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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Today I took the third dose of the vaccine, the booster one from Pfizer, I'm happy for my personal decision! here we are facing A pandemic along with a flu epidemic H3N2 , and now with the summer another threat arrives , the epidemic of dengue and zica , due to the Aedes aegypti mosquito. All these threats cause a lot of fatigue. these are just the details of the health area, if you combine it with the economic situation, the situation is very serious! Until when 😥

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5 hours ago, normaclutter said:

Thing is…. I respect each persons decision and it’s not my business to ask why or why don’t they vaccinate. It’s a personal medical decision. As long as I’m taking the precautions of masking and distancing, then I AM taking others into consideration. And by respecting my spiritual families decision for their own families, i am keeping unity within the congregation. I think many have gotten away from that. I don’t ask anyone why they make any medical decision that they make. I trust that they have prayerfully considered all the consequences. Then i prayerfully consider my own choices and leave the rest in Jehovahs hands. I’m not pointing out one person or another or one post or another. I’ve sat back for a long time and just read posts and I see disunity where there should be none. It makes me sad. Love to you all. ❤️

I too find it sad that the issue of vaccination has become so dividing. I cannot imagine a GB member stating to a fellow brother or sister or anyone for that matter, that since that they are not vaccinated they would treat them differently. Not allowing them in their presence or home, of course taking necessary precautions (mask and distancing). 


To me that's not loving and I cannot imagine Jesus treating anyone in that way. In fact we know he didn't from the many bible examples. 


I remember many years ago (1980's), we had a sister who had AIDS and many would not even walk by her at the hall (fear of touching her). A local needs talk had to be given because of how she was being treated, and things did eventually change. 


Today. many have decided to get vaccinated and many others have not - What we must remember is it is a personal decision  and no one should be treated differently for their personal decision.


After all, division is what Satan wants. I appreciated this from the 7-15-11 (W) "15 Satan’s aim is to silence the voice of our faith—to get us to stop preaching the good news. (Rev. 12:17) To that end, he tries to get us to pursue activities that waste time or that cause division among us. Notice how Paul identifies Satan’s tactics. “Unoccupied, gadding about.” In this age of technology, it is easy to waste our time and that of others by, for example, forwarding nonessential or even fallacious e-mails. “Gossipers.” Harmful gossip may lead to slander, which often causes contention. (Prov. 26:20) Whether they realize it or not, malicious slanderers imitate Satan the Devil.* Meddlers in other people’s affairs. It is not our right to tell others how to run their personal affairs. All such idle and troublesome behavior can distract us from the God-assigned work of Kingdom preaching. If we stop actively supporting Jehovah’s work, then we start following Satan. There is no middle ground.—Matt. 12:30." 


These are just my observations and like Normaclutter - I am trying to respect each brother and sisters personal decision. 

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36 minutes ago, Sandyds61 said:

I cannot imagine a GB member stating to a fellow brother or sister or anyone for that matter, that since that they are not vaccinated they would treat them differently. Not allowing them in their presence or home, of course taking necessary precautions (mask and distancing). 

But Sandy, that is exactly what the GB is doing. Only vaccinated brothers and sisters are allowed to work in any constructions projects, or even to clean the KH! In some of the areas where in-person meetings are resumed, there are specific instructions that only vaccinated people can attend (in other areas everyone is allowed to attend). I don't know about the rest of branches, but here in Spain the very few Bethelites who didn't take the vaccine were invited to leave the branch and keep serving outside.


The reason is not a lack of love, but precisely the opposite. The GB doesn't want those brothers and sisters becoming seriously sick or even die. Of course that is no excuse to treat anyone in an unkind way, but it's perfectly legitimate and logical to avoid physical closeness with people who are not immunized.


The GB is not "neutral" at all regarding the vaccine. They are definitely in favor and giving very clear directions. In the GB update #10 brother Morris says "Keep following the same basic precautions that have worked well: wearing masks, physical distancing, frequently washing our hands, and getting vaccinated, if possible." The GB is saying clearly "get vaccinated, it works well". It can't be told any clearer than that. Of course, it's still a personal decision. The brothers are not going to force anyone. But if they say "get vaccinated if possible" and we keep refusing, are we following the instructions?

