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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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on whether he was concerned that the federal government would seize the tests the state procured from South Korea. He says the tests are being guarded by the National Guard at an undisclosed location. https://youtu.be/PjkMyHbyhro

Just to demonstrate, The United States is not ONE country but more akin to the European Union. Even the “ National Guard “ is not actually nationally controlled.

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19 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

on whether he was concerned that the federal government would seize the tests the state procured from South Korea. He says the tests are being guarded by the National Guard at an undisclosed location. https://youtu.be/PjkMyHbyhro

Just to demonstrate, The United States is not ONE country but more akin to the European Union. Even the “ National Guard “ is not actually nationally controlled.

In times of a global pandemic, a USA governor has to protect his states from confiscation of tests from the federal government. Very interesting video. Wow!

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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There is so much crazy information surrounding this whole event that I don’t know what to believe anymore. There are stories of people being counted among COVID deaths that reportedly didn’t die from COVID. Also, there was a doctor saying the ventilators were killing people and his video was taken down and he got ostracized, and now I’m seeing reports from “reputable” (yes I’m putting it in quotes because CNN, FOX, and the rest of them have agendas too) admitting this may be the case after all. They keep changing the peak dates. Everything’s just a mess. All I know is I don’t want that vaccine because I don’t trust it. I’m just going to listen to the branch and stay in the house. I don’t trust a lot of things right now.

Edited by runner92
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 This gives a clear answer to "Is the coronavirus  worse than the flu?" question. Look at the graphs.


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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7 minutes ago, Old said:

 This gives a clear answer to "Is the coronavirus  worse than the flu?" question. Look at the graphs.


This still causes confusion because of the fact people are being put on the COVID death list and they weren't even tested. Of course the number will increase when everyone and anyone gets added. One of the health officials in Illinois even said they were putting people on the list even if covid didn't cause the death and they just tested positive for any piece of it. At least the flu chart is confirmed flu.


I'm not saying don't be safe and not to take every measure you can to protect yourself, but I truly think some of these outlets are intentionally meaning us. I'm not really looking to any of these charts and sources for info anymore. I hope I'm not coming off the wrong way. I'm not trying to be contrarian just because.

Edited by runner92
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5 minutes ago, runner92 said:

This still causes confusion because of the fact people are being put on the COVID death list and they weren't even tested. Of course the number will increase when everyone and anyone gets added. One of the health officials in Illinois even said they were putting people on the list even if covid didn't cause the death and they just tested positive for any piece of it. At least the flu chart is confirmed flu.


I'm not saying don't be safe and not to take every measure you can to protect yourself, but I truly think some of these outlets are intentionally meaning us. I'm not really looking to any of these charts and sources for info anymore. I hope I'm not coming off the wrong way. I'm not trying to be contrarian just because.

You may not look at the charts and figures, but I imagine the charts and figures are what is guiding our organization directions on how we handle the pandemic.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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4 minutes ago, Old said:

You may not look at the charts and figures, but I imagine the charts and figures are what is guiding our organization directions on how we handle the pandemic.

And I completely understand that. I understand the taking of precaution because that's all we can do. However, I do have questions about everything we are being told from these officials and the constant confusion they are displaying. Of course, the organization will always play it safe and prepare and that's what should be done and ultimate direction to listen to. They suggested staying home. I'm staying home.

Edited by runner92
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On 3/18/2020 at 11:55 AM, Lee49 said:

Well, I'm already giving  a donation and receiving money through my ss benefits and a pension, why would or should the government give me or anyone else that is still working and receiving a paycheck any extra money? This just seems to me a Trump plan to make him "look great again" like all politicians do, I've always said that maybe staying home from assemblies and viewing ( streaming) at the KH's or from home we could all afford to give the money saved to the " Earthly organization".Now, when I travel to a regional, which we have to do ( 100 miles away) I spend on the average $500 which includes hotel and meals, I'm not donating that kind of money at the regional, but if I stayed home could donate most if not all of that! This may be happening in the near future as things are changing fast.We are already getting  a taste of what it's like not to have meetings, but we can still stream and use things like "Zoom" that Bro Matthew above mentioned. Just my thought. Thoughts and emojis welcomed.

I was surprised to find that the money was going to people that I would say don't need it. I am one of those people. My income is the same now that it was last year (except for the cost of living raise) I have SS, FERS pension, and other money coming in. One elder said that the money was supposed to be for economic stimulus, in other words spend the money to stimulate the economy. I guess Bill Gates and other billionaires stuck their stimulus money in their piggy bank. Now people that need the money can't get it because the money for loans is gone. I am not going to be political about this, it just indicates man's inability to rule himself.  Waste money where it isn't needed and it isn't available for the poor people who need it.

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2 minutes ago, Witness1970 said:

One elder said that the money was supposed to be for economic stimulus, in other words spend the money to stimulate the economy.

