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2022 Governing Body Update #2

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3 hours ago, Susan Cook said:

Re: your comment about beginning and end,, I didn’t sense that 

Could have just been my perception, him highlighting in the beginning that now is the time to keep on the watch continually and the urgency in which he said that, then at the end when he in a very emotional and enthusiastic tone spoke about keeping cautious and how we will NOT give up our neutrality, how Jehovah will not abandon us no matter what lay ahead, sounded like a battlefield speech to me. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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11 minutes ago, Anthony said:

Could have just been my perception,  sounded like a battlefield speech to me. 🤷🏾‍♂️

A battlefield speech would be immediately before and during a battle.   I wonder if the updates from GB will become more frequent as we stare-down the GT?   Perhaps twice a month?  The thought alone is comforting.

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23 minutes ago, Doug said:

A battlefield speech would be immediately before and during a battle.   I wonder if the updates from GB will become more frequent as we stare-down the GT?   Perhaps twice a month?  The thought alone is comforting.

I was thinking the same thing Doug. The GB really feels the updates have been a pivotal way to shepherd the brotherhood since the pandemic started, it’s clear they must be planning on using it for exactly what you mentioned. Likely as the GT unfolds we will receive announcements that way.

Edited by Anthony
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I was thinking the same thing Doug. The GB really feels the updates have been a pivotal way to shepherd the brotherhood since the pandemic started, it’s clear they must be planning on using it for exactly what you mentioned. Likely as the GT unfolds we will receive announcements that way.

These updates were designed to meet a specific need that arose during the pandemic, a need to get apolitical information to help us stay healthy, spiritually and physically.

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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30 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

These updates were designed to meet a specific need that arose during the pandemic, a need to get apolitical information to help us stay healthy, spiritually and physically.

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

Definetly, I think that monthly programs are like rich spirititual feast. But GB updates are like news program or a briefing. They are extremely fast, like in 3 days they are ready in dozens (hundreds?) languages.


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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8 minutes ago, Michał said:

Definetly, I think that monthly programs are like rich spirititual feast.   But GB updates are like a briefing. 

Yes, we want it all.   Perhaps, in view of the time, energy and planning that goes into the monthly broadcast, perhaps the broadcast will begin to reflect the format of the updates.   Keeping on the watch / Breaking news?    Or not  :uhhuh:.

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52 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

Oh yes!!! Always eager for the next one 🤗🤗🤗

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

These updates were designed to meet a specific need that arose during the pandemic, a need to get apolitical information to help us stay healthy, spiritually and physically.

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

Yes, the updates are like a local needs talk. As we get further into the end, these local needs may speed up. Wouldn’t that be exciting!  

No ambiguity and no one can claim “that’s the CO who wants that info, not the GB” like we’ve had here about some things to do with the pandemic. 


Also, if during the GT, the website is still up but people get separated, what a wonderful boost to see an update from the slave or its helpers. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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2 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

I finally got to watching the update, and I was wondering the same thing. At the beginning of the Governing Body Update series, all of those programs were pandemic-based. All of the information contained in them related to statistics or experiences from the pandemic. However, this update was different. Brother Sanderson did talk about the pandemic, and took some time to discuss the possibility of meeting together in person, including the memorial. This time, though, he spoke at length on other topics. He included the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, persecution, natural disasters, civil unrest, and neutrality. Is the content of the Governing Body Updates branching out into other topics that have not been largely touched on before? Time will tell. But if that is the case, then, yes, they could indeed continue to produce Governing Body Updates even after the pandemic.


That would be a good way to keep the brothers of the Governing Body before us, reminding us that they do deeply care about us.