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2 hours ago, carlos said:

But Sandy, that is exactly what the GB is doing. Only vaccinated brothers and sisters are allowed to work in any constructions projects, or even to clean the KH! In some of the areas where in-person meetings are resumed, there are specific instructions that only vaccinated people can attend (in other areas everyone is allowed to attend). I don't know about the rest of branches, but here in Spain the very few Bethelites who didn't take the vaccine were invited to leave the branch and keep serving outside.


The reason is not a lack of love, but precisely the opposite. The GB doesn't want those brothers and sisters becoming seriously sick or even die. Of course that is no excuse to treat anyone in an unkind way, but it's perfectly legitimate and logical to avoid physical closeness with people who are not immunized.


The GB is not "neutral" at all regarding the vaccine. They are definitely in favor and giving very clear directions. In the GB update #10 brother Morris says "Keep following the same basic precautions that have worked well: wearing masks, physical distancing, frequently washing our hands, and getting vaccinated, if possible." The GB is saying clearly "get vaccinated, it works well". It can't be told any clearer than that. Of course, it's still a personal decision. The brothers are not going to force anyone. But if they say "get vaccinated if possible" and we keep refusing, are we following the instructions?

We learned early on that when Bethelites were finally allowed to eat and meet together, only vaccinated people were allowed. Others had to stay in their rooms. Now, it looks like if they are not vaccinated, they are invited to serve outside Bethel.


If they are at over 99% vaxx rate, the only outliers must be those too elderly/ compromised to risk the jab. But they're not likely well enough to do much more than stay in their rooms or in the infirmary. 


I haven't seen anyone here try to make anyone get vaccinated. I do see the consequences and repercussions described for *not* doing so... but that's just how it is, unfortunately. 😔 


TBH, I've been in constant amazement at the resistance. We've been getting vaccinated for all sorts of things since we were babies. Can't enroll in public schools without proof. Tetanus shot every ten years or if you step on rusty nail. Shingles, flu shots. Malaria/ Yellow Fever if you want to travel to some countries- including if you were blessed to be selected for an international convention. How is this one vaccine- that helps prevents contagious sickness and death- such a big deal? We have NEVER lived thru a health crisis like we've been in for the past two years... and counting. Restaurants, theatre shows, sporting events- so many are shutting down again right now.  Do we want to do our part to help get out from under it?  How are we doing our parts? Rhetorical questions... just let's all prayerfully consider, please? 😢


Over 25.6 thousand brothers and sisters-  dead from this plague. That's a massive regional convention; double the number of friends at my local. Dead. That brought tears to my eyes... 😨

Edited by Hope
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5 hours ago, Sandyds61 said:

 In this age of technology, it is easy to waste our time and that of others by, for example, forwarding nonessential or even fallacious e-mails. “Gossipers.” Harmful gossip may lead to slander, which often causes contention. (Prov. 26:20) Whether they realize it or not, malicious slanderers imitate Satan the Devil.* Meddlers in other people’s affairs.

Lies or harmful gossip are very damaging.

What are some of those lies or untruths that have been mentioned out and about, promoted, even here on the forums?


The vaccine is the mark of the wild beast.“. Fact: See: Meaning of 666


Anyone getting the vaccine is possibly fulfilling that mark.“ Fact: See the above article. The GB never made any such statements.


Full-time servants and Bethelites eat better so have stronger immune systems against any reactions.“ Fact: Full-time servants serving outside in the field are subject to the same environment as everyone else.


Jehovah’s Witnesses are against vaccination therefore should avoid it at all costs.“ Fact: See article here

You are vaccinated, therefore you, he, she are safe!“ Fact: Those who are double vaccinated and a booster shot have lower rates of infection - breakthrough cases have been reported. See here


The unvaccinated are irresponsible and dangerous.“ Fact: Our unvaccinated brothers and sisters take extra precautions to stay safe for themselves and others.


