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2021 Governing Body Update #8

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Hmm, let's see... there's a discussion on JWTalk about Governing Body Update #8. Do you think I should watch it first before joining the discussion?




Ironically, literally nothing has been spoiled yet.


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31 minutes ago, Susan Cook said:

Well, it’s not even in the “ What’s new “ yet.. why not wait until the evening to start dropping breadcrumbs


Nothing wrong with a welcome surprise..

Sr. Susan, I got your point.  I just don't agree with.  Please allow me my own opinion, and I will try to understand why you need to be "surprised" with good news.,  Thank you...💗

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9 minutes ago, Susan Cook said:

Does 1 Cor 10:24 leave us in a stand off?


Who wins the tie breaker? 😂

As it's a discussion forum, the tie breaker will always go to discussing, eh. 


As noted above, anyone can read the thread title and know if they've seen what is in the title on the JW.org site or app or not. From there, you can choose to dive into the thread or not. If you choose to dive in, it would be hypocritical then to post negative comments about those who also chose to dive in.


Also, as a reminder to all - the forum policy states:


2) Handling Disagreement: It can be very productive to discuss areas of disagreement, as long as this is done in a "spirit of mildness," avoiding mockery or belittlement. (Galatians 6:1) Keep in mind that this is a forum for discussion, and not a place for heated debate. Express yourself with love, and do not "pour fuel on the fire", as it were. While expressing disagreement, your goal should be to keep the conversation calm and cool, so "before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave.” (Proverbs 17:14) If you are seriously concerned about someone's motives in posting, please contact a moderator or administrator privately, and do not assault another user publicly within the topic.

This is not to say anyone has been assaulted. It is merely a notice on how to handle disagreements - and numerous postings about how you disagree with someone is not one of those methods.


Have a great day.  :wave:




Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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12 minutes ago, Dismal_Bliss said:

Hmm, let's see... there's a discussion on JWTalk about Governing Body Update #8. Do you think I should watch it first before joining the discussion?




Ironically, literally nothing has been spoiled yet.

My father in law is the same way 


There's a release 

"Don't spoil it for me" 

I didn't tell you what it was about 

"Doesn't matter. You still said too much" 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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11 minutes ago, jwhess said:

We can no longer do secret puns about the Year text... sad :D 


Edited by Dages
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Thank you Jehovah for this update! 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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1 hour ago, Shawnster said:

My father in law is the same way 


There's a release 

"Don't spoil it for me" 

I didn't tell you what it was about 

"Doesn't matter. You still said too much" 

So does my sister!!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Anyway, after watching this video I came to some conclusions:

  • vaccination is great until you doctor says it isn’t 
  • we’ll discuss as a family how much more we can donate to worldwide work - there are so many brothers and sister who need help
  • pandemic will be over (ish) but even worse things will happen before GT starts: let’s use this time to sanctify Jehovahs name as much as possible


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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I pretty much got the same as Bro. Michal. 


4 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

something this big must lead directly to the GT... however, it's just a speed bump on the road we are on. There are bigger speed bumps and deeper potholes dead ahead.


If we feel this pandemic is the biggest test we will face before the GT, how will we be prepared for the next one? Jeremiah 12:5.

This was a sobering thought.  I think people have a hard time with it because they are so exhausted from being battered by this system of things that it's downright painful to think about it dragging on with worse things to come. I can think about this for a minute, but can't dwell on it too much. For me it's way too depressing. 


As far as surprises go, this thread is great. This is how I knew to look for the new video. 


There is another thread about a specific type of abuse that I don't want to see because I'm too sensitive. My solution to enjoying the forum without being exposed to anything I don't want to see is simple: I don't open the thread. I'm sure that would work well with most other topics. 

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8 hours ago, Tony said:

The 2022 year text is announced at this update. 


8 hours ago, Susan Cook said:

In future, please let people stumble upon the surprise themselves. Some of us here haven’t had a chance to watch this yet.

The explanation for this video on JW.org says:


A Governing Body member provides updates about recent natural disasters and announces the yeartext for 2022.

So it doesn't seem any surprise was spoiled. Before even watching it, it was clear that it contains the yeartext.

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51 minutes ago, carlos said:


The explanation for this video on JW.org says:

So it doesn't seem any surprise was spoiled. Before even watching it, it was clear that it contains the yeartext.

The video was not released publicly ( as in, the What’s New section , or to the JW library app ) prior to the year text being mentioned in this thread. This is why I simply suggested just let it reach the ‘What’s New’ section prior to dropping the proverbial bread crumbs.



Edited by Susan Cook
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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm glad this was mentioned again.


Some apparently feel this pandemic is the last stepping stone to the GT because surely something this big must lead directly to the GT... however, it's just a speed bump on the road we are on. There are bigger speed bumps and deeper potholes dead ahead.


If we feel this pandemic is the biggest test we will face before the GT, how will we be prepared for the next one? Jeremiah 12:5.

