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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Paris will remove all of its troops currently stationed in Iraq for the time being over concerns about the spread of Covid-19, the French military announced.

“France has taken the decision to repatriate until further notice its personnel deployed in operation Chammal in Iraq,” the Armed Forces Ministry said on Wednesday, adding that around 100 troops were in the country, and that air strikes against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) would continue.


Edited by My little flower
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8 minutes ago, My little flower said:

Breaking news

Paris will remove all of its troops currently stationed in Iraq for the time being over concerns about the spread of Covid-19, the French military announced.

“France has taken the decision to repatriate until further notice its personnel deployed in operation Chammal in Iraq,” the Armed Forces Ministry said on Wednesday, adding that around 100 troops were in the country, and that air strikes against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) would continue.


In adherence to Secretary General for UN to cease fire.

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2 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

Many countries are tanking their economies right now and accomplishing nothing. 
     Just about everyone will be exposed to this virus at some point . Probably about 80% will actually become infected.

       The vast majority of those infected will fully recover and become immune. 
        The measures being taken of isolating everyone for weeks and closing many many businesses will likely not prevent these inevitable infections. They will only slow and draw out the duration and destroy businesses and personal income for billions of people.

         Some governments are trying to ease the economic impact by funding families and businesses. But eventually this will bankrupt entire nations and the citizens will pay the price later. 
          ANOTHER solution. Since the vulnerable people ( over 60 with comorbidities typically) are a much smaller and typically None working subset of the population. Why not simply just quarantine that subset and provide full services and economic support to that target group? The businesses remain open . Specialized delivery and medical services tend to that quarantined group in their homes. Everyone else goes back to work and becomes immune over a much shorter time period. 
                     Think about it.

It’s not really about preventing everyone from getting it. It’s about preventing so many from getting it at the same time. The medical system does not have the resources for a real pandemic. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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5 minutes ago, BLEmom said:

It’s not really about preventing everyone from getting it. It’s about preventing so many from getting it at the same time. The medical system does not have the resources for a real pandemic. 

I’m in the medical profession and work on a COVID unit. So I know exactly what it’s about. But that isn’t the point. The vast majority of those we test positive are sent home to quarantine for two weeks ( they typically then recover and are immune). We only admit the truly sick ones with preexisting conditions (usually over 50 years old.). We wouldn’t have to admit these folks at all IF they had been quarantined already. 
    The point is that IF the vulnerable are scrupulously quarantined we will see a lot less of them without having to quarantine everyone else and trash the global economy and the personal economy of each individual. 

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10 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

The vast majority of those we test positive are sent home to quarantine for two weeks ( they typically then recover and are immune).

Are you aware that they are immune after they recover?  100%?

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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21 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

I’m in the medical profession and work on a COVID unit. So I know exactly what it’s about. But that isn’t the point. The vast majority of those we test positive are sent home to quarantine for two weeks ( they typically then recover and are immune). We only admit the truly sick ones with preexisting conditions (usually over 50 years old.). We wouldn’t have to admit these folks at all IF they had been quarantined already. 
    The point is that IF the vulnerable are scrupulously quarantined we will see a lot less of them without having to quarantine everyone else and trash the global economy and the personal economy of each individual. 

That doesn’t seem to be the latest data we are hearing. 

I think I understand what you are trying to say.  However, how long would you quarantine all over 60?  How many months would it take for it to achieve herd immunity?  Could they still get their groceries and meds and not chance contamination?  What if they have medical issues that need to be addressed?  Are we even sure if all under 60 were exposed within a short time that we would have resources to care for them?  You are talking millions of people.  And enough people under 60 have other underlying conditions it could still be bad. 

I have a hard time buying into the theory that shut down isn’t necessary after seeing news reports from hospitals around the world and physicians interviewed. 

And really what do we care if the economy is trashed?  That to me means we are that much closer to the end. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Good heavens this disease is moving fast in Michigan. I’m sure like everywhere. 🙁

Up to 2,295 confirmed, with 3 in the Upper Peninsula. 

43 people have now died. ☹️

Sorry if I’m making everyone miserable. 




Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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National Cathedral finds 5,000 masks that had been stashed away by its crypt for over 10 years


 "The masks were purchased back in 2006, when the bird flu known as H5N1 had the world on edge. They were meant to allow the cathedral's clergy to "provide pastoral care without putting their own health at risk," according to the cathedral.

But after the flu had dissipated without causing much damage in the US, the masks were put in storage and forgotten about."


Makes you wonder, what else do they have "stashed" down there?



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On 3/24/2020 at 11:09 AM, Bro Richard said:

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be hoarders of toilet paper, lovers of bleach, panic shopping, scared, disobedient to CDC, sneezing and having no face mask, having hand sanitizer and not open to any sharing, slatherers of soap without self-control, self quarantined without love of good hygiene, wrongful eaters and puffed up with indigestion, lovers of cable TV rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of social distancing but proving false to its power; and from these turn away for at least 6 feet. - 2 Timothyish 3:1-5

Covidicus 6:6 "Half a roll of toilet paper for a denarius and 1 roll of paper towels for a denarius; and do not harm the N95 masks or the Chlorox wipes."

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 "Stay at Home Order"

Does anyone have a governmental "Stay at Home Order" in their area?

When a "stay at home" order is issued, does anyone know what this means legally? 

Does "stay at home" mean literally people must stay home and not even go to work if they have non-essential jobs or businesses? Or does it just mean people can still go to work, grocery shopping, do necessary matters, but stay at home otherwise?  

And since it is an "order", does that mean that the police will enforce it?

