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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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News from the mainstream media, while Bible prophecies are being fulfilled! 

To start I have this news that I found interesting PSX_20220418_214502.thumb.jpg.1363ba77e9a4f3a91e2b15e576589bf9.jpg

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will speak to reporters on the situation in Ukraine. This stakeout will take place outdoors in front of the “Knotted Gun” sculpture on the Visitor’s Plaza.

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38 minutes ago, Jonadab said:


Worshipping Images—What Does the Bible Say?



The Catholics know Mary to be the Queen of Heaven. They used a different name for her pre-Christian adoption but renamed her with a new Christian name. The Virgin Mary. The Queen of Heaven is Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Inanna/Astarte/Venus/Mary among many other names just in different languages and religions.


Jehovah directly condemned the Israelites for making sacrificial cakes for her and pouring out drink offerings to her. She was also part of nearly every trinity until the Catholics took her out and replaced her with a dove representing Holy Spirit. The Israelites worshiped Ashtoreth, Ba’al and Tammuz. All three have been associated with various trinities throughout history and cultures. You could say even apostate Israel worshiped a triad of gods. 


Nothing has changed since Babylon. Different names, different cultures, same garbage worship. It’s disgusting.



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Head of Ukraine's Orthodox church asks faithful to forgo night Easter services

Ukrainian church leaders have been at odds with Russia since Ukraine formed a new Orthodox church in 2018, ending centuries of religious ties with Moscow. Both Ukrainians and Russians are predominantly Orthodox Christians.




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2 hours ago, Doak said:

Hello to all of you, dear brothers!


I'm a young, baptized, newly married brother serving in a congregation in Portugal. Lately I've been feeling a little down, I'm not going to lie. I have known the truth since I was born, and I have always heard that there will be a Great Tribulation and an Armageddon. As I got a little older, I began to hear about the announcement of peace and security that we are all waiting for. The problem is that more than 20 years have passed. And I know that before I was born the brothers already heard about it. I've made so many changes in my life for the end of the system and it seems like it never comes again...


I sometimes hear speeches from the Governing Body (such as Brother Anthony Morris's final speech for the second part of the 2021 Annual Meeting, February 2022 Broadcasting) or read articles in the Watchtower that make me think it won't last longer. than 5 years. Other times, through the news I see, conversations with some brothers or even the organization's projects, I keep thinking that the end is not so close after all.


The Governing Body says the end is "imminent". When someone tells me something is imminent, or about to occur, I usually think it will be in a few days or weeks. In the case of the end, of course I don't think of days or weeks, but the word "imminent" makes me think of 2 or 3 years. Imminent is associated with urgency and it doesn't seem to me that more than 5 years is that imminent for a human being. For humans like us, imminent is something brief that we are about to witness. How long ago did we start hearing the expression "the Last of "the Last Days""?


What if the conflict with the King of the North lasts for a few years (as Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, said)? To announce peace and security, the world needs to be at least at peace, and I don't think peace with Russia will be achieved that quickly. I see the war in Ukraine as the tip of the iceberg, which will continue around the world until it reaches the confrontation "King of the North vs King of the South". The announcement of peace and security may not come until a few years from now. And what about the Great Tribulation? It may take even longer to arrive. We still have the prophecy of the "generation that will not pass away", but we have the example of Brother Mark Sanderson who was born in 1965 and is currently 57 years old. For me, 57 is still a relatively young age. It takes 13 years to reach the age of 70 and normally no one dies of old age at 70. Do you understand what I mean? In my former congregation, for example, there was also a brother who took the emblems and who must have been around 40 years old. There are many anointed ones who are still somewhat far from old age.


I'm getting more and more fed up with this system and it never seems to end. Even the Covid-19 pandemic caused me hope, but it's been 2 and a half years of pandemic and nothing has happened. The war with the King of the North also started in February and we are already entering July. Another convention is coming and the question remains: how many more conventions will there be until the end of the system? Like, how many more conventions does the Governing Body have prepared for us to attend (when they are prepared 5 years in advance)? And regarding the Memorial, how many Memorials are we going to attend until the Great Tribulation comes?


