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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Since resumption of in-person meetings we have five known covid cases as of this AM. The question is, were these connected to inperson  meetings or from outside sources?  Our MWM is still in-person for tomorrow.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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I don’t want to sound harsh but…Our congregation no one notifies others that they have covid. A few of us feel out of kindness it would be a good idea. You just gotta listen real good to any conversation that may happen between those at the KH and those on zoom before/after the meeting just in case someone else mentions it.


Then as I mentioned before, one family member has been around covid positive people  (work and no 😷) and stays home, but the other members of the family comes anyway. Sorry, just no common sense as far as I’m concerned. 🤦‍♀️

That’s one reason I’m staying on Zoom. 

I don’t want to carry it to others and I don’t want to get sick.


Edited by Loopy

Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 detected in Singapore.


Both lineages were first reported by South Africa in early 2022 and have since become the dominant variants there. 


Earlier this month, South African scientists found that BA.4 and BA.5 can dodge antibodies from earlier infection well, but are far less able to thrive in the blood of people vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a Reuters report.


Tests involving blood samples from unvaccinated participants previously infected by Omicron showed that antibody production was decreased almost eightfold when exposed to BA.4 and BA.5, compared with the original BA.1 Omicron lineage. Blood from vaccinated people showed a threefold decrease.

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18 hours ago, WilliamChew said:

Earlier this month, South African scientists found that BA.4 and BA.5 can dodge antibodies from earlier infection well, but are far less able to thrive in the blood of people vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a Reuters report.


Tests involving blood samples from unvaccinated participants previously infected by Omicron showed that antibody production was decreased almost eightfold when exposed to BA.4 and BA.5, compared with the original BA.1 Omicron lineage. Blood from vaccinated people showed a threefold decrease.

Regarding reinfections:


“A recent study that's yet to be peer-reviewed found immunity from Omicron BA.1 variant drops around 7.5 fold with the new Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants. This means the antibodies you produce from a BA.1 infection, which are able to detect and neutralise the BA.1 virus, are 7.5 times less able to recognise and neutralise BA.4 and BA.5 than BA.1.

This study also found vaccination plus natural exposure to Omicron BA.1 gave five times greater protection to Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 than the immunity from natural exposure to BA.1 alone.


Data also shows the strongest protective immunity comes from a mix of triple vaccination and natural infection.


A further study found this type of hybrid immunity protects better against both reinfection and hospitalisation than natural immunity alone, highlighting the importance of vaccination and vaccine boosters.


So the question remains: if our immune memory lasts for at year, but is too specific to recognise the new variants, will we need a new vaccine every year? Time will tell.“


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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week’s virus count for Alger county, Michigan was 5.


This week’s count was 19. 

I read on another part of this site, if I understood correctly, that the elders would send a message to the Circuit Overseer about an uptick in numbers. 



Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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43 minutes ago, Loopy said:

, if I understood correctly, that the elders would send a message to the Circuit Overseer about an uptick in numbers. 

This is yesterday's direction from USA branch. He is to be consulted 1st.


And the circuit overseer be consulted 1st before resuming in person meetings. 

Edited by AH173


"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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49 minutes ago, Loopy said:

I read on another part of this site, if I understood correctly, that the elders would send a message to the Circuit Overseer about an uptick in numbers

The congregation elders, particularly the service group overseers, are to notify the COBE if anyone in their group is positive for Covid. Its been that way for a long time. The COBE is to notify the CO. The new directions include the CO on any decisions by the congregation elders to pause or resume in-person meetings.


The organization is very... organized.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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3 hours ago, Loopy said:

Last week’s virus count for Alger county, Michigan was 5.


This week’s count was 19. 

I read on another part of this site, if I understood correctly, that the elders would send a message to the Circuit Overseer about an uptick in numbers. 



thankfully the state of michigans TOTAL case counts are going back down again per yesterdays weekly summary

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Well there are at least two people my congregation who are fully Vaxxed and boosted who now have Covid......


And 3 other people have contacted me to tell me that they have tested positive and we need to change our plans to meet up.