Well put. 


1 hour ago, Sofia said:

quoting broter lett: !Dear friends, the coronavirus is not the worst trial to strike out at all mankind, and it won’t be the last.

       We can expect things to deteriorate even further as these last days march on to their end.

       Economic hardship and other trials will come and go.

But like the psalmist, we can agree that the 2022 yeartext will prove true! Spiritually speaking, as Psalm 34:10 states: “Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good.”


I specially liked the introduction:"Dear brothers, sisters, faithful children, and interested ones (...) "    Since I show these to my students, It warms their hearts ❤️

Yes, I especially liked the “interested ones” comment as well ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, Saffron said:

I pretty much got the same as Bro. Michal. 


This was a sobering thought.  I think people have a hard time with it because they are so exhausted from being battered by this system of things that it's downright painful to think about it dragging on with worse things to come. I can think about this for a minute, but can't dwell on it too much. For me it's way too depressing. 


As far as surprises go, this thread is great. This is how I knew to look for the new video. 


There is another thread about a specific type of abuse that I don't want to see because I'm too sensitive. My solution to enjoying the forum without being exposed to anything I don't want to see is simple: I don't open the thread. I'm sure that would work well with most other topics. 

You can provide a link directing  or alerting people to the new update and link without dropping hints…

I was expecting the new yeartext at the annual meeting or January study edition of WT.. so this was a little new and a nice ‘surprise’ if you will 😜

Edited by Susan Cook
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4 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm glad this was mentioned again.


Some apparently feel this pandemic is the last stepping stone to the GT because surely something this big must lead directly to the GT... however, it's just a speed bump on the road we are on. There are bigger speed bumps and deeper potholes dead ahead.


If we feel this pandemic is the biggest test we will face before the GT, how will we be prepared for the next one? Jeremiah 12:5.

The scripture that keeps coming to my mind is Matt 24: 21,22



...for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

The idea of 'planet killing' problems was impossible in Bible Times (Except the Flood, which doesn't count because man didn't do that). The idea of extinction level events were entirely the product of the last seventy years or so.


It is going to be worse than anything that's ever happened before. But the point we have to remind ourselves of is that the GT and the Last Days have one important difference: The Last Days affect us as much as anyone else. The GT isn't for us at all.

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8 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

The scripture that keeps coming to my mind is Matt 24: 21,22


The idea of 'planet killing' problems was impossible in Bible Times (Except the Flood, which doesn't count because man didn't do that). The idea of extinction level events were entirely the product of the last seventy years or so.


It is going to be worse than anything that's ever happened before. But the point we have to remind ourselves of is that the GT and the Last Days have one important difference: The Last Days affect us as much as anyone else. The GT isn't for us at all.

The Last Days don’t really affect us the same as everybody else though… we have our relationship with Jehovah and the accompanying support in so many areas, including an awareness of where we are in the stream of time and a sure hope for the future. These are certainly game changers.

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31 minutes ago, Susan Cook said:

The Last Days don’t really affect us the same as everybody else though… we have our relationship with Jehovah and the accompanying support in so many areas, including an awareness of where we are in the stream of time and a sure hope for the future. These are certainly game changers.

It’s true that we have a relationship with Jehovah, support, awareness of where we are in the stream of time and a hope for the future. This “cushions” the impact of living in the last days. It definitely helps but we’re certainly affected by it. Some of Jehovah’s people have been affected by abusive people who lack natural affection, earthquakes and other natural disasters, violence, food shortages, fierce people, pestilences like COVID-19 with over 17,000 losing their lives, war and persecution. All features of the last days. These last days are critical times hard to deal with for both the world and Jehovah’s people. We’re just able to endure better and maintain joy.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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19 minutes ago, *Jack* said:

It’s true that we have a relationship with Jehovah, support, awareness of where we are in the stream of time and a hope for the future. This “cushions” the impact of living in the last days. It definitely helps but we’re certainly affected by it. Some of Jehovah’s people have been affected by abusive people who lack natural affection, earthquakes and other natural disasters, violence, food shortages, fierce people, pestilences like COVID-19 with over 17,000 losing their lives, war and persecution. All features of the last days. These last days are critical times hard to deal with for both the world and Jehovah’s people. We’re just able to endure better and maintain joy.


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1 hour ago, Thomas Walker said:

The GT isn't for us at all.

"Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days! Keep praying that your flight may not occur in wintertime nor on the Sabbath dayfor then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." - Matt. 24:19-22

Edited by M.J.
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24 minutes ago, M.J. said:

"Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days! Keep praying that your flight may not occur in wintertime nor on the Sabbath dayfor then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." - Matt. 24:19-22

Faithful Christians have to enter and exit the GT being faithful ( per Bro. Cook’s talk at the last AM )


The GT will be a trying time as well for Christians… ( not worth dwelling on, but it’s reasonable to assume some may not make it through for one reason or another )

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