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Gunman opens fire in German city of Hamburg - Brothers and Sisters Wounded

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1 hour ago, More4me2do said:

but now let the healing and grieving set in without reliving the events with a minute by minute event countdown.

JW Talk is literally a place for fellow JW’s to “talk”. We all can choose which threads to read or not. Regarding this tragedy, we’re all coping in our own ways.

Some of us just want more detailed information and want it faster than waiting for “official” statements.


We’re worried about our dear friends and want to “live what they’re living” in a sense, to “be by their side” from across the globe. 

We’re also concerned about what’s being said, and find it encouraging when the true story, that this person was a former Witness who went mental, is put forth in the media. 

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1 hour ago, More4me2do said:

n the beginning there were some excellent comments here citing articles from JW.ORG on how to explain the shooting to our students and interested persons, but now let the healing and grieving set in without reliving the events with a minute by minute event countdown.


Getting correct info or details can help allay incorrect responses in the ministry, and also reassure those brothers in the affected area, or all of Germany that this was an isolated incident due to the circumstances. It also shows how well the authorities and the brothers are supporting each other, including continuing in spiritual activities. It’s a slap back to Satan that he hasn’t slowed down our activities.


Keep in mind that grieving and healing for everyone is different, especially in such tragic times. What some would rather not know is different to others who may find it helpful.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I remember we had a training how to keep the khall close and secure. 

Dangerous world we are living in. 

Did you know how many times I have been  harassed in public witnessing?

We have to be careful. Satan is furious. He has very little time left and he spread hatred and fear. 



Btw, is sociopathy an acquired personality that can be unlearned? Or is it just a mental disease that requires medicine to stabilize the mind? 


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23 minutes ago, Woanders said:

Getting correct info or details can help allay incorrect responses in the ministry

We really do not need this.:nope:

Our response can be general, acknowledging how distressing it is, how wickedness is getting worse etc.

Our conversation should steer from negative news, or should depart from negative asap.

Instead, we offer good news to comfort people with the hope for the future.  

The focus of our ministry is good news. 



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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26 minutes ago, Woanders said:


Getting correct info or details can help allay incorrect responses in the ministry




Why would you want to do that, look how Jesus handled a similar situation when talking to the Samaritan woman at the well as recorded in John 4:12:
"You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well and who together with his sons and his cattle drank out of it, are you?”

The woman asks Jesus "You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well?". That was a wrong and incorrect statement. Samaritans, despite their claims, didn’t descend from Jacob but from some pagan peoples the Assyrians brought into the area.

How did Jesus handle that situation? Verse 13 shows that Jesus didn't correct her with the true facts. He just went on with his topic namely, the idea of water that imparts everlasting life.

We likewise should follow Jesus' example when it comes to incorrect and biased statements rather then correcting people point them to the only solution of today's ills namely the kingdom of god.


No effort = No bananas
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1 minute ago, New World Explorer said:

We really do not need this.:nope:

Our response can be general, acknowledging how distressing it is, how wickedness is getting worse etc.

Yes of course. We should never dwell on negative things, but be ready to make a defense of the truth in a peaceful and mild way. When someone is directly accusatory at us, we can respond mildly this isn’t the case. With people who have already asked me directly about it, the question is more of why it happened (anger, mental issues) , how we are fairing (with relief efforts support), and what we believe (good news of better times).

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 minute ago, More4me2do said:

Why would you want to do that, look how Jesus handled a similar situation when talking to the Samaritan woman at the well as recorded in John 4:12:
"You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well and who together with his sons and his cattle drank out of it, are you?”

The woman asks Jesus "You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well?". That was a wrong and incorrect statement. Samaritans, despite their claims, didn’t descend from Jacob but from some pagan peoples the Assyrians brought into the area.

How did Jesus handle that situation? Verse 13 shows that Jesus didn't correct her with the true facts. He just went on with his topic namely, the idea of water that imparts everlasting life.


Yes brother I understand what you are saying. I have never suggested getting in arguments or giving answers to those who just want to make problems. But people will ask why it happened, and although we refrain from all the details mentioned, understanding clearly a few things can actually help give a good and reassuring witness about us as JW‘s and the kingdom hope.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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This was posted earlier in this thread and shows how to handle if the conversation addresses the topic of gun violence.


Shocking Gun Violence Worldwide—What Does the Bible Say?




With a simple transition if the topic arises like "Is there any hope that such violence will end? What does the Bible say? Would you like to know the answer?"


Job done.

Edited by More4me2do

No effort = No bananas
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2 minutes ago, Woanders said:

the question is more of why it happened

I would say, It could be many reasons...no doubt anger and other issues could play a role....  and point them to 2 Tim 3:1-5, trying to steer conversation towards the Kingdom. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 minutes ago, More4me2do said:

With a simple transition if the topic arises like "Is there any hope that such violence will end? What does the Bible say? Would you like to know the answer?"