Jehovah is the only one who’s going to be able to rid this planet of Covid.


I predict by fall we will be back in lockdown.


Edited by zoebarry
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6 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

predict by fall we will be back in lockdown.

15 days ago you predicted it would happen in 60 days. Thank you for extending your prediction...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Furthermore, it has become clear that the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease, but can only be claimed to reduce symptom severity (Kampf, 2021a). A study comparing vaccination rates with COVID-19 infection rates across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States in early September 2021, found no correlation between the two, suggesting that these vaccines do not protect from spread of the disease (Subramanian and Kumar, 2947). Regarding symptom severity, even this aspect is beginning to be in doubt, as demonstrated by an outbreak in an Israeli hospital that led to the death of five fully vaccinated hospital patients (Shitrit et al., 2021). Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov et al. (2021) reported that 34/152 (22%) of fully vaccinated patients among 17 Israeli hospitals died of COVID-19.



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1 hour ago, Jay Petersen said:

Furthermore, it has become clear that the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease, but can only be claimed to reduce symptom severity (Kampf, 2021a). A study comparing vaccination rates with COVID-19 infection rates across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States in early September 2021, found no correlation between the two, suggesting that these vaccines do not protect from spread of the disease (Subramanian and Kumar, 2947). Regarding symptom severity, even this aspect is beginning to be in doubt, as demonstrated by an outbreak in an Israeli hospital that led to the death of five fully vaccinated hospital patients (Shitrit et al., 2021). Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov et al. (2021) reported that 34/152 (22%) of fully vaccinated patients among 17 Israeli hospitals died of COVID-19.



Your point?  Typically we encourage ones to do more than just share a news excerpt without comment.  This is a discussion board.  What do you wish to contribute to the discussion by sharing this nugget? 

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The missing part of that link that was not posted here is the fact that protection wanes over time. It’s actually mentioned later on. 


The increasing evidence that the vaccines do little to control disease spread and that their effectiveness wanes over time…

So no it’s not saying vaccines do not protect but explains what is already known, full protection from serious symptoms is limited to a period of time. Just like many vaccines.

Just like many ‘natural infections’ as well. That’s why continual boosters are currently needed. 

Make a statement yes but please add all the details.
Wrong assumptions can be found with only partial information. 

As Zoebarry says only Jehovah can fully protect us all when he removes all of these issues soon. 

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11 hours ago, Jay Petersen said:

Furthermore, it has become clear that the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease, but can only be claimed to reduce symptom severity (Kampf, 2021a). A study comparing vaccination rates with COVID-19 infection rates across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States in early September 2021, found no correlation between the two, suggesting that these vaccines do not protect from spread of the disease (Subramanian and Kumar, 2947). Regarding symptom severity, even this aspect is beginning to be in doubt, as demonstrated by an outbreak in an Israeli hospital that led to the death of five fully vaccinated hospital patients (Shitrit et al., 2021). Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov et al. (2021) reported that 34/152 (22%) of fully vaccinated patients among 17 Israeli hospitals died of COVID-19.



Conclusion from this extract is a half truth which makes it a lie 😢 (unintentionally of course)


Please, read and comment with comprehension 🙏🏼


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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Yes, please read the entire 20 plus page article, it may be rather lengthy but quite insightful at the same time. Knowledge is only going to empower us as a group and individually. 


In response to Mykyl…you didn’t complete the quote you posted, it was a partial statement lacking context. Here is the whole statement as published:


The increasing evidence that the vaccines do little to control disease spread and that their effectiveness wanes over time make it even more imperative to assess the degree to which the vaccines might cause harm. That SARS-CoV-2 modified spike protein mRNA vaccinations have bio- logical impacts is without question. Here we attempt to distinguish those impacts from natural infection, and establish a mechanistic framework linking those unique biological impacts to pathologies now associated with vaccination. We recognize that the causal links between biological effects initiated by mRNA vaccination and adverse outcomes have not been established in the large majority of cases.


I encourage everyone to read the whole article. 