The unvaccinated are being treated like lepers and unlovingly.“ Fact: The governments have imposed restrictions on the unvaccinated. Unless they conflict with Bible laws, we obey Caesar‘s laws. Matthew 22:21

Getting infected naturally is just as fine.“ Fact: 26,000 (and sadly more in the upcoming months) of our dear brothers and sisters have died worldwide from being naturally infected, or due to complications from catching the virus. Some formerly healthy people are living with post-COVID long symptoms.


The vaccine will lame or kill me.“ Fact: Only those with compromised or serious underlying health conditions may be affected. As of yet no vaccinated brothers or sisters have reported vaccine injury. For concerns consult VAERS.


Let’s do our best brothers and sisters to be careful not to spread misinformation that can lead to lies, slander or gossip, and yes causing division. A good magazine for all:


Disease How To Reduce the Risk Awake 2016






Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Nothing more to say ..🙏

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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6 hours ago, carlos said:

The brothers are not going to force anyone. But if they say "get vaccinated if possible" and we keep refusing, are we following the instructions?


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Great news Sofia!




Vaccination champion Portugal

With a vaccination rate of nearly 89%, Portugal is leading Europe. But new infections are on the rise, prompting mandatory testing at some public gatherings and a weeklong lockdown after Christmas.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 hour ago, Woanders said:

Great news Sofia!




Vaccination champion Portugal

With a vaccination rate of nearly 89%, Portugal is leading Europe. But new infections are on the rise, prompting mandatory testing at some public gatherings and a weeklong lockdown after Christmas.

yes, portuguese are very compliable, but omicron dodges vaccines.... and its becoming dominant here...

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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4 minutes ago, Woanders said:

Take care 🌷

Thank you :) I already had Covid on january 2020. I also got Omicron on late November... Vaccines dont always protect against infection. It was a mild "cold" so it was ok. Nose was congested for a week and my sneezing was endless... I tested negative on antigen testing. I tested IgM positive this week.

It seems that sometimes omicron cant be detected if you test later...you must test as soon as you have symptoms. I isolated myself indoors. I dont recall passing to others. My husband didnt get it. Im fine now :) 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Tedros advice: do not celebrate Xmas ! :D 

Who would ever dreamed to read this ever?

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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21 minutes ago, Sofia said:



Tedros advice: do not celebrate Xmas ! :D 

Who would ever dreamed to read this ever?

I don't see where he advised not to celebrate Christmas. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

Thank you :) I already had Covid on january 2020. I also got Omicron on late November... Vaccines dont always protect against infection. It was a mild "cold" so it was ok. Nose was congested for a week and my sneezing was endless... I tested negative on antigen testing. I tested IgM positive this week.

It seems that sometimes omicron cant be detected if you test later...you must test as soon as you have symptoms. I isolated myself indoors. I dont recall passing to others. My husband didnt get it

Did your symptoms feel like hayfever, today and yesterday I have been endlessly sneezing and running nose, usually I get this at the beginning of spring when all the pollen is in the air now it is mid summer, and omi stupid is raging.

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5 hours ago, Godskingdomrules said:

Did your symptoms feel like hayfever, today and yesterday I have been endlessly sneezing and running nose, usually I get this at the beginning of spring when all the pollen is in the air now it is mid summer, and omi stupid is raging.

Yes only one nostril

lots of sneezing

felt feverish

dry cough after

now 3 weeks after I have mucus at bronchi 

6 hours ago, Shawnster said:

I don't see where he advised not to celebrate Christmas. 



Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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"We have got to get past the heavy hand of government and we have got to treat Australians like adults," Morrison told reporters, urging authorities to shift from "a culture of mandates" when it comes to masks and social distancing rules.

"We're not going back to lockdowns. We're going forward to live with this virus with common sense and responsibility."


Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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The article makes these comments:

"Swift lockdowns and strict social distancing rules have helped Australia to keep its COVID-19 numbers relatively low at around 260,000 total cases and 2,154 deaths. But most of the country has been reopening over the last few weeks after higher inoculations despite the threat from the Omicron variant...
"Around 4,600 cases were reported in Australia on Tuesday, exceeding the previous high of some 4,100 over the weekend. New South Wales, home to Sydney, became the first Australian state to top 3,000 COVID-19 daily infections, while neighbouring Victoria logged 1,245 cases. Other states have fewer cases...."

