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BREAKING NEWS | Adjustments to Mask-Wearing Starting October 1, 2022

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I got an email yesterday from a brother who used to be in my congregation. He left here in 2009, and is now married and living in British Columbia. He says he and his wife both have COVID now, and "the thickest brain fog." He says: "This one is a killer for sure keeping us ill at 39 degree fever [102°F] for 2 plus weeks despite triple vaccinations."


It looks like COVID is still alive and well in many places. With that in mind, I'm very hesitant to remove my mask in any public places, including the Kingdom Hall. You can do what you wish, but please don't come near me without wearing a mask. That's my personal choice that I fully intend to impose on everyone.


Edited by Sheep
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Our congregation just had the new adjustment on masks sent to all in the congregation with the "Congregation Announcements" being updated with a written copy of the announcement posted to the NW Publisher app.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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23 hours ago, Sheep said:

I got an email yesterday from a brother who used to be in my congregation. He left here in 2009, and is now married and living in British Columbia. He says he and his wife both have COVID now, and "the thickest brain fog." He says: "This one is a killer for sure keeping us ill at 39 degree fever [102°F] for 2 plus weeks despite triple vaccinations."


It looks like COVID is still alive and well in many places. With that in mind, I'm very hesitant to remove my mask in any public places, including the Kingdom Hall. You can do what you wish, but please don't come near me without wearing a mask. That's my personal choice that I fully intend to impose on everyone.


This post is part of the reason why I have always believed covid is “random” - and what I mean by that is there is nothing we can really do to stop it after the lockdowns ended so it’s just gonna spread and probably hit every single person at some point. 

If two shots and a booster doesn’t prevent illness, a mask is virtually useless (not saying you shouldn’t wear one but I’m just making a point). 

So it just makes sense to allow people the choice to mask seeing how nothing we did has stopped it or will ever stop it from spreading. 

If a vaccine doesn’t prevent illness then basically nothing will, other than not getting covid to begin with, which is aided by wearing a mask. 

Edited by Bob
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We all can choose to keep wearing them even after Oct 1. It just won't be strongly encouraged.


As to mask wearing - Chinese have been wearing masks for decades (especially since the bird flu), but they still have locked down numerous cities. Masks won't stop the spread. Maybe all wearing an N95 or greater and not touching it incorrectly (as I see many do) and keeping them clean, etc. etc might, but that is never going to be possible or enforceable.


I see clearly why the slave now has stated we need to just learn to live with it.


Best thing we all can do is keep our health strong by eating well and exercising regularly. We can work on not having the comorbidities like being over weight. This would even lower our chance of being affected by the even bigger killers: heart disease and various types of cancer.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 2 weeks later...

We look forward to a New World where these issues will never return again. How good it will be to become perfect and experience excellent health forever and never impose any opinions or rights on others because of fears of germs. We must remain as one, ever confident this world is so very near.

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On 9/16/2022 at 12:13 PM, Sheep said:

I got an email yesterday from a brother who used to be in my congregation. He left here in 2009, and is now married and living in British Columbia. He says he and his wife both have COVID now, and "the thickest brain fog." He says: "This one is a killer for sure keeping us ill at 39 degree fever [102°F] for 2 plus weeks despite triple vaccinations."


It looks like COVID is still alive and well in many places. With that in mind, I'm very hesitant to remove my mask in any public places, including the Kingdom Hall. You can do what you wish, but please don't come near me without wearing a mask. That's my personal choice that I fully intend to impose on everyone.




I'm with you. We just had COVID run through our hall recently. I'm not taking it off. 

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7 minutes ago, Tortuga said:



Today was like this...😁


everyone on our Kingdom Hall so happy and smiling 

( happier than this Bengal cat though 🤣)

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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It was a nice day to have our new Circuit Overseer visit and to sing with out a mask. It was amazing.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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On 9/7/2022 at 5:31 PM, Shawnster said:

Correct. Masks have been strongly encouraged since April.  They were never required.  Entry was not prohibited to people without masks, nor were they requested to mask up 


Thank you for clarifying. The sign on the door read, masks were "strongly encouraged" and "If you are not displaying cold or flu-like symptoms and choose to attend meetings in person between five to ten days after being exposed to or testing positive for COVID 19, you are REQUIRED to wear a mask while inside the facility.


The sign on the door was clear that there was only one scenario where it was required. Otherwise, this was not a directive or a rule, no matter how some may have perceived (or wished) it to be. Unfortunately, hurtful comments have been made - even from the platform - about those who didn’t wear masks (or get vaccinated) and that has definitely caused some to feel downhearted in the congregation.


It seems that those who made that deeply personal medical decision based on diligent research, consultation with their own healthcare providers, heartfelt prayer, and personal study, are not rebellious, merely "bristling" or "not following direction."  


