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2020 Governing Body Update #9

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6 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

I know that it doesn’t make sense, as such, but I meant to say that the virus does not infect that way.

You need not only the right time frame, but also the right amount of viruses. Someone sneezing over your packages is not enough, just like eating the chicken wings someone just sneezed over hardly is enough to infect you. So wiping your items off is an action that makes little or no difference. I am not saying it is bad or dangerous, only that it might make you relax in more important areas that you really ought to focus on.

If that's the case, then.. the rate of people in infected is all down to pure stupidity on part of the human race, what are people doing out there? French kissing in masses? Lol.


But in either case, I don't find my practices wearing at all. I do 'all' the recomended things, I don't feel fatigued, I've put up with far more mental stress in recent years than wiping down a couple of boxes, lol.

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19 minutes ago, Mykyl said:

I don't remember the make but the ones we used kill viruses as well. 

Since virus are not alive can you kill them? Destroy them yes, but you can't kill something that is not alive.

(Isn't that the reputed trouble with zombies?)

I know, I know, hair splitting gone wild. 


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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If that's the case, then.. the rate of people in infected is all down to pure stupidity on part of the human race, what are people doing out there? French kissing in masses? Lol.
But in either case, I don't find my practices wearing at all. I do 'all' the recomended things, I don't feel fatigued, I've put up with far more mental stress in recent years than wiping down a couple of boxes, lol.

As I said, keep doing it if it makes you feel better, but from a scientific standpoint, it makes little or no difference.

The problem with people is that they cannot seem to stay away from one another, but find reasons not to distance themselves. Some argue that they are wearing masks and so do not have to distance themselves, some do not do any of it. When the authorities ask or demand that they isolate for a time, people view it as an affront to their ‘rights’. This is the single greatest danger these days. This is what kills people.

Of course, some follow ALL the instructions and are still infected. That’s just unfortunate.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Since virus are not alive can you kill them? Destroy them yes, but you can't kill something that is not alive.
(Isn't that the reputed trouble with zombies?)
I know, I know, hair splitting gone wild. 

That is true. Calling the alive is probably a simplification.

Here is an article from Scientific American on the subject: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-viruses-alive-2004/

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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42 minutes ago, Old said:

Since virus are not alive can you kill them? Destroy them yes, but you can't kill something that is not alive.

(Isn't that the reputed trouble with zombies?)

I know, I know, hair splitting gone wild. 


Seems an awful lot of hairs being split nowadays. 🙄 


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On construction sites, particularly LDC ones, there is a designated "Construction Zone".


It is usually taped off with safety tape and marked with signage like this:



Now, what if all you are planning to do is talk to someone standing in the front yard of the Kingdom Hall. You need to ask them something and you will only be a minute. There is no one working near them and they are not near any equipment nor are they under anything. Does that mean that walking to them, asking them your question and walking back out of the zone means you can skip wearing the hard hat? After all, your chances of getting hit on the head by something is almost impossible. Or, do you put on the hard hat and safety glasses before you enter the zone ... if you are on an LDC project, you should definitely wear the PPE.


Now, a person could argue all day long that being on the inside of the tape is no more dangerous than being only inches from the outside of the tape - and they could be right. However, the tape marks the lin. Inside that line PPE must be worn ... outside the tape it is optional. Would we try to tell someone standing just inside the tape they don't really need to wear a hard hat. That doing so is fatiguing. That there is no scientific evidence that inside the tape is more dangerous than outside the tape. That, if it makes you feel better - go ahead and put on the hard hat (with the implication that it it unnecessary)


Well, a person's home is "inside the tape". It is not up to me, you or anyone else to tell them what they should do inside their home when it comes to their safety. Comments like "if it makes you feel better" or "there is no scientific evidence" or "other things are more important" - or even, if you go stand under the scaffolding and something falls you will be fine without a hard hat since it is highly unlikely that you would get hurt" does not help anyone. Continuing to argue that others should adopt our view does smore to wear another person down than allowing them to do what they deem they need to do.


And, while the chances of someone getting C-19 from a package may be small, there is no scientific evidence that it is "0", Nada, Zilch, Can't happen, Impossible ... so, it is not an exercise in futility if it removes even the remotest possibility of infection.


Just as we are not to impose our view or try to convince others to adopt our decision about a vaccine, we should likewise not try to convince others to do less when it comes to protecting themselves from the deadly C-19 virus.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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52 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

The problem with people is that they cannot seem to stay away from one another

Staying away from others in my local supermarket is near on impossible.  Nobody takes notice of the social distance rule.  I find myself running away from others so I can keep my distance from others and waiting for an aisle to clear because of the numbers of people there you cannot keep your distance.


