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1 hour ago, Shawnster said:

Do you have the Gems or the Treasures?  The Gems is just Q&A with audience participation.  The Treasures is a talk.  

The Treasures part, thanks! I have a mess with all the names in English, Spanish and Romanian. :innocent::lol:


20 minutes ago, AH173 said:

Lastly made application on obedience and not imitating proud Pharaoh by really making serious effort to obediently serve Jehovah during this pandemic.

Thanks, Ashley! This is a really good application I hadn't thought about. :thumbsup:

Edited by carlos
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Wow, thanks bro.


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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I wonder whose name we could slip in todays scenario. Proud, “So and So”, allowed to carry on so as to make Jehovah’s name known throughout the earth. 
And our dear brothers and sisters, who are faithfully responding to such taunts by Satan. And, making Jehovah smile. 
Carlos, you will do wonderful. Yes, I’d like to be there to hear your talk. 💐

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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6 hours ago, carlos said:

What would you highlight in this week's picture?





Hi Carlos,

I like the “fake beard” detail you are thinking about mentioning in your talk.  

Here is an idea I had if I had this part, I might say something like this:


”In this picture, 2 people have their hand raised toward the other, what is the meaning behind the raised hand by the one on the throne?

Pharoah’s raised hand was a physical symptom of what was inside him, that he had a bad “heart condition”. Pharoah’s heart had become obstinate and hardened due to the cancer of pride. So Pharoah’s raised hand, indicating a refusal and rejection of Moses, Aaron, and Jehovah, was an outward symptom of what had already happened inside his heart.  


Also in the picture, what did Pharoah do with his eyes and ears, and what do these physical symptoms indicate?

Turning his eyes and ears away are more physical symptoms that represent a further confirmation that Pharoah’s heart had become severely diseased with pride. The inner man of Pharoah had become hardened, obstinate, not even willing to show respect to Jehovah’s representatives, no longer willing to look at them, no longer willing to even listen to anything they had to say. Pharoah’s diseased heart was likely thinking something like, 

I don’t have to show respect to these lowly messengers, I am a god! I don’t need to listen to them and keep an open mind, I am right! No one will question me, so I will not listen to anything they say, I reject them and their so called god Jehovah!”


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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I had this talk last night.

I focused on Jehovah's power (to complete his will/purpose, as well as to execute the plagues) and also his patience.

Then compared Pharaohs stubbornness, despite the overwhelming evidence that his 'team' were outclassed and far inferior.


Finished by stressing that we should be in awe of Jehovah's power, and consequently want to be obedient, not proud or stubborn; and also show patience wherever possible


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I had the same part last night. I thought there are similarities between proud pharaoh and leaders today. Particularly the King of the North. Jehovah could have prevented the opposition our brothers face, just like he could’ve wiped out Pharaoh and his armies. But that would not serve his purpose. Jehovah’s righteousness is bought to the fore by these proud leaders. 
What's happening in Russia is not going unnoticed by the world. Many Egyptians joined the Israelites because of seeing Jehovah’s might and no doubt there are positives in Jehovah allowing the opposition and persecution to carry on today. 
Hope your talk goes well Carlos. 👍

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Body of my talk is strongly connected to the theme: Proud Pharaoh Unwittingly Serves God’s Purpose (and scriptures cited)


But this is my conclusion, still working on it though. (work in progress :bible2:



What do we learn from this personally?

Do we listen when others make suggestions?

Do we appreciate it when someone counsels us?

Or do we feel that we are always right?

“Pride is before a crash.” (Pr 16:18 not read)

How important it is to guard against pride!

This important historical account touches our lives even more when we think about what ap.Paul wrote in relation to the times we are currently living in.  (description of the last days)

After stating that many would be lovers of themselves and of money, Paul wrote that people would also be boastful, haughty, and puffed up with pride, traits that often reflect a feeling of superiority because of one’s abilities, appearance, wealth, or rank

Jehovah certainly detests pride.

He hates “haughty eyes.”

Pride hinders approach to God.

It is a characteristic of the Devil. (1 Tim. 3:6 not read)

So how important it is to guard against pride! (did not fare well for the Pharaoh)

Looking back on it all, we cannot but marvel at the way Jehovah has magnified his own name by keeping Pharaoh in existence



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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6 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

Carlos, you will do wonderful. Yes, I’d like to be there to hear your talk. 💐

Thanks, Bea! I would be happy to invite you to our meeting... but it's in Romanian! :?:lol:


5 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

Here is an idea I had if I had this part, I might say something like this:

Thanks, Neil! I love your suggestion, I am adding it to my talk. :thumbsup:


It's true that you really know if someone is humble when you give them some advice. This happens often here in the forums. When the mods reach out to someone privately with some advice, most members are thankful and appreciate the correction, yet a few reply saying they're right and how do you dare.


The main idea in this talk is that Jehovah's will shall with all certainty be fulfilled, no matter what we do. We can obey and gladly collaborate with it, or we can disobey and contribute to it unwillingly as Pharaoh did. Option 1 is much healthier for us.