We also have the project of the series "The Good News According to Jesus" that started recording on May 20th of this year. If this series can be used in the new world to teach the resurrected about the Bible, then Jehovah will want the series to be released before the system ends, right? Since the series will last about 1000 hours, how many years will it take to finish recording, editing, translating, etc? And what about the new study book "Enjoy Life Forever!"? We will have a worldwide preaching campaign in September to offer Bible studies with this publication, do you think Jehovah would allow the end to come before anyone interested has time to study it and make progress? And the return to face-to-face meetings? Wouldn't it make sense for Jehovah to give us some reasonable time to encourage each other after 2 years away from each other? And as for preaching, do you think the end will come without us getting back to full throttle (not to mention the judgment message)?


Please brothers, tell me your opinions regarding everything I said, regarding current events and how long you think the end is. I need help from a brother who is up to date and who is an active servant of Jehovah.



(This text was originally written in Portuguese from Portugal, I apologize for any errors in the English translation)

I am not perfect, yet Jehovah is my dad. I hope my time with him is forever.

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(Psalm 37:10) 10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;

You will look at where they were,

And they will not be there.



The Psalmist, about 3,000 years ago, said it would be "just a little while longer." 


(Romans 13:12) 12 The night is well along; the day has drawn near. Let us therefore throw off the works belonging to darkness and let us put on the weapons of the light.



(1 Corinthians 7:29) 29 Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none,



Nearly 2,000 years ago Paul said the time left was reduced and that the day has drawn near.  


In all 3 scriptures above the Bible, God's word, indicated the end was, shall we say, imminent.  These aren't the words or speculations of a bunch of men.  These are God's own inspired instructions. We should not get mad, upset, or stumbled because the Faithful Slave is following the same pattern as the Bible in expressing how close the end of the system is.   


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14 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

We also have the project of the series "The Good News According to Jesus" that started recording on May 20th of this year. If this series can be used in the new world to teach the resurrected about the Bible, then Jehovah will want the series to be released before the system ends, right? Since the series will last about 1000 hours, how many years will it take to finish recording, editing, translating, etc? And what about the new study book "Enjoy Life Forever!"? We will have a worldwide preaching campaign in September to offer Bible studies with this publication, do you think Jehovah would allow the end to come before anyone interested has time to study it and make progress? And the return to face-to-face meetings? Wouldn't it make sense for Jehovah to give us some reasonable time to encourage each other after 2 years away from each other? And as for preaching, do you think the end will come without us getting back to full throttle (not to mention the judgment message)?

Interesting collection of questions here. I'm not entirely sure of your reason for asking them, but have you noticed you have highlighted the observation Jesus made at John 4:35 "Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting". There is just so much work to be done to 1. help those serving Jehovah now to grow to maturity and spritual strength, and 2 continue disseminating the good news to enable all who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life" to "become believers". In fact, with all that is happening, it appears as if the end is receding rather than getting closer. But don't overlook the statement Jesus made at Matthew 10:23: "When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives" The Research Guide reference to WT August 1 1987 comments: "So when saying that his disciples would not complete their circuit of preaching “until the Son of man arrives,” Jesus was prophetically telling us that his disciples would not complete the circuit of the entire inhabited earth with the preaching about God’s established Kingdom before the glorified King Jesus Christ would arrive as Jehovah’s executional officer at Armageddon."


What should be our focus at this time and what effect could this have on us? There is a relevant lesson to be drawn from Jesus parable at Matt.25:14-30. What is interesting here is the fact that the master's approval was only for those who produced fruitage from what was entrusted to them. The slave who buried his talent was viewed as wicked for not producing anything, in fact, incurring loss, as the potential of what he had had not been utilised. It would be interesting to muse on the difference in attitude whilst these slaves were awaiting the masters return. Those focussed on working hard with what had been entrusted to them would likely have found the time passed very quickly. A far different experience than that of the lazy one, likely dreading each day until the master's return, he cited fear as his reason for doing nothing with the talent. In fact his twisted reasoning (that fear of the master requiring increase lead him to produce nothing) did not wash with the master at all. Bearing in mind the prefacing words of Jesus at v13 regarding being on the watch, we can see a valuable lesson in this. What we are doing during this time of the end has a fundamental effect on our perception of the passage of time.