Further comment on page 9 of the article states:


A central point of our analysis below is the important distinction between the impact of vaccination versus natural infection on type I IFN. While vaccination actively suppresses its production, natural infection promotes type I IFN production very early in the disease cycle. Those with preexisting conditions often exhibit impaired type I IFN signaling, which leads to more severe, critical, and even fatal COVID-19. If the impairment induced by the vaccine is maintained as antibody levels wane over time, this could lead to a situation where the vaccine causes a more severe disease expression than would have been the case in the absence of the vaccine.



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18 hours ago, Jay Petersen said:

Yes, please read the entire 20 plus page article, it may be rather lengthy but quite insightful at the same time. Knowledge is only going to empower us as a group and individually. 


In response to Mykyl…you didn’t complete the quote you posted, it was a partial statement lacking context. Here is the whole statement as published:


The increasing evidence that the vaccines do little to control disease spread and that their effectiveness wanes over time make it even more imperative to assess the degree to which the vaccines might cause harm. That SARS-CoV-2 modified spike protein mRNA vaccinations have bio- logical impacts is without question. Here we attempt to distinguish those impacts from natural infection, and establish a mechanistic framework linking those unique biological impacts to pathologies now associated with vaccination. We recognize that the causal links between biological effects initiated by mRNA vaccination and adverse outcomes have not been established in the large majority of cases.


I encourage everyone to read the whole article. 


Further comment on page 9 of the article states:


A central point of our analysis below is the important distinction between the impact of vaccination versus natural infection on type I IFN. While vaccination actively suppresses its production, natural infection promotes type I IFN production very early in the disease cycle. Those with preexisting conditions often exhibit impaired type I IFN signaling, which leads to more severe, critical, and even fatal COVID-19. If the impairment induced by the vaccine is maintained as antibody levels wane over time, this could lead to a situation where the vaccine causes a more severe disease expression than would have been the case in the absence of the vaccine.



I was responding only to the implication that they don’t work and people still die even when fully vaccinated. That’s partially true and why I added the rest of that point in reply to you. 

You are now going into new territory that has nothing to do with your first point. I’m not interested in discussing the rest of it. Those are “maybe/might could” type arguments and not currently known facts.
I’ll await their findings on that. They may be correct but it’s not a known fact on the day that was typed up.
Anything else is guesswork for now. A job for them to work out, not me. 

I have no issue with folks believing whatever they want. Generally I ignore these discussions. 😶

Edited by Mykyl
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I was speaking with a client and we were talking about COVID, and as he is involved with providing health supplements. He was saying that due to what happens to the body when it reacts to the virus and whether natural infection or by vaccination, it wreaks havoc on the immune system for a lot of people.


Here in Australia they have been warning about a bad flu season, and they base their reasoning on we haven't had the flu with our borders being closed and being isolated from the world. My client had seen research another possibility, which could also be the side effects of having either the virus or vaccination dampens your immune response against other viruses, bacterial infections to varying degrees.


Whilst being vaccinated will give protection against severe disease and death, or you are unvaccinated, he still advises that the doing the simplest things such as sanitising surfaces, washing hands regularly and wearing masks in either enclosed rooms or in close proximity with the public is good protection against any germs, even if it gets annoying at times.


Hence the reason why the GB has directed what needs to be done at in-person meetings, sanitising, wearing masks and reasonable social distancing.



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On 5/27/2022 at 5:17 AM, Michał said:

Conclusion from this extract is a half truth which makes it a lie 😢 (unintentionally of course)


Please, read and comment with comprehension 🙏🏼

I agree, it is just another piece of anti-vaccine propaganda.  I personally find it repulsive that someone claiming to be a friend of peace would promote something that flies in the face of direction from the Faithful Slave.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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In response to Rocket…..how can you come to that conclusion. You have called me repulsive ? How is that showing love for your fellow brother. Some of us have questioned the safety and the manufacturers  of this so called safe & effective medicine. We are repulsive? Please be respectful of the ones who have refrained from partaking of this modality. 

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