Just this week, whilst out walking, I was stopped by a someone I know (not a jw).  As he stepped towards me I stepped back.  He asked what I was doing and to come closer.  I told him in no uncertain terms that I would not come closer and we should keep a distance from each.  His attitude was, like many, that it is all nonsense.


And then people wonder why infection rates continue to rise and the local hospital is full of covid cases.


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Just as we are not to impose our view or try to convince others to adopt our decision about a vaccine, we should likewise not try to convince others to do less when it comes to protecting themselves from the deadly C-19 virus.

Can we talk about anything? Of course we can. Does talking about everything mean we are trying to impose our view? Of course not. But we can discuss ideas, and what we know and understand. And still be friends. This is how we grow and become better. You can chose to learn, or not.

And I am curious why people feel a need to wipe off the items delivered to their homes. I am not trying to change their minds. It is up to them to do whatever in their own homes.

By the way, hard hats at construction sites are law in many areas, and also a good idea, so many construction sites demand them at all times during construction. Wouldn’t you feel it was overkill if someone chose to wear them everywhere and at all times? You might even stop to ask why...

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Staying away from others in my local supermarket is near on impossible.  Nobody takes notice of the social distance rule.  I find myself running away from others so I can keep my distance from others and waiting for an aisle to clear because of the numbers of people there you cannot keep your distance.
Just this week, whilst out walking, I was stopped by a someone I know (not a jw).  As he stepped towards me I stepped back.  He asked what I was doing and to come closer.  I told him in no uncertain terms that I would not come closer and we should keep a distance from each.  His attitude was, like many, that it is all nonsense.
And then people wonder why infection rates continue to rise and the local hospital is full of covid cases.

You’re right. People forget, or don’t care about basic steps to promote health. Quite a lot of people, I think, do it from pure fatigue. They get tired of the rules and let their guards down. Others, well, they just don’t care.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Having spent enough time observing people's hygiene we wipe/clean/disinfect whatever enters our home/car. This is not just for Covid-19 but all the other nasties. How many recalls do we have for e coli, etc. Why? Poor hygiene. 

Go for a walk - along with avoiding goose poop (they don’t care), we have laws on picking up after your dog (enough don’t) - cigarette butts, gum, snot rockets, spit and who knows what else - we spray the bottom of our shoes before they come into our place -we don’t have an outside to leave them.

Those sneezes / snot rockets then get wiped by a hand, maybe shook off, wiped on the leg - then what do they touch? Watch them in the grocery store. This happens more than you want to know. That is just the beginning. Restrooms-forget it.

They say money is one of the dirtiest things- why? How many hands it passes through. How many hands do your groceries, mail etc. pass through.

It is a dirty world. I’ll err on the safe side.


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5 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Is there something that does? I know certain wipes are at  least advertised to do such.

I’ve probably used 4,000 Clinell Universal wipes since March! They mention several viruses on the packaging but the website now specifically says:



Available from Amazon:

4 packs of 80, handy size but the lids sometimes start falling off before they are empty. £10

200 wipes, good but can be fiddly to get out with some gloves on. £10

225 wipes for fitting in bucket, not as thick, and you need to buy the bucket. £8


All these can be sprayed with 500ml Clinell Universal spray so things are left more visibly wet.

(Prices vary but this is what I have been paying.)

There is also the pack of blue 200 Clinell hand wipes which are less irritating to the skin. Available from ageukincontinence.co.u.k. for £6.59 but the postage is £5 I think.


Also, iirc Dettol Orange and Lavender Disinfectant mentions viruses on the bottle.

Edited by ChrisC

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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Early reports said that an hand sanitizer of over 60 to 90 percent (50 to 180 proof) alcohol would kill the Covid-19 virus. Since it is not a living organism I assume they were meaning it would destroy the virus ie break it down. 



"Can alcohol kill all types of germs or only some types?

At the required concentrations — between 60 and 90 percent — alcohol can kill a broad range of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

For example, alcohol can eliminate common bacteria, such as E. colisalmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. ..."

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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I can’t see us possibly going back to the kingdom hall anytime soon  a couple of days ago I talked to a couple different brothers and sisters who said that they will not be getting the vaccine they don’t trust the government and with that being said how can we ever come back and worship in unity at the kingdom hall being that some brothers will get vaccinated and some will not some might have allergies and choose not to get vaccinated and then some might not  get vaccinated and some do so it creates a dilemma how can we ever open safely....That includes the kingdom hall and Bethel👀🤔

Edited by Shannie
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50 minutes ago, Shannie said:

I can’t see us possibly going back to the kingdom hall anytime soon  a couple of days ago I talked to a couple different brothers and sisters who said that they will not be getting the vaccine they don’t trust the government and with that being said how can we ever come back and worship in unity at the kingdom hall being that some brothers will get vaccinated and some will not some might have allergies and choose not to get vaccinated and then some might not  get vaccinated and some do so it creates a dilemma how can we ever open safely....That includes the kingdom hall and Bethel👀🤔

Wise words

i know coronavirus for over 25 years from my academic experience

i say the GB advices are totally correct 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Old said:

Early reports said that an hand sanitizer of over 60 to 90 percent (50 to 180 proof) alcohol would kill the Covid-19 virus. Since it is not a living organism I assume they were meaning it would destroy the virus ie break it down. 