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:

I finally got to watching the update, and I was wondering the same thing. At the beginning of the Governing Body Update series, all of those programs were pandemic-based. All of the information contained in them related to statistics or experiences from the pandemic. However, this update was different. Brother Sanderson did talk about the pandemic, and took some time to discuss the possibility of meeting together in person, including the memorial. This time, though, he spoke at length on other topics. He included the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, persecution, natural disasters, civil unrest, and neutrality. Is the content of the Governing Body Updates branching out into other topics that have not been largely touched on before? Time will tell. But if that is the case, then, yes, they could indeed continue to produce Governing Body Updates even after the pandemic.


That would be a good way to keep the brothers of the Governing Body before us, reminding us that they do deeply care about us.

I was thinking that we expected Pandemic updates but that was not what we got sometimes. Last year in August, Br. Losch used more than half of the 20 minutes to talk about unity and following the channel of the FDS.  His talk was based on the old video of the separation of the brothers in Romania after many confusing years under Communist rule.  He even showed a partial video clip.  So sometimes we got a "monthly broadcast" right in the middle of an update....🙂

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4 minutes ago, jwhess said:

Last year in August, Br. Losch used more than half of the 20 minutes to talk about unity


But even that was somewhat pandemic related since there seemed to be a lack of unity surrounding the COVID situation, masks, vaccinations and fake news. The situation discussed about Romania seemed to be more of an illustration/example than a history lesson.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I think GB updates are a great feature. Our publications are prepared with years in advance. Even the monthly broadcasts are prepared with several months in advance. A consequence of that is that it's difficult to address current events. For example, only after two years of pandemic did our publications start mentioning pandemic-specific information.


But GB updates are prepared just a few days in advance, so they can discuss the current situation and give specific advice. I hope we keep receiving them for as long as possible.

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I had been going through the series of talks from the GB Brothers.  I was so moved by Brother Losch's and Brother Herd's talks - they were very warm and informative. They both spoke with insight knowledge about what the congregations are going through and their concerns about COVID and the new war begun by Russia - the KOTN - and the likely involvement with the KOTS,  and how we must trust in Jehovah and Jesus for our salvation during these perilous times.  I haven't finished - I  stopped when Brother Morris began, but intend to go through all of them at least twice.

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9 hours ago, Thesauron said:

These updates were designed to meet a specific need that arose during the pandemic, a need to get apolitical information to help us stay healthy, spiritually and physically.

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

It wasn’t just about providing apolitical information, this was the way to shepherd the organization and the governing body has no intentions on discontinuing them. They are here to stay. 

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11 hours ago, Thesauron said:

These updates were designed to meet a specific need that arose during the pandemic, a need to get apolitical information to help us stay healthy, spiritually and physically.

Would you like them to continue to produce updates like these in the future, even after the pandemic?

And since then while pandemic is still with us, another crisis developed - war in Ukraine 

So to me it looks like very turbulent time indeed, and expect them to continue updates, and perhaps even during GT if that's possible.  


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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You might recall at the very outset of the pandemic these videos were termed “Coronavirus Updates.” A few months in, it changed to “Governing Body Updates.” This reflects the fact that these videos are not just solely related to the pandemic. Yet another reason to conclude they will be here indefinitely, whether the virus diminishes or not.

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4 hours ago, Chris7 said:

I received this encouraging message from a reliable source.....