It's coming to election time...

Old (Downunder) Tone

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On 12/16/2021 at 7:26 AM, AH173 said:

I wish Dr Campbell would factor this point about the African continent Covid-19 infection rate for those who had previously been infected with Ebola and malaria and the other climates that will potentially get the omicron variant. 


I posted an article in another topic that brings up the point that being previously infected with malaria may help one resist covid-19.




    An excerpt from the article:





It seems that Dr Campbell addressed my concerns by stating "natural immunity" in his latest video.




Edited by AH173


"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Since there's many comments on people's reactions this happened at work today, my alcohol store is part of a larger store which is at the other side of the shopping centre so I was bringing stock to the main shop when a gentleman stopped me to complain that there was a woman inside the shop without a mask on and why hadn't she been thrown out. 


I replied that our Head Office's policy was that we weren't to challenge people not wearing masks as they didn't want staff being assaulted, as he stared at me I decided to add that some people have legitimate psychological reasons why they can't wear masks (the hidden bit isn't nice but I said it to him) 


specifically at least one young woman has been in the news explaining that when she was violently raped her mouth and nose were covered to stop her screaming and every time she tried a mask she suffered flashbacks

and added that no one should have to tell me their past trauma. 


His reply was to glare at me for not agreeing with him and declare "That's (expletive) ridiculous. She shouldn't be allowed in the building". 


Did I mention he wasn't wearing a mask for this conversation either?


I walked on reflecting that however righteous they sound, in the world all conflicts have Satan's seed on both sides. (The woman concerned was served quickly and went on her way). 



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On 12/19/2021 at 10:15 PM, Nancy M said:

Really brother? Is that showing neutrality? Can you imagine someone saying the opposite on this forum, they would be given a warning. We have been told over and over again the vaccine is a personal choice and no one is “stupid” because of what choice they have made. Each of us should not care what choice another makes, because that choice was made due to research, hopefully. I personally don’t care what anyone has chosen to do as far as the Covid shot and would never treat anyone differently for their choice, and would certainly never call anyone stupid because they made a different medical choice then I did. 

❤️  I agree.  I believe Jehovah has already chosen someone to judge humans, my great King Jesus; I believe neither I nor any other human has that position or right.  I believe my job is to love and forgive and teach others about Jehovah and the Kingdom.  JMHO

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On 12/20/2021 at 10:01 AM, normaclutter said:

No matter what anyone chooses to do, I respect their PERSONAL decision. I don’t need to know the reason behind their PERSONAL decision, or to try and convince them of my PERSONAL decision. If someone chooses not to wear a mask ( as many vaccinated and non vaccinated have chosen to do )it is my personal responsibility to self distance from them and wear a mask myself and take any other measures I feel necessary, while respecting their PERSONAL decisions. I love all my brothers and sisters and I carry my own load. This is how I feel Jehovah wants me to view this. 

I agree.  I love YOU sisters and brothers!  ❤️ 

Edited by Michelle81
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On Wed Dec 22 2021 at 6:59 AM, Michelle81 said:

I am going to avoid COVID vax posts because I feel they are spiritually unhealthy for me at this point.  I feel satan is twisting the GB words in order to create division.  They said it is a PERSONAL decision.  I am seeing too much unkindness and judgmental wording in the posts.  I am praying to avoid the debates from now on.  I believe it is vital for us to stay united and not be divided over personal decisions that don't go against Jehovah. Please feel free to redirect me to love, kindness, respect, mercy, compassion if you see me doing otherwise.  I respect you all my brothers and sisters.  And above that, I love you all.  ❤️

I would rather suggest that you invest your attention to understanding the facts and making a wise decision.

there is only one acceptable reason not to take the vaccine ie if we have a medical condition for which the vaccine is contraindicated.


we all feel concern about covid vaccination because not being vaccinated can make us a threat to the health of others,which will not be loving.

this is a personal decision that requires serious attention instead of avoidance.



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