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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4 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

I’m in the medical profession and work on a COVID unit. So I know exactly what it’s about. But that isn’t the point. The vast majority of those we test positive are sent home to quarantine for two weeks ( they typically then recover and are immune). We only admit the truly sick ones with preexisting conditions (usually over 50 years old.). We wouldn’t have to admit these folks at all IF they had been quarantined already. 
    The point is that IF the vulnerable are scrupulously quarantined we will see a lot less of them without having to quarantine everyone else and trash the global economy and the personal economy of each individual. 

Are you saying all the reports we've been hearing of people getting seriously sick, on ventilators, and dying, (including those under 60) is exaggerated?


I get your in the health field, but is your geographic location a true representation of what is happening globally?

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must stay home and not even go to work if they have non-essential jobs or businesses? Or does it just mean people can still go ..., grocery shopping, do necessary matters, but stay at home otherwise.


In Ontario We were put on lockdown - if not on the list you don't go to work. PM of Canada said Go Home, Stay Home

health minister said of those returning to Canada - Go Straight Home and stay for 2 weeks or you will be forced to and fined. No Exceptions.  people still not listening.


My youngest son is now out of work for 2 or 3 weeks++++++

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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2 minutes ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

 "Stay at Home Order"

Does anyone have a governmental "Stay at Home Order" in their area?  Yes

When a "stay at home" order is issued, does anyone know what this means legally? Varies from state to state

Does "stay at home" mean literally people must stay home and not even go to work if they have non-essential jobs or businesses? Or does it just mean people can still go to work, grocery shopping, do necessary matters, but stay at home otherwise?  Yes

And since it is an "order", does that mean that the police will enforce it?  Police if so directed. National Guard in dome circumstanes.

We are in a soft lockdown in Oregon. So far no law enforcement applied.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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3 minutes ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

 "Stay at Home Order"

Does anyone have a governmental "Stay at Home Order" in their area?

When a "stay at home" order is issued, does anyone know what this means legally? 

Does "stay at home" mean literally people must stay home and not even go to work if they have non-essential jobs or businesses? Or does it just mean people can still go to work, grocery shopping, do necessary matters, but stay at home otherwise?  

And since it is an "order", does that mean that the police will enforce it?

We're under a Stay At Home order here in Ohio. All non-essential businesses must close, and many essential businesses either have to have social distancing measures in place or perhaps obtain a license to operate. The list of essential businesses is fairly large though, from laundry mats, restaurants (dine-in is banned though), grocery stores, etc, even construction, which is what I do - so it isn't affecting me.


Families are encouraged to take their children and pets for walks, and to even explore the variety of state metro parks (but no playgrounds), as long as they are not doing so in groups.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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9 minutes ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

 "Stay at Home Order"

Does anyone have a governmental "Stay at Home Order" in their area?

When a "stay at home" order is issued, does anyone know what this means legally? 

Does "stay at home" mean literally people must stay home and not even go to work if they have non-essential jobs or businesses? Or does it just mean people can still go to work, grocery shopping, do necessary matters, but stay at home otherwise?  

And since it is an "order", does that mean that the police will enforce it?

Ours is just as Bob said in his post. 

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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Shelter-in-Place and Stay-at-Home Orders: What They Mean


So far, the stay at home orders that have been announced in various states all look pretty similar, requiring residents to stay indoors except for certain essential activities, which include buying food and seeking medical treatment. Officials have emphasized that the orders do not completely bar people from leaving their homes, and have encouraged residents to take walks — provided they stay at least six feet away from anyone not in their household — and go to grocery stores.



Take walks. Here in Ohio walking trails are open.   


People can go for a drive, ride a bike... 


The list of essential businesses is pretty broad.  I am working part time at OfficeMax and that is an essential business.  Hardware stores are open.  Grocery stores are open.  Restaurants are open for delivery or take out.  We are allowed to check in on family.  

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These are the guidelines for NY. We’re staying home almost exclusively. My husband has an “essential” job so he is still working. His employer advised him to have his work badge on him when traveling to and from work in case things get more stringent.



And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

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https://nypost.com/2020/03/25/police-in-india-use-force-on-coronavirus-lockdown-violators/   Warning - violence

Police in India use force on coronavirus lockdown violators


"Baton-wielding cops wearing surgical masks can be seen in the images and footage from Wednesday beating those breaking the rules."

"On Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of the potentially deadly virus — and declared that no one will be allowed to leave their homes."

“To save India, to save its every citizen, you, your family … every street, every neighborhood is being put under lockdown,” Modi said in a television address to the nation’s 1.3 billion people.

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9 hours ago, Allabord4Jah said:

I went to the market after being home 2 weeks.  I noticed people not wearing a gloves, or they were and I have no idea where those hand gloves they  wore touched.  Maybe a gas pump?  Or a bathroom?  So the safest thing I can do is wear my own gloves, that are put on when am in my car.  Buy what I need, be it red peppers, oranges, lemons, avocados, anything with a hard skin, take it home.  I take off shoes, and put soles in my bleach bucket.  Then wash my hands really good for like 20 seconds or more, fill my sink up and add 3 table spoons of bleach and warm water.  Let my hard fruit and veggie stay there for about 15 minutes, then for my oranges, and lemons, I drain the sink and rinse them off but after wards give them a good scrubbing.  The skins will not come off.  I feel much safer eating now.  My dishes, knives, forks what have you, in sink with bleach and water.  So far so good.  Now I know a lot of you can't do this due to allergic reactions to some of this stuff, but you can wash with soap and water.  If it cleans your hands, it will clean your lemons, oranges, peppers, (no bananas), no strawberries, no blue berries, sorry, I draw the line.  Unless their frozen.  And the package does not come from China, or South Asia, or South America, like Chile or Peru.  (the seas)  like shrimp or salmon (not farm grown)

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