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DISCUSS COURT CASE HERE JW.org - Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

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5 hours ago, Omo_Yeme said:

I do recall a phrase that Bro. Jackson said at last year's Annual Meeting to "Expect the expected. " (Thus, I'll be revisiting that talk tonight also.)

Can you tell me which time-stamp it starts at?  It's part 3 of the annual meeting videos, right?  I only vaguely remember it. . .

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I think y our post is key Brother Andrew - Sending them back just gives a further witness, Satan will know that ... it would be more his way to just burn them ... we all knew before sending them that the majority will not be read.  It was essentially to extol the name of Jehovah, to provide a fine witness, to send a message and to support our brothers and sisters ... no matter what, all those goals will have been acheived. 


Were we trying to change Putin's mind? While it was always hopeful ... our letters were only part of the process.  


The other thing we should think about is how delighted Jehovah would have been when he observed us as individuals wholeheartedly sending those letters, perhaps some even by putting their return address, could have put them in harms way, but yet we all did it ... we did it with joy ... Jehovah can say of each one of us as he did of Abraham ... in Genesis 22:12 "... for NOW I DO KNOW that you are God-fearing in that you have not withheld your son, your only one, from me. " Thus putting ourselves in line to become Jehovah's friend like Abraham... by doing just so, it may turn out that our obedience in this matter may be the first stepping stone to our journey to the New System. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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9 minutes ago, MentalProject said:

The high-profile nature of the case is sparking coverage by international news outlets, including an article in Time magazine posted online on April 4 (“Russian Supreme Court Considers Outlawing Jehovah’s Witness Worship”) and a front-page article in the print edition of The New York Times (“Pacifist, Christian and Threatened by Russian Ban as ‘Extremist’”) on April 5.


Now that the media is watching, it's a good time for a flood of letters to arrive...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Just listened to the talk from Christopher George "Adjusting our sails in the winds of change" it was for the Bethelites and helping them to adjust to changes but so much of it could be adapted to the Russian situation. I could have copied down much of the scriptures but listening again to it has more of an impact.


Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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2 hours ago, Luis said:

Can you tell me which time-stamp it starts at?  It's part 3 of the annual meeting videos, right?  I only vaguely remember it. . .

Br. Luis, Brother Geoffrey Jackson's talk began about the middle of the video (circa 45 minute mark.)  "Expect The Unexpected." Part 3.

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11 minutes ago, Luezette said:

Well, I went to my meeting tonight and got three blessings (ok, more than that as in just being there. The "three" is what I actually counted).

But before I get to that, nooo, there was nothing mentioned about our Russian family :confused:. But I'm certain that as soon as the brothers know something for sure, they'll let the worldwide association know. 


Now for the blessings counted. 

First, money saved. Yes, as a sister's son was helping his mother in his car, I asked and he said yes.

Second, a sister is Auxiliary pioneering with Regular as her goal, and I was included in her request for assistance.

Third, OMG! I'M GOING TO PIONEER SCHOOL THIS COMING JULY 24-29, 2017! It'll be my third time! 

Yes, all of the three above would have happened coming Sunday it is true, but the fact that I was there tonight makes me more than happy I was there tonight.

Yes, Jehovah truly blesses effort!!!!

(Proverbs 11:24) . . .One gives generously and ends up with more; Another withholds what should be given, but he comes to poverty. . .

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8 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:

So they will burn the letters, who cares. Hundreds of thousands of prayers burnt as if on an altar, creating a pleasant odor to Jehovah.

Yes, we were obedient...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Sooooo ....  The negative campaign in the main Russian media which describs us as  brainwashed fanatics  has already started.  

The NTV  (HTB) channel posted a news about our case and anonsed more progrtams  to come.

And not a single word  about letterwriting .

(I do not want to share the link.)

Edited by campanula

English grrrr

...absolute rubbish...

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That's okay Svetlana; we MUST use our time to get our viewpoint "just so"; we are on the brink of the great tributlation, Satan and his ministers are preparing to enjoy their golden hour.   When the nations turn on God's people there will be a celebration amongst those who hate us, but it will be short lived.


 Apostates are doing all they can to use this event to support their lies, so be it.  Remember truth shines out to those that love truth, sheep will not be put off by lies as long as our fine conduct and clean living are testimonies to Jehovah's standards people WILL become curious about what we believe and they will find jw.org or ask a work colleague or neighbour... they will find the truth.   So if the sheeplike people are not put off, if the kingdom rules, if we are faithful... what does what is happening out in the darkness of the outreaches of satan's system where the Apostates live matter?

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yesterday I listened to chapter 5 and 6 of the bearing witness book

very encouraging while keeping what is going on in Russia for example:

*** bt chap. 5 p. 37 par. 3 “We Must Obey God as Ruler” ***
3 As true Christians, we are keenly interested in how the apostles responded to the threats of the Sanhedrin. The commission to preach applies to us as well. In carrying out this God-given assignment, we too may face opposition. (Matt. 10:22) Opposers may try to restrict or ban our work. What will we do? We can benefit by considering the stand taken by the apostles and the circumstances that led up to their trial before the Sanhedrin.

*** bt chap. 5 p. 40 par. 13 “We Must Obey God as Ruler” ***
13 Now, as then, Jehovah may raise up prominent men like Gamaliel to intervene in behalf of His people. (Prov. 21:1) Jehovah can use his spirit to move powerful rulers, judges, or lawmakers to act in harmony with his will. (Neh. 2:4-8) But if he should permit us to “suffer for the sake of righteousness,” we can be sure of two things. (1 Pet. 3:14) First, God can give us the strength to endure. (1 Cor. 10:13) Second, opposers “will not be able to overthrow” God’s work.—Isa. 54:17.


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I don't want to post the link to a very biased Russian news agency (TASS), but this is the title of their article:


"Russia’s top court puts off hearing on Jehovah’s Witnesses bid to fight ban until April 6"

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The media is being fed by those above, and have their agenda.  Call it fake news, call it conspiracy, lies, threats, whatever.  It's anything but the truth these days.  So, are we surprised that a controlled country such as Russia, (which felt it was ok to just annex a peninsula in Crimea because they needed more port space), would report the truth through their government controlled media?


We can anticipate this may go against us, and if it does, what comes next (in due course) will surprise them. Bring on the end. May Jehovah show them soon what the truth really is, and keep fortifying us all.  May you brothers and sisters in the front lines in Russia be blessed with abundant courage and know we love you very much.  It will turn for us too soon and your brave example will spur us on!

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