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2022 Governing Body Update #1

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Nice information on cultivating friendships. I've always depended on my more extroverted Bros and Sis's to do the heavy lifting for me. Being introverted I've always found it difficult to reach out to people and start the friendship. Maybe though if I do something small (like keep my video on) it would be enough to get started on something...

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3 hours ago, Dages said:

I need to review what we said recently about the KotN, but we aren't expecting any world war right? Only pushes...

Just pushes ... I dont think any war is comming, my thoughts? - a peace treaty soon. I believe Putin is Bluffing. 

But its just me thinking loud... I dont see Daniel´s prophecy chapter 11 giving hints about a new clear conflict. invasion of land yes, ruling upon hidden treasures, and then news to drive some to destruction. No conflict... 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Very pointed counsel about virtual isolation! I like how he tied in Proverbs 18:1 with that. Even keeping our cameras turned off could be to selfishly cover up what we're really doing during the meeting. Such as: "I have to keep my camera off while I'm munching on this popcorn." I must admit I have the habit of keeping the camera turned off, unless I have a comment. So I'll have to work on that. (No, I don't eat popcorn during the meeting. It's something else…)


No wonder the video in the Update mentioned the fact that some have been influenced by social media about vaccines. One brother interviewed said he held off from getting the vaccine for a while because of negative, false information on the Net. I think he was alluding to 2021 Governing Body Update #9, in which Brother Splane encouraged us to trust the brothers who give us direction. Unlike what we might read on the Internet, the brothers don't have a political agenda. The necessity to repeat this information must mean there are still some, even elders, who have an anti-vax viewpoint. Where did they get that viewpoint?


Overall, an encouraging video.


Now, how did Sofia and Manfred know what Brother Cook was going to be wearing?…



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18 minutes ago, Sheep said:

A sheep told me :)

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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6 hours ago, Sheep said:

Very pointed counsel about virtual isolation! I like how he tied in Proverbs 18:1 with that. Even keeping our cameras turned off could be to selfishly cover up what we're really doing during the meeting. Such as: "I have to keep my camera off while I'm munching on this popcorn." I must admit I have the habit of keeping the camera turned off, unless I have a comment. So I'll have to work on that. (No, I don't eat popcorn during the meeting. It's something else…)


No wonder the video in the Update mentioned the fact that some have been influenced by social media about vaccines. One brother interviewed said he held off from getting the vaccine for a while because of negative, false information on the Net. I think he was alluding to 2021 Governing Body Update #9, in which Brother Splane encouraged us to trust the brothers who give us direction. Unlike what we might read on the Internet, the brothers don't have a political agenda. The necessity to repeat this information must mean there are still some, even elders, who have an anti-vax viewpoint. Where did they get that viewpoint?


Overall, an encouraging video.


Now, how did Sofia and Manfred know what Brother Cook was going to be wearing?…



The thumbnail of the video is generally accessible on the servers for days before the actual video is.

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6 hours ago, Sheep said:

Very pointed counsel about virtual isolation! I like how he tied in Proverbs 18:1 with that. Even keeping our cameras turned off could be to selfishly cover up what we're really doing during the meeting. Such as: "I have to keep my camera off while I'm munching on this popcorn." I must admit I have the habit of keeping the camera turned off, unless I have a comment. So I'll have to work on that. (No, I don't eat popcorn during the meeting. It's something else…)

We are going to command our congregation as on average we have 80% cameras on …hoping it will jump to 85-90% after update. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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7 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

We are going to command our congregation as on average we have 80% cameras on …hoping it will jump to 85-90% after update. 

We will "Commend" our congregation as well.  Generally we have the cameras on for 50+ screens out of about 60+ total.  Well done group...💗

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Before the meeting we have about 80%-85% cameras on - when the meeting starts it drops to 20%-25% or less :( 


Maybe, after this update, those numbers will increase

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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 There a couple of problems regarding how we apply Proverbs 18:1 and zoom meetings and chat rooms after the meetings. There are many who does not have zoom so they are connected by phone and you have others like me who show his face and talk to all before the meeting. The problems to me are chat rooms afterward the meetings. They are:


1. Some who want talk cannot not because and individual want take up the whole conversation. And before you know you are switch to another group.