By the way, much success @New World Explorer !

Edited by carlos
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14 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

”In this picture, 2 people have their hand raised toward the other, what is the meaning behind the raised hand by the one on the throne?

Pharoah’s raised hand was a physical symptom of what was inside him, that he had a bad “heart condition”. Pharoah’s heart had become obstinate and hardened due to the cancer of pride. So Pharoah’s raised hand, indicating a refusal and rejection of Moses, Aaron, and Jehovah, was an outward symptom of what had already happened inside his heart.  


Also in the picture, what did Pharoah do with his eyes and ears, and what do these physical symptoms indicate?

Turning his eyes and ears away are more physical symptoms that represent a further confirmation that Pharoah’s heart had become severely diseased with pride. The inner man of Pharoah had become hardened, obstinate, not even willing to show respect to Jehovah’s representatives, no longer willing to look at them, no longer willing to even listen to anything they had to say. Pharoah’s diseased heart was likely thinking something like, 

I don’t have to show respect to these lowly messengers, I am a god! I don’t need to listen to them and keep an open mind, I am right! No one will question me, so I will not listen to anything they say, I reject them and their so called god Jehovah!”

That's all very nice, except that's it all speculation and we really have no idea what Pharaoh physically did with his hand....wouldn't it be a bit odd to emphasize these points that are not even based on reality?

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3 hours ago, M.J. said:

That's all very nice, except that's it all speculation and we really have no idea what Pharaoh physically did with his hand....wouldn't it be a bit odd to emphasize these points that are not even based on reality?

I don't view it that way.


The instructions for the meeting say that we must fully use the illustrations to highlight the main points. Obviously we don't know which gestures Pharaoh made. But that picture has been designed to express exactly the feelings we perceive when reading the Exodus narration. "I am a god, how do you dare to give me orders? Get out of here!"

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I don't view it that way.
The instructions for the meeting say that we must fully use the illustrations to highlight the main points. Obviously we don't know which gestures Pharaoh made. But that picture has been designed to express exactly the feelings we perceive when reading the Exodus narration. "I am a god, how do you dare to give me orders? Get out of here!"

Most of the actual photographs taken of pharaoh were lost over the years, so we are stuck guessing. Seriously, the FDS puts so much effort into these illustrations, I think we are expected to examine them closely. Again for understanding of concepts not confirmation of specific details.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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6 hours ago, carlos said:

I don't view it that way.


The instructions for the meeting say that we must fully use the illustrations to highlight the main points. Obviously we don't know which gestures Pharaoh made. But that picture has been designed to express exactly the feelings we perceive when reading the Exodus narration. "I am a god, how do you dare to give me orders? Get out of here!"

Pharoah is depicted as saying "talk to the hand because the face don't want to listen." 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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It was in reality a male grooming thing in Ancient Egypt just like today, today many men and women look to the world of social media to see what is the “latest” right now they look at sports stars, movie stars, singers anyone with a fad or status. In Ancient Egypt they had the same idea, their style icons were of gods and kings of their time. When a pharaoh died, they put a fake beard to worship Osiris in the hopes of a high place in the after-life.

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7 hours ago, Lewis said:

In Ancient Egypt they had the same idea, their style icons were of gods and kings of their time. When a pharaoh died, they put a fake beard to worship Osiris in the hopes of a high place in the after-life.

There was a woman who, due to some extraordinary circumstances, became a Pharaoh, something extremely unusual. Her name was Hatshepsut. The funny thing is that she is also represented with a fake beard. So it didn't really have to do with letting your beard grow, it was a symbol of divinity. Hatshepsut, being a queen, was a daughter of Osiris too, and a goddess herself.



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1 hour ago, Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz said:

Topical 69a80091b16ac9cb8671cf250b38718d.jpg

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png

Looking at you Phar...I mean, Orange County and southern states of the US! 


I wonder where did this picture originate. The same picture was just shared a couple of hours ago by a brother in the chat for our service group. And I think I am a few thousand miles away from @Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz 🤔

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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9 minutes ago, LoneWanderer said:

Looking at you Phar...I mean, Orange County and southern states of the US! 


I wonder where did this picture originate. The same picture was just shared a couple of hours ago by a brother in the chat for our service group. And I think I am a few thousand miles away from @Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz 🤔

We are never far a way, we are closer than BIG BROTHER (Do not look over your shoulder, we will contact you.)  :lol:

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Looking at you Phar...I mean, Orange County and southern states of the US!... I wonder where did this picture originate... I think I am a few thousand miles away from [mention=10068]Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz[/mention]

3° of Separation
(Yep, I'm downunder)

Old (Downunder) Tone

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33 minutes ago, LoneWanderer said:

Looking at you Phar...I mean, Orange County and southern states of the US! 


I wonder where did this picture originate. The same picture was just shared a couple of hours ago by a brother in the chat for our service group. And I think I am a few thousand miles away from @Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz 🤔

I received it this afternoon from Mexico 🤣

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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