My witnessing is already with RV‘s or former students. But this is a very good transition into giving a witness for those who don’t know anything about us.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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 Having contacts to JWs in Hamburg Germany I found out on Thursday about 3:30pm EST about the shooting and started preparing for questions from interested persons. Once the news media started reporting this tragic event, I contacted all my Bible Studies and advanced RVs and shared that JW.ORG link with them, because I knew they would be asking me for my opinion. This way I calmed any concerns or anxieties they may have had, plus they also had our and the Bible's comforting viewpoint on the matter before the viewpoints of the news organizations became public.

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Our local elders here in Germany who were aware of the situation early on prayed with our congregation the next day over Zoom not only to comfort the congregation and  also those affected in Hamburg, but to pray for those brothers involved with media and those taking the lead in Hamburg.

Edited by Woanders

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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My older daughter lived in Germany for a while. She’s very opposed and yet she sent me a very tender message when she heard about the massacre. She was genuinely shocked, and I know many worldly people in Germany are too. We may see good from this tragedy. 

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1 hour ago, More4me2do said:

. That was a wrong and incorrect statement. Samaritans, despite their claims, didn’t descend from Jacob but from some pagan peoples the Assyrians brought into the area

Not completely correct. The term “Samaritans” first appeared in Scripture after the conquest of the ten-tribe kingdom of Samaria in 740 B.C.E.; it was applied to those who lived in the northern kingdom before that conquest as distinct from the foreigners later brought in from other parts of the Assyrian Empire.


Many Samaritans later became mixed with foreigners, but they came from Israelite descent, from 10 of the 12 tribes. They still held to many Hebrew scripture teachings, especially Moses’ writings, that’s why they were also awaiting the Messiah


They didn’t keep themselves “purebred” as the faithful Israelites of the 2 tribes of Judah & Benjamin did, and eventually other religious teachings crept in as well.

Edited by Sharkfin182
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10 hours ago, Skye said:

We received (not official!) a Whatsapp message encouraging any who wished to write a thank you letter/postcard to USE Hamburg to do so.


A sister wrote me this morning that they were informed that the Hamburg police station is already overwhelmed with letters, so please do not write any more. The thought counts though!

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46 minutes ago, Bluebell said:
Afterwards there were a few closing words by Werner Rudkte. Our heart is unique and everyone feels differently. Only Jehovah can judge our pain, no man. Proverbs 14:10.
Let us therefore focus our thoughts on Jehovah!
The grief may remain until the new world arrives. Therefore, we need to discuss our feelings with Jehovah.
The devil wants to shake us and make us doubt. Every discouragement comes from the devil.
Let us be encouraged, for all encouragement comes from Jehovah.
Jehovah is stronger than the devil!
Jehovah helps to endure something almost impossible. "


Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 🙏💗

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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17 hours ago, Loopy said:

This got me thinking:

Although our Kingdom Hall is right near the main road, to get to the driveway one has to turn onto another road for a very short distance to get to the parking lot.


But in the summer, one could easily just park on the shoulder of the road and walk a very short distance to be right next to the building. 😬


We have 2 attendants each meeting. One sits in the entrance room and one sits inside the auditorium by the doors.


I’m beginning to think having cameras to watch the parking lots is an excellent idea. Unfortunately, we don’t have any set up right now.

But this makes me wonder how long it will be before that is the direction all congregations will receive. 


We have cameras that survey the outside.  My husband has on his cell an app by which he surveys the hall outside and inside as well on his cell from home.


However, we are trying to be as cautious as humanly possible.  We cannot anticipate everything that could happen but, the elders do the best they can.

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On 3/12/2023 at 12:31 AM, YayaMichelle said:

Only my personal wishful thinking but i will be fully supportive of whatever the direction of the slave is:  that perhaps the midweek evening meetings can be transitioned to zoom since we’re closer to the great tribulation and we may not have a lot of it remaining?  Watchtower/public talk remains in-person as it’s usually daytime? …..  20 years ago, 10 years ago, even 3 years ago things were different. The level of crazy has grown exponentially during/post pandemic.  The witness elderlies, kids, babies, still out at night gathering inside and then  at the parking lot of the Kingdom Hall being vulnerable as preys to Satanic world … and as to what happened in Hamburg,  no miracles prevented this tragedy from happening.  It’s allowed to happen now!  Yes,  We need the new world asap  🙏



The reality is these types of shootings can happen anywhere. You can go to the grocery store and not make it back home. It's happened at many schools. Several witnesses have been killed in these shootings here in the US. 

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