"Can alcohol kill all types of germs or only some types?

At the required concentrations — between 60 and 90 percent — alcohol can kill a broad range of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

For example, alcohol can eliminate common bacteria, such as E. colisalmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. ..."

Normal peroxide oxigen kills coronavirus

soap too 👌

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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21 hours ago, EccentricM said:



These are the wipes I have @Hope on the back (I took a pic but its blurred lol), that is kills all sorts of viruses, including 99.9% flu type viruses and alike.

Matthew, if those wipes kill the flu virus, they will kill covid19 too.

Normal hand soap works very well too against viruses and bacteria and it may be cheaper than wipes.


As for alcohol gel, at first I would clean my hands with that gel at every place where they required it. But sometimes that meant washing my hands with alcohol 20 or 30 times in a morning. I ended up with my hands terribly irritated and raw. Now I prefer to wash my hands with soap and only use alcohol gel when there's no other option.


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15 hours ago, Shannie said:

I can’t see us possibly going back to the kingdom hall anytime soon  a couple of days ago I talked to a couple different brothers and sisters who said that they will not be getting the vaccine they don’t trust the government and with that being said how can we ever come back and worship in unity at the kingdom hall being that some brothers will get vaccinated and some will not some might have allergies and choose not to get vaccinated and then some might not  get vaccinated and some do so it creates a dilemma how can we ever open safely....That includes the kingdom hall and Bethel👀🤔

Any government will release the contingencies only if enough people get vaccinated. I don't recall the exact number but if the minimum ammount of people are vaccinated we get a group immunity even if some of the group are not vaccinated


14 hours ago, Sofia said:

Wise words

i know coronavirus for over 25 years from my academic experience

i say the GB advices are totally correct 

Hi Sofia, greetings from Portugal :thumbsup:


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23 minutes ago, jayrtom said:

Hi Sofia, greetings from Portugal

Olá João 


amo tanto estar aqui

just love to be here

my main goal is to obtain genuine information and give encouragement to all

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Yes but you all have to consider a very important fact that has not been addressed yet. 


What Is the Superbug?


There are many kinds of superbugs that can exist, even in a hospital. 


Superbug definition: Superbugs are viral infections that is resistant to common antibiotics and may have some resistance to cleaning supplies.”


It’s kinda Strange but True. Antibacterial Products May Do More Harm Than Good


When a bacterial population is placed under a stressor—such as an antibacterial chemical—a small subpopulation armed with special defense mechanisms can develop. These lineages survive and reproduce as their weaker relatives perish. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is the governing maxim here, as antibacterial chemicals select for bacteria that endure their presence.


Now further studies since this article was published from 2007 in Scientific American shows that this doesn’t just apply to just bacteria it also seems to apply to virus unfortunately. 


Now unfortunately the focus right now is on COVID-19 but several doctors are reporting an increase in antibacterial and antibiotic resistant Bacterial infections. 


As reported to the CDC - Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) has been spotted and has been spreading undetected. If the branch is giving us instructions that we may not understand. Or they may tell us to do something that we may not think makes any sense. Just remember “LISTEN, OBEY & BE BLESSED” because in the past Jehovah sometimes gave everyone some strange instructions. Like killing a lamb and putting the blood on the door...sticking a rope out of a window...collect and dispose of your manna or it gets wormy...move away from Those who rebelled against Jehovah (Korah, Dathan & Abriam). 


I would I’ve to go to the Kingdom Hall and be there in person. Go out in service, go out to dinner, spend time with the friends. But we have been given instructions on what to do. 


Sometimes it may make no sense to us but we have to remember Jehovah sees the big picture. 



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2 hours ago, On the huh said:

Well I learned something new.  I have always thought that viruses were living things 🎓👨‍🏫

They attach themselves to living cells.  The washing, soap, alcohol and so on do not "kill" them but it damages or destroys the membrane or covering, causing the virus destruction.

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They attach themselves to living cells.  The washing, soap, alcohol and so on do not "kill" them but it damages or destroys the membrane or covering, causing the virus destruction.

True, so if you wash your hands regularly with soap, including after handling mail or other items that have arrived to your house, you have done quite a lot to protect yourself and others.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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