(a brother in Ukraine, translated by a Ukrainian sister in Germany):
 Our brothers could pack a small suitcase or bag with the most important objects and flee to a safe place.  All those who have listened to the warnings of our organization have filled the tanks of their cars and stocked up on food.  Everyone was prepared for the situation.
 We have met, we have prayed a lot and we have encouraged each other.  All the responsible brothers from different cities in Ukraine have left their mundane work and have met via Zoom for many hours regarding the situation of the brothers in this region.  They have contacted every brother and sister in this area individually, how they are, if they need help - that has taken many hours.
 "At this time when worldly people do not know where to go and what to do, we were well organized. Brethren, you cannot imagine what God-protected organization we are in. What kind of protection we have. What wealth it is to know that Jehovah protect and organize.
 Before the military exercise and before the war started the brothers and sisters from the congregations reported that their worldly relatives from all over the world called and begged them to let them know, if in case their organization made the decision to leave everything and run away we want to run away with you.  "Just let us know, what we have to do."  The brother who related this smiled because that was incredible.  The worldly relatives added that they believed that we have guidance from God.  That made it so real for us.
 After the beginning of the Russian invasion, prison guards approached the imprisoned brothers asking if they could accompany them if the prison had to be evacuated.
 We are living in such an interesting time in which we see live how the prophecies come true.  It is happening before our eyes.  Many people come to us, address us, also because of the situation and circumstances and they want to know the truth and join our organization.  We started studying with various people.  When they realized that we have the truth they were looking for, they asked Bro. Konstantin how they could come to the meetings.  And they were thrilled to be able to attend the Zoom meetings.  They shared this information with others again and there were so many who attended the meeting that they barely knew how to handle those masses who wanted to get into the Zoom meeting.  They are attracted because we are calm, we have hope.  There were so many who wanted to study the Bible with him that he had to tell them that he had to organize it since he himself couldn't get to study with everyone at the same time, he just didn't have enough time.  Other brothers have the same "problems".  Those interested then suggested to Br. Konstantin to study in the middle of the night, at 2 am.  Or at 3 in the morning, "we will".  Brother Konstantin smiled and commented that we have never had a situation where people were willing to get up in the middle of the night to hear God's word and become members of God's organization.  "Imagine, experiencing people wanting to get up in the middle of the night to study the Bible."
 Everyone who is interested has a Bible, they are reading the Bible so quickly, during the lunch break, during the commute to and from work.
 "All the time we have been looking for these people, and only now are they coming to us. What is happening in front of our eyes is incredible."

thank you for this update.

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22 hours ago, carlos said:

For example, only after two years of pandemic did our publications start mentioning pandemic-specific information.

Does that mean that after the pandemic is over our publications are still going to be mentioning pandemic-specific information for another two years?

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But GB updates are prepared just a few days in advance, so they can discuss the current situation and give specific advice. I hope we keep receiving them for as long as possible.

Carlos, I love the communication straight from the “horse’s” mouth. It does show that they are very much concerned and love keeping the Congregations updated consistently. I, too, hope they continue!

Voni in NC

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The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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On 3/4/2022 at 8:10 PM, Anthony said:

It’s clear from Bro Sanderson’s tone, especially at the very beginning and the very end that they are expecting SOMETHING to happen. Let us pray and hope that something is the GT. But one thing is clear those concluding comments, like the annual meeting final parts, those 3 videos we received last month (GB update 1, Peace and Security, and about the GT), the watchtower that weekend (How Strong will your faith be) and the watchtower this weekend, have been a rousing call to action and a huge warning sign. I am PRAYING that we all get the sense of what the spirit is saying and brace for impact!!!! 

We need to be careful about overreacting. I say that because in the past, the same thing was said by many of our brothers. I was reading an article from a 1967 Watchtower the other day that almost echoes word for word brother Lett’s words about being in the final part of the last days, the last day of the last days.

In fact here’s the quote: “In fact, in this year 1967 we are actually living the the final part of that time! This can be compared to, not just the last day of a week, but, rather, the last part of that last day.” w67 4/1 pg. 197

I’m not saying we’re not there. Just saying that we should be careful not to overreact. We’ve been here before. 

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3 hours ago, LakerDad78 said:

quote: “In fact, in this year 1967 we are actually living the the final part of that time!

Well, if we were living in 1967 in the final part of the last days, therefore what he said that we are living in the last days of the last days makes even more sense. We are extremely close now, I mean we can smell Paradise. My worry is not “overreacting to it” but to make sure that I am ready for GT, and coming out faithfully from the greatest tribulation ever, and If I have to wait bit longer for GT to come, may Jehovah supply me with endurance.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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