I was thinking of using my money to invest in a toilet paper manufacturing business and ask for my monthly dividends to include a package of TP...😁

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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On 3/18/2020 at 6:46 AM, Todd komaniak said:


The new postal issue of masks for Coronavirus haha

They refused to give masks to Postal Workers back when the anthrax scare went out. People with respiratory problems wearing masks could cause more problems. (They later changed their policy, probably fearing lawsuits if they did not give out masks.) After I read the story behind the anthrax, I told my so-workers that it would not happen again. They thought I was insane. I retired October 2010, 5 months before I turned 62. I lost a little on my pension because their was a benefit to retiring at 62. I am glad to be out of that.

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On 3/18/2020 at 12:39 PM, SUNRAY said:

I was thinking of who in my congregation is still in the workforce and will be possibly losing their job either temporarily or permanently and would have no money for food, rent..and those with children who would be more hard pressed. We are fine, so why not give our money from the government to them..also world wide work, LDC, etc.

I asked the secretary of my congregation if there was anyone in the congregation who was having financial. He told me that there was no one under any more stress financially than usual. I would be very happy to give that money to someone in the congregation that needed it. I don't want to embarrass anyone, but if I could find a way to give money to them maybe anonymously it would be fine with me.

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forget tp, a meat processing plant ! Keep it clean (if that's even possible) and the employees safe and happy ( if that's even possible), then you will have an investment! I think it's time to go vegetarian! 


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1 minute ago, Lee49 said:

forget tp, a meat processing plant ! Keep it clean (if that's even possible) and the employees safe and happy ( if that's even possible), then you will have an investment! I think it's time to go vegetarian! 


The way producers are throwing away food that they cannot get harvested, I am not sure what vegetables are going to cost later this year.

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On 3/19/2020 at 5:54 AM, Lieblingskind said:

My husband just told me that after WWII here in Germany, the people were told to eat "Dachhasen" - a form of rabbit. But in reality they were cats. :o


Edited to add I just re-read what you posted, and Dachhasen are roof rabbits!

I am not old enough to remember World War II, but I did hear stories about people selling "headless" rabbits. Apparently, if you butcher a cat and cut off its head, the rest of the body looks like rabbit. (I am sure it tastes like chicken, though.)

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4 minutes ago, Witness1970 said:

I am sure it tastes like chicken, though.)

I've heard that cats have a distinctive sulphurous taste. I never tried to prove that...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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So uhh dunno if anyone watched Parks and Rec or if it's allowed since it was slightly political (I ignored the politics and watched it for a comedy like The Office).

But if you did, NBC brought all the actors for the show back for a quarantine special completely in-character as if the virus was in the show-world and it was really good.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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5 hours ago, Bro Richard said:

I've heard that cats have a distinctive sulphurous taste. I never tried to prove that...


1 hour ago, Todd komaniak said:

Oh you know the old joke about no cats being around Chinese restaurants have you ever been able to make chicken as tender as tasty as the ones at Chinese restaurants I'm telling you their cats

Oh where, oh where is my gag button? Pah...leese make a gag button!

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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9 hours ago, Old said:

You may not look at the charts and figures, but I imagine the charts and figures are what is guiding our organization directions on how we handle the pandemic.

It was interesting that this reference cited in that article states that 'due to insufficient data and short onset time, current estimates of R0 for COVID-19 are possibly biased'. So just to clarify, I'm quite certain you weren't suggesting that our organization is being guided by studies reported on in what some might consider to be agenda driven news reports, but rather are simply encouraging us to follow government recommendations and directives.

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Witness1970, I have no idea how they taste, but we just recently adopted 3 adorable rabbits and 2 guinea pigs... I'm pretty sure my husband is not going to use them as food if the need be...though he has talked about catching them for food in the past. :wacko::blink::upsidedown: But I think it would be too traumatizing now for our daughter. :itsoksign:


“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

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7 hours ago, Motherhen said:

It was interesting that this reference cited in that article states that 'due to insufficient data and short onset time, current estimates of R0 for COVID-19 are possibly biased'.

It was also interesting that this reference was published on February 13th, so it's old and out of date compared to the current charts and figures that @Old brother Jerry cited. And that the FULL quote actually reads like this...


"Due to insufficient data and short onset time, current estimates of R0 for COVID-19 are possibly biased. However, as more data are accumulated, estimation error can be expected to decrease and a clearer picture should form. Based on these considerations, R0 for COVID-19 is expected to be around 2–3, which is broadly consistent with the WHO estimate."


What we do know now, is that Covid-19 is much more contagious and much more deadlier than the Flu.


7 hours ago, Motherhen said:

So just to clarify, I'm quite certain you weren't suggesting that our organization is being guided by studies reported on in what some might consider to be agenda driven news reports, but rather are simply encouraging us to follow government recommendations and directives.

What's the secret agenda? To make people take precautions to avoid getting sick, by wearing masks and limiting how much you have to leave your home?


I'm sure that the organization is being guided by both government recommendations and directions as well as genuine love for the safety, health, and well-being of Jehovah's sheep.




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