauses Vaccine Trial for Safety Review

The company halted late-stage trials of its coronavirus vaccine because of a serious suspected adverse reaction in a participant.

"...a volunteer in the U.K. trial had received a diagnosis of transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and is often sparked by viral infections..."







Vaccine trials have been restarted






UK’s MHRA allows restart of Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trials

14th September 2020 (Last Updated September 14th, 2020 07:40)
The Medicines Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) in the UK has said that the clinical trials of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine candidate are safe to resume.




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On 9/7/2020 at 7:11 PM, carlos said:

It's simply false that covid19 vaccines contain human plasma or that they are poisonous.

This is confusing two separate treatments for Covid-19. 


Convalescent Plasma Treatment is used now. It takes blood plasma from someone who has recovered from Covid-19 and tranfuses it into a sick patient. The goal is to reduce symptoms and speed recovery.  THIS IS NOT A VACCINE. 


On the other hand, a vaccine is only in the early stages of development at this time and is not available for general use.  A vaccine takes a weakened form of the virus and trains your own body to fight Covid-19 more effectively.  THIS IS NOT A PLASMA TRANSFUSION. 


It's easy to confuse the two.  


To take or not take a vaccine is one's choice.  To claim a vaccine contains blood, however, is wrong.  That is an incorrect statement. If the reason someone refuses to take a vaccine is because they believe it contains blood plasma, then they are basing their decision on false information. 


As Christians we should not base our decisions on lies or false information. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I have to say I have prayed long and hard over this issue.   I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be made compulsory (with a Codiv passport to authorize travel, insurance, access to food (supermarkets or food vouchers)  and work, ect) and I absolutely do not want it in my body. 


When it is made law as the brothers say we must obey the law, at that point I will put my life (and health) in Jehovahs hands.  I reckon the Israelites were protected against the later plagues, so Jehovah can protect me if I have to have their vaccines (annual or  biannual).  If I suffer I'll effects Jehovah knows I would never have consented but that He told me to be obedient.   He will give me the strength I need to bear any ill effects and/or to see the effects on my family. 


That said this whole issue is a real test for me (I almost wish I hadn't done any research) . We must pray for each other! 

Edited by sunshine
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7 minutes ago, sunshine said:

I have to say I have prayed long and hard over this issue.   I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be made compulsory (with a Codiv passport to authorize travel, insurance, access to hook and work, erc) and I absolutely do not want it in my body. 


When it is made law as the brothers say we must obey the law, at that point I will put my life (and health) in Jehovahs hands.  I reckon the Israelites were protected against the later plagues, so Jehovah can protect me if I have to have the vaccines (there will probably be annual or even biannual).  If I suffer I'll effects Jehovah knows I would never have consented but that he told me to be obedient. 


That said this whole issue is a real test for me. We must pray for each other.

Out of interest, and of course this is a personal issue, do you not have any vaccinations at all?

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Not that I remember.  I am a child of the 60's so I probably had the baby shots that were imposed during that era.  I know I missed the rubella shot they were giving girls when I was a teen.  My mother cannot remember what shots I was given. 


I have certainly never taken a shot during my adult life apart from malaria when travelling to Africa.

Edited by sunshine
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41 minutes ago, sunshine said:

I have to say I have prayed long and hard over this issue.   I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be made compulsory (with a Codiv passport to authorize travel, insurance, access to food (supermarkets or food vouchers)  and work, ect) and I absolutely do not want it in my body. 


When it is made law as the brothers say we must obey the law, at that point I will put my life (and health) in Jehovahs hands.  I reckon the Israelites were protected against the later plagues, so Jehovah can protect me if I have to have their vaccines (annual or  biannual).  If I suffer I'll effects Jehovah knows I would never have consented but that He told me to be obedient.   He will give me the strength I need to bear any ill effects and/or to see the effects on my family. 


That said this whole issue is a real test for me (I almost wish I hadn't done any research) . We must pray for each other! 

Personally, if its proven safe, I'll be more than happy to take it, mainly because it would help break the chain of transmission and therefore protect others who are not able to vaccinate.

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Trump says vaccine distribution will begin within 24 hours of approval


The President said that once a vaccine has been approved, the US will be ready to begin distribution within one day.

"Distribution will begin within 24 hours after notice," Trump said. "Massive amounts will be delivered through our great military."



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27 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



Trump says vaccine distribution will begin within 24 hours of approval


The President said that once a vaccine has been approved, the US will be ready to begin distribution within one day.

"Distribution will begin within 24 hours after notice," Trump said. "Massive amounts will be delivered through our great military."





Wouldn’t that be something if the military went door to door To distribute the vaccine.....🤔

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