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The Governing Body Announces That Some In-Person Meetings Will Resume in Select Areas

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The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses announced that they have invited selected branches to participate in a pilot program to resume some in-person congregation meetings. The branches participating will select Kingdom Halls in areas where vaccination rates are high and infection rates are low. Of course, all aspects of this project will be carried out in harmony with local government regulations for indoor gatherings. The announcement was read to Bethel families around the world on Friday, October 15, 2021.


The results of this pilot program will determine if additional congregations can be approved to resume in-person meetings. The announcement also stated that, in general, in-person organizational activities will remain suspended until at least January 1, 2022.


We greatly appreciate the Governing Body’s care for the worldwide brotherhood and their measured approach to resuming organizational activities. Please pray for Jehovah’s continued guidance and blessing on these arrangements.—Proverbs 14:16.



Stay tuned! Stay loyal! Be patient!



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Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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17 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Any guesses where the meetings will resume?


I guess Italy...:whistling:

It won't be in our neighborhood.  We have too many unvaccinated people in the area, we are in a "Red" zone risk level and brothers in our congregation are still getting Covid as of this week.

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16 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Just wondering how many threads we are going to have discussing this announcement ...





We have 3 or 4 threads on the new M1 Macintosh computers getting JW Library.  That only affects a few.  This subject affects us all.  Maybe the moderators will try to merge some of them in the future.

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30 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

I wonder which branches?! Great news!

Apparently some in Perth, Australia start this week. 👋

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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It is NOT going to happen in our area for a long time: https://www.mlive.com/coronavirus/2021/10/michigan-reports-2-day-total-of-8297-new-coronavirus-cases-104-deaths-on-friday-oct-15.html


And believe me this is NOT the whole story too because I believe the death rate is a lot higher.


And what I see is that this virus goes like a roller coaster. If so, I would think that they would open and close meetings on and off.

Edited by Dustparticle
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3 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Just had the announcement after the WT that we will be resuming in person meetings. I would imagine that will include the rest of the state as we have been living a normal life here for the majority of the time the pandemic has been raging around the world.  We will be finding out more at the mid-week meeting on Wednesday.

I was expecting my country to be on the list but we didn't receive any letter as of today

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26 minutes ago, M.J. said:

Could you refresh us the problem with your suits again?



Also he mentioned about the suit smell again because people asked him if I smoked and he told them that my mum smokes and it stays on me was asked what I was going to do bout the smell anyway 



Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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4 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Just had the announcement after the WT that we will be resuming in person meetings. I would imagine that will include the rest of the state as we have been living a normal life here for the majority of the time the pandemic has been raging around the world.  We will be finding out more at the mid-week meeting on Wednesday.

Would you mind sharing your location so we know where this is taking place?

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4 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Just had the announcement after the WT that we will be resuming in person meetings. I would imagine that will include the rest of the state as we have been living a normal life here for the majority of the time the pandemic has been raging around the world.  We will be finding out more at the mid-week meeting on Wednesday.

Wow! That’s great (I think)! We are not far from you, but we didn’t get that announcement. GeordieGirl and I are in Western Australia and there is no covid here. 

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Is it wrong to prefer Zoom rather than in person…? Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IMHO, this is going to be a test of obedience and loyalty. The devil is not going to make this an easy thing for any of us! So May we keep our spiritual guards up and stay ever loyal as some of us start to meet in person!


….and some wish they were home on Zoom!
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My guess is that in towns and cities, and congregations where there are the highest rates of Covid infections and deaths, the brothers may ask for patience before in person meetings resume.  The Bethel family in the international headquarters are a good example for all of us in obedience to GB recommendations (NOT directions) to take the vaccine.  But the final decisions are made by family heads and adult members who would know their individual circumstances.


As an example, there are maps of the US and the world online that are color coded according to the number of Covid deaths 

or the percent of the population that have been vaccinated.





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