The apostle Peter parallels this view at 2Pet 3:12 "keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah,". The Greek for "keep close in mind" literally means "speed up". There is nothing we can do to alter the duration of the last days. But there is much we can do to alter the perception we have of the passage of time. Peter explained this simply to "do your utmost", which is what the good slaves would have done with their talents.


"Consider the patience of our Lord as salvation" is the wise counsel at 2Pet3:15. Salvation both for those who remain faithful and for those yet to become faithful for whom this period of the last days provides opportunity. Applying ourselves urgently to this work of preaching and teaching both in and outside of the congregation will prevent us "from being inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ." (2Pet1:8) And having Jehovah's mind on the matter will alter our perception of time to match to some extent (like Peter) Moses view expressed at Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years are in your eyes just as yesterday when it is past, Just as a watch during the night". (Comp. 2Pet.3:8),




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19 hours ago, Doak said:

Hello to all of you, dear brothers!


I'm a young, baptized, newly married brother serving in a congregation in Portugal. Lately I've been feeling a little down, I'm not going to lie. I have known the truth since I was born, and I have always heard that there will be a Great Tribulation and an Armageddon. As I got a little older, I began to hear about the announcement of peace and security that we are all waiting for. The problem is that more than 20 years have passed. And I know that before I was born the brothers already heard about it. I've made so many changes in my life for the end of the system and it seems like it never comes again...




It's good to read the WHOLE article, but I wanted to highlight that paragraph.  :wink:


Patience my dear brother.  Things tend to happen differently than we expect, and not when we expect it.  :whistling:  It is best to keep busy in Jehovah's service, not worrying about when.  True, even I love hearing news articles and trying to figure out how the puzzle pieces fit.  But it's something even I am working on changing.  Time will pass faster if we just do everything we can in Jehovah's service, and let whatever happen, happen, whenever it decides to happen.  :thumbsup:

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Olá Daniel,


Benvindo/Welcome on the website.

The feeling you have now, we all have faced them one time or another.

You were born in 2000, I was in born in 1970 and raised in the truth since I was 4 years old.

I was very excited to study the Daniel prophecy book before your birth :D. Some here are from many decades earlier. I have seen some updates on that prophecy. But im still looking forward! 

I wasn't expecting to get married... nor to reach 50 years of age :D But here I am! as faithful as possible! Trying to upbuild other´s faith as well.

We know the GT ( Great Tribulation) is just around the corner. If you dont think too much about it, when you realize you will be in it :D 


In the mean time, I've had extraordinary experiences walking with Jehovah and also helping people get baptised.

Be strong holding Jehovah's hand... we will not only reach our destination but also enjoy the journey / E você não vai apenas chegar ao seu destino – também vai aproveitar a viagem!



Merci @Dages for your kind words, I could use some of them ❤️


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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On 6/28/2022 at 6:40 AM, Doak said:

The Governing Body says the end is "imminent". When someone tells me something is imminent, or about to occur, I usually think it will be in a few days or weeks. In the case of the end, of course I don't think of days or weeks, but the word "imminent" makes me think of 2 or 3 years. Imminent is associated with urgency and it doesn't seem to me that more than 5 years is that imminent for a human being. For humans like us, imminent is something brief that we are about to witness. How long ago did we start hearing the expression "the Last of "the Last Days""?


You say you feel the end will come in 2 or 3 years. But many people already felt that way 20 or so years ago.


There were brothers and sisters who firmly believed the end will come in 1970s. That was 50 years ago now.


So a question you must ask yourself now is, are you prepared if the end will come in 10, 20 or 50 years from now?


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