As someone with close ties to the scientific community, having years' long understanding of vaccines and masks with access to virologists, vaccinologists, and immunologists, I have found myself in a VERY uncomfortable position. The Governing Body's handling of the pandemic has been a test of my own loyalty. The best way I can describe it is detailed in this article: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1984726?q=standfasters&p=par. In this matter, I am one of those who "saw the issue clearly." But I echo the sentiments of Brother Klein when he said, "I could not see myself leaving those from whom I had learned so much, and I therefore decided to take my chances with my Bible Student brothers. It really was a test of loyalty. Since then, I have observed many similar tests of loyalty. When mistakes are made, those not wholly loyal at heart seem to pounce upon them as an excuse for quitting." 


After very serious consideration, including a call to the Branch, I chose not to wear a mask, and for the most part my congregation has been respectful of my decision. We associate as normal with no hint of disunity whatsoever. In fact, I get more hugs now than ever. Especially from the children! Sadly, though, I was personally "marked" - for a lack of a better word - by one close friend who informed me via text that I am being defiant and she cannot be friends until I'm on the same page. 


I pray constantly for this sister and ask that her heart will be softened to me in time. 


I also pray for those whose felt that the unity of the congregation has been fractured, or endured the sting of thoughtless words and I hope that everyone here will participate in the healing that must take place. 


Whatever Bible-trained decision you make, friends, please remember Romans 14 while you exercise it.










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38 minutes ago, Jothob said:

We have our new co this week. It was so nice having our first meeting yesterday with hardly any masks on. To see the smiling faces again in person was a pleasure.

But of course some were still wearing them for various reasons and that too is fine 😊

Yesterday Tuesday) we had our first visit of the new CO.  We had 85 in-person at the hall of which 6 wore masks and 34 online with Zoom.


One of the things the elders will seek advice on this week is those not attending in person.  All but 4 publishers on Zoom used to come in-person before Covid.  Two families on Zoom had flu-like symptoms or were recently ex[posed.  They plan on being here Sunday,  But it still leaves 20-some others. 

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1 hour ago, jwhess said:

Yesterday Tuesday) we had our first visit of the new CO.  We had 85 in-person at the hall of which 6 wore masks and 34 online with Zoom.


One of the things the elders will seek advice on this week is those not attending in person.  All but 4 publishers on Zoom used to come in-person before Covid.  Two families on Zoom had flu-like symptoms or were recently ex[posed.  They plan on being here Sunday,  But it still leaves 20-some others. 

Some have opposition at home 

others fear disease

others are shy

others are old

others have illnesses 


my mother doesn’t go to KH

she s very old and has mobility issues 


I sure hope zoom isn’t gone so soon


internet may disrupt during GT… but in the meantime many loyal Christians cherish it very much

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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I just asked the head of the departments I'm assisting if I should stay home and use zoom if my family at home is sick with a normal cold, or should I come in with a mask since I have responsibilities.  He said, "You've been exposed right?  You can make others sick?  It's more loving to stay home and use zoom."  

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2 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:

It's more loving to stay home and use zoom

Kingdom Hall: If you display cold or flu-like symptoms or have been exposed to or tested positive for Covid-19 in the last five days - stay home.


I'm not really sure which "departments" you are referring to, or what instructions your department head is adhering to, or whether they are just making their own rules. (For which there may be good reason).

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26 minutes ago, Eejay said:

Kingdom Hall: If you display cold or flu-like symptoms or have been exposed to or tested positive for Covid-19 in the last five days - stay home.


I'm not really sure which "departments" you are referring to, or what instructions your department head is adhering to, or whether they are just making their own rules. (For which there may be good reason).

Literature counter and technical support for the digital territories and cart app.  We have quite a few older friends who are not good with technology.  When he spoke, I picked up that his voice really emphasized on the 2nd question, "You can make others sick?"  

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3 hours ago, Sofia said:

Some have opposition at home 

others fear disease

others are shy

others are old

others have illnesses 


my mother doesn’t go to KH

she s very old and has mobility issues 


I sure hope zoom isn’t gone so soon


internet may disrupt during GT… but in the meantime many loyal Christians cherish it very much

The CO first talk was based on Matthew 21:21 and was titled "If you have faith and do not doubt"  It was a good talk encouraging in many ways but there was a comment about personal decisions to stay on Zoom (more or less permanently).  Is it a "fear"?  Do not doubt Christ's Brothers and their direction. And do no let fear win.

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6 hours ago, Eejay said:

Kingdom Hall: If you display cold or flu-like symptoms

8 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:

I just asked the head of the departments I'm assisting if I should stay home and use zoom if my family at home is sick with a normal cold, or should I come in with a mask since I have responsibilities.  He said, "You've been exposed right?  You can make others sick?  It's more loving to stay home and use zoom."  

If he has a cold, I take it he knows he has one because he is displaying symptoms. Because if not, how would else would he know he had a cold? (hope this clarified)

Edited by M.J.
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