2. You can talk to an individual, yet the person does not want to talk to you.


3,. Also, some does not want to say things to a group of people because they want to to YOU personally.


 When we went to halls we usually talk to an individual and have a conversation to see what they are going through and they might need help on regarding of something. We are made to  talk to individuals and not to group of people at one time. It make make friends feel easy that way.


My 2 Cents

Edited by Dustparticle
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Our Congregation does not use the chat/breakout rooms - we tried it and it wasn't very popular.


We just have everyone in a single large group before and after the meeting. It works for us.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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21 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Our Congregation does not use the chat/breakout rooms - we tried it and it wasn't very popular.


We just have everyone in a single large group before and after the meeting. It works for us.



We always do 2x 15 min in randomized 4 screen small rooms. But that's true that people often disconnect right away.

Also, before the meeting, 10 min before we use kingdom music in the main room with mic off, so people who want to chat can go in small rooms that are free to move.

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I only turn the camera off when I’m haven an allergy attack. Personal hygiene. Okay? Friends need spared. I’ve kept the camera on because I don’t think it’s upbuilding to have our brothers talk to a black space. And, I’ve noticed. They see our reactions. (I have a good one. Bit red faced on it, but good) 

I tend to be, let’s say myself, without thinking about it. A bible study gave a fine comment. Me? I clapped. Without thinking. Then he mentioned how good my clapping made him feel. I could have crawled under the table. Then I thought, um, tone it down Bea. I shall try. But I think it’s so hard not to respond to what is being said. 
I think I will putt along, being who I am, but…I think it’s important for the brothers to look at appreciative faces. I can’t help but love the efforts the brothers give, before a camera. I think they deserve our attention, smiles, chuckles. Maybe not clapping until the end of the talk. Which I do. 
I will settle down and view the update later today. In the meantime, I think of you as my car group, and having had a wonder visit. Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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2 hours ago, Qapla said:

Our Congregation does not use the chat/breakout rooms - we tried it and it wasn't very popular.


We just have everyone in a single large group before and after the meeting. It works for us.



Our breakout rooms have become very nice. At first, there was random assignment for a period of time, then whooshed into another spot. Then, we were put in a room and couldn't get out without leaving the meeting- for an hour!


Now, we have voluntary breakouts. Rooms are set up and you can go where you want for as long as you want. Or you can stay in the main room. This is best because you can find people to talk to who want to stay.  It's nice 🥰

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13 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

We are going to command our congregation as on average we have 80% cameras on …hoping it will jump to 85-90% after update. 

6 hours ago, jwhess said:

We will "Commend" our congregation as well.  Generally we have the cameras on for 50+ screens out of about 60+ total.  Well done group...💗

It's good to see you're having success. We had our meeting today (Saturday), but I didn't notice much difference, if any. Maybe it's too soon after the Update video before others see the video too. We'll see…

5 hours ago, Qapla said:

Before the meeting we have about 80%-85% cameras on - when the meeting starts it drops to 20%-25% or less :( 


Maybe, after this update, those numbers will increase

Same here, although I'm not sure about percentages.


Well, in response to the video, I had my camera on all the way through the meeting. I'm not sure anyone noticed, but I'm sure Jehovah did.

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4 hours ago, Qapla said:

Our Congregation does not use the chat/breakout rooms - we tried it and it wasn't very popular.


We just have everyone in a single large group before and after the meeting. It works for us.

1 hour ago, Hope said:

Our breakout rooms have become very nice. At first, there was random assignment for a period of time, then whooshed into another spot. Then, we were put in a room and couldn't get out without leaving the meeting- for an hour!


Now, we have voluntary breakouts. Rooms are set up and you can go where you want for as long as you want. Or you can stay in the main room. This is best because you can find people to talk to who want to stay.  It's nice 🥰

I always notice that as soon as the meeting ends, the number of connections very quickly diminishes. Like, within 15 seconds, we lose maybe three quarters of the participants! It's almost like they just can't wait to get out of there! :( So we're only left with 30+ people to put into breakout rooms. At least that must save a lot of work for the host.


With us, it depends on who the host is. Sometimes we are automatically sent out of the main room and into a breakout room on a random basis, without any choice on our part. Other times we are given a choice of joining a certain room or not. (Some like to just stick around in the main room first, then join a breakout room.) We never stay for an hour there afterward, but maybe 10 to 15 minutes. It's nice for us though.


Occasionally though, we are put into a room where there aren't too many participants, maybe just 2 or 3. And you try to start to converse with someone… But then all of a sudden you're wisked out of that room and into another one with more participants. (Those callous hosts can't think of anything better to do than break up our conversations.) :(

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6 hours ago, jwhess said:

We will "Commend" our congregation as well.  Generally we have the cameras on for 50+ screens out of about 60+ total.  Well done group...💗

Sorry I was in a hurry... getting ready for the meeting and "Commend" became "Command" LOL :facepalmpo2:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Our meeting opens Zoom 30 minutes before the meeting and quite a number join for the early conversation and/or watch a video. Many more join about 25 minutes before the meeting and general conversation is carried on until the "2-minute warning" when we have a "splash screen" with reminders to mute among other things. At that point all conversation abruptly stops.


After the meeting about half those connected stay for about 30 minutes in open conversation.


Like @sheep said, there are several who drop off as soon as the "amen" is said.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I try to be onsite, Zoom-wise, as the brothers open the meeting. That’s Twenty minutes before the meeting. And, I generally hang around until we are all saying, “good bye”.

The camera business. I’ve felt like it was sort of rude to the speaker for some time. But, as there are good friends, sitting there, with the camera off…And nothing could be said. Well, it was today. 

I really hope we all pay attention. 
To me, it would be like the brothers talking to ones in the audience, some with paper bags on their heads. I know. But I think the brothers deserve the same attention we would give them at the hall. 
Now, to get started on what is worn to the meeting…I had to feel a good friend she’d better be trying on those meeting clothes. If she’s like me, um, there is a bit more weight, here and there. Sadly…

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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I do hope this update will encourage more to cut camera on. Our overseer said our congregation had the most videos cut off in the circuit.

I attended 3 funeral services this month.....3 screens and some on the main screen of Zoom participants had their camera’s off. I personally felt that in that type situation, it was totally disrespectful to the occasion and the family! Just imho.

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The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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On 1/29/2022 at 9:12 PM, Miss Bea said:

I try to be onsite, Zoom-wise, as the brothers open the meeting. That’s Twenty minutes before the meeting. And, I generally hang around until we are all saying, “good bye”.

The camera business. I’ve felt like it was sort of rude to the speaker for some time. But, as there are good friends, sitting there, with the camera off…And nothing could be said. Well, it was today. 

I really hope we all pay attention. 
To me, it would be like the brothers talking to ones in the audience, some with paper bags on their heads. I know. But I think the brothers deserve the same attention we would give them at the hall. 
Now, to get started on what is worn to the meeting…I had to feel a good friend she’d better be trying on those meeting clothes. If she’s like me, um, there is a bit more weight, here and there. Sadly…

As the instructions to the the elders highlight, the camera is a personal decision. I don’t think bro Cook was telling people when to or in what circumstances you need to have your camera on. For example, myself, I have a very expressive face, and I don’t want to distract people during the meeting, or when I’m doing AV so I keep my camera off except when I comment or have a part, but I also come in before and stay after and at those times my camera remains on. As long as we are not isolating ourselves and spending time with our brothers and sisters after/before the meeting (preferably with the camera on 😊) it really is a personal matter whether we have the camera on during the meeting. 

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3 hours ago, Pereira said:

That's a bit harsh lol considering some brothers are camera shy.

I don’t think any of us like that camera. To me, it’s thinking more of the speaker, then ourselves. Do it enough, and it gets to be okay.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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17 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

I don’t think any of us like that camera. To me, it’s thinking more of the speaker, then ourselves. Do it enough, and it gets to be okay.

Agreed.  I'd hate to give a talk and not see the faces...  It's not about us, really - it's about our friends ❤️ 


And to be completely honest -- I'm afraid that if my face is not out there, I will be forgotten; that scares me to death. :( There are so many with cameras regularly off that I rarely think of anymore... because I don't see them.  I would be so sad; I hope they're not.  I do try to take note of a few names now and then and send them a text.  But it's not the same as seeing and talking to them.  I hope they're okay. 

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I’ve always shown my face during the meeting since we started Zoom. Doesn’t bother me at all. I could never understand the whole camera shy thing, but at the same time I know everyone is different so I try to be understanding.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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