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Local needs - Choose Your Apps Wisely

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19 minutes ago, Sackedbysapp said:

After the local needs on apps and websites, what will happen here?

What do you expect to happen? Any points, concerns that you would like to share with us? :)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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29 minutes ago, Sackedbysapp said:

After the local needs on apps and websites, what will happen here?

I enjoyed the Whiteboard video that we had several years ago about the dangers of Social Networking. It gave a clear warning about social media and I'm sure that some people decided to stop using social media after seeing that video, while others paid attention to the warning and continued to use social media. I'm sure the same thing will happen here.

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I remember when a few years ago a sister was first learning to use her tablet, and she typed jw.org in the search bar instead of the address bar, and she didn't realize what she was getting, well, she would have but I explained before she opened anything. Unofficial websites and apps can look official so we have to be careful. 


That being said, I did a quick app store search to see what apps we have and the app JW Event is listed, by Jehovah's Witnesses. I looked on the bottom of our jw.org website and I don't see it there. So how could I know if it's official? I don't recall any governing body members mentioning it. My guess is that if I were invited to an international convention I would be informed about the app through a letter, if it is one of our apps.

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We need to be cautious about all our association. We can be exposed to all sorts of whatever, on line, or in person. It is up to us. And, our bible trained conscious. 
Thing is, there are not any movies, music, entertainment, books, none sanctioned by Jehovah’s organization. Does that mean, no books, music, movies, or entertainment for us at any level? 
No, it means, use that bible grained conscious. There are none of us who think this site is integrated with Jehovah’s website.

On a personal level, I shall be more discreet in mentioning this wonderful site to others. It’s one thing to discuss it here, but, for those not associated  with this website...strange, I know. 
In the meantime, on to check to what you all are up too...💐

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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 I think some go over board what the Slave says. There are brothers and sisters have their own Web Sites, plus the internet has many good sites, on many thing on Jehovah Creation, how to fix things, and learning the basics. Let us all be balance what the Slave says. I love this site and I see no rebels on here, but me.😀

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That local needs was brilliant I was so close to joining an app called jw chat it's new and on zoom last night a young brother mentioned it this wasn't just a reminder it was also a warning from jehovah cause we are so so so close now and he loves us😀

Edited by halfspanishlee
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I appreciate the brothers giving us reminders on a regular basis. In April 2018 there was a QFR that gave us some of the same information that the recent video presented. 


In the QFR we were reminded not to post or download publications from sites other than JW.org. We appreciate that the members here know that we do not allow publication or full articles to be posted on the site. Everyone is very cooperative in posting just small excerpts and links to the articles.


There was another reminder in the QFR:

Some brothers have been drawn into online debates and thus have brought added reproach on Jehovah’s name. An online forum is not an appropriate setting for “instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.” (2 Tim. 2:23-25)


We appreciate that everyone maintains a calm and refreshing spirit on this site as we enjoy our association with each other and heed the regular reminders from the FDS.

Edited by Bro Richard
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10 hours ago, boodles said:

That being said, I did a quick app store search to see what apps we have and the app JW Event is listed, by Jehovah's Witnesses. I looked on the bottom of our jw.org website and I don't see it there. So how could I know if it's official? I don't recall any governing body members mentioning it. My guess is that if I were invited to an international convention I would be informed about the app through a letter, if it is one of our apps.

Loraine, JW Event is indeed an application produced by the organization. When we submitted our applications to serve as volunteers in the international convention in Madrid last year, we were instructed to download that app so that we could keep track of our assignments. But of course  that app is of no use unless you are a delegate or a volunteer to an international convention. I guess that's why it's not advertized.

Edited by carlos
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Sometimes people hear information and still miss the point ...


The part on apps was a warning that the ONLY place to d/l publications should be from jw.org because we cannot be sure ones from any other source have not been altered ... and ... that we are not supposed to send publications electronically to others because, if we do, it could violate the copyright - instead, we should direct others where to d/l the publications from jw.org themselves. The part about the copyright is not because they don't want us to share the Truth - it is to preserve the copyright protection under law.


This part did NoT say we are NOT to use any apps other than the ones provided by the Organization.


If the part had been saying that we should not use ANY other websites or app, they would not have encouraged us to meet by means of Zoom or mentioned keeping in touch with each other with apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype and others that were mentioned in our Hall during this part.





Edited by Qapla

To get rid of the duplication in the post .... not sure what caused that

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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15 hours ago, boodles said:

That being said, I did a quick app store search to see what apps we have and the app JW Event is listed, by Jehovah's Witnesses. I looked on the bottom of our jw.org website and I don't see it there. So how could I know if it's official?

In Play Store (Android) or App Store you can know who is the creator of the application.
By clicking on the name of the creator, all the applications that belong to it appear.


Search: pub:Jehovah's WitnessesScreenshot_20200327-143044-01.thumb.jpeg.82acb131a327971a699e6f5297af3361.jpeg

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21 hours ago, Dismal_Bliss said:

The video did not say "do not use at all" but rather "be cautious about using" unofficial apps and websites. It's good admonishment in this day and age.

Our MWM was group based making it easier to see who was commenting. Once the video was over it turned into an attack on all apps and websites not directly from the Society. Another brother who I know has been on a JW dating site kept very quiet*, I did too because I'm not comfortable commenting without preparation (my posts are weighty and forceful but my presence in person is weak etc 😉 jk.).


If other's choose to take it to mean avoid all non organization websites or apps ... Well their tablets and phones wouldn't work anymore for one thing. I've wandered through enemy websites, and had to warn my wife that she'd entered one once, the only way to fully avoid them is either stay off the net or lock your browser to jw.org only ... But then how would you get tutorials on how to use Zoom?


We need to be cautious of enemy propaganda even in the Kingdom Hall, ( One faithful Brother has been sending me a stream of news reports that have him convinced we're next getting either famine or the tribulation, he might be right, he might be wrong),; Jehovah expects us to use our discernment and stick to the Slave.


So I'll keep coming here, anything surprising here I'll double check elsewhere before believing it, one thread I won't follow but most threads I've no time to follow. I'm convinced that those I've talked to are as much faithful servants of Jehovah as those in my Kingdom Hall (and I hope you are of me too) but there's only one Faithful and Discreet Slave.


*P.s. I'm neither condemning nor condoning that Brother being on a JW dating site, I don't know it, just it told me why he was being so quiet on that item.

Edited by Hugh O'D

Editor acted up
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19 minutes ago, Hugh O'D said:

If other's choose to take it to mean avoid all non organization websites or apps

That would be difficult for the brothers that use Ministry Assistant, Territory Helper or any meeting scheduling programs or apps...

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I know that many friends find this site so useful and encouraging. Some of the discussions here have really affected my personal study. I've had the opportunity to get to know friends around the world and have upbuilding theocratic discussions. I'm glad I found it. 

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Me too.   :wave:


I will admit, I am cautious who I recommend the site to. I wouldn’t want to stumble someone, but I know it can be a very encouraging site for JWs.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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So long as the Admins and Moderators are doing their due diligence against apostates from creeping into this site, and until we come under the GT and Russian-like surveillance (though I know "big brothers" is already out there), I don't mind having my IP on here and reading from you encouraging friends. Props to all the staff for all their hard work.


But I am trying to be careful about how much time I do spend on here. :)

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 minute ago, Lieblingskind said:

So long as the Admins and Moderators are doing their due diligence against apostates from creeping into this site,

There are 13 moderators spread around the planet so there is 1 or more here all the time. Some of us